

When China was hungry for their first world title to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China table tennis player Rong Guotuan made their dream come true.

Rong became New China’s first world champion after he won the men’s singles title at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships, in former West Germany on April 5, 1959.

Before the championships, the team had pinned their gold hopes on the men’s team. But their dream of a world team title was destroyed by the Hungarian team in the semifinal match, losing three games to five.

After a chain of unexpected defeats to Chinese favoured for the title, Rong carried the heavy hopes to make a breakthrough.

Rong’s rival in the final was top Hungarian paddler Ferenc Sido.

Rong was seen as an underdog for the title as he had just lost to Sido in the team contest. Even the victory flowers were being prepared for Sido.

But much to the surprise of the 8000-member audience, Rong won three straight sets with a big margin 21-12, 21-15, and 21-14 after losing the first set 19-21. Until that very moment, Rong realized the promise he made one year ago, that was to win a world championship for his motherland.

Two years later at the 26th championship for his motherland.

Two years later at the 26th championships in Beijing, Rong led the Chinese men to win the team title.

After becoming the coach(教练) of the Chinese women’s team, Rong led the team to the winners’ podium at the 28th championships in 1965.





















Zhu Geliang, a character he is known to every family, the incarnation of wisdom and praised. He was in Liu Beixing Fu of Han Dynasty industry “the essence of his bow,” devoted all his life. But is it really worthwhile for him to do this?

Liu Chan, the son of Liu Bei, in succession after the death of Liu Bei become emperor of Shu, the military affairs appointed to Zhu Geliang, he did not what performance is a cowardly and incompetent monarch, Liu Bei knows he is not fit to be king, so in his deathbed, he entrusted to Zhu Geliang, let Zhu Geliang to help him complete the Renaissance Han industry, when necessary, can also be replaced. But Liu Chan’s incompetent. In the early stage of his reign, he mainly relied on Zhu Geliang to govern the state affairs. Thanks to Liu Chan, the number of attacks in the opportunity he was ruined, the precarious position of shu. In fact, if Zhu Geliang replaced Liu Chan at the critical moment, he would not blame him. But because he is a foolish loyal to Liu Chan, and even know Liu Chan’s fatuous incompetence, also refused to betray Liu Zen, this is subserviency.

It is because of Zhu Geliang’s loyalty and Liu Chan’s incompetence, Shu eventually went extinct. If Zhu Geliang was a prince, I think that the fate of Shu may not be such. So Zhu Geliang’s insistence is not worth copying and learning, and his efforts are of no value.






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19. 《爱德华·萨丕尔——语言学家、人类学家、人文主义者》



《人物传记作文》 人物传记作文(一): 名人传记 寒假期间,我读了世界名人传记陈…

鲁迅人物传记作文 400 字(精选 11 篇)鲁迅人物传记作文 400 字(精选…




新年,即公历的1月1日,通常被称为&ldquo新年。 以下是为大家整理的关于幼儿园2022年元旦节放假通知的文章3篇 ,欢迎品鉴!幼儿园2022年元旦节放假通知

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党员,即政党成员,是指同意党的纲领和政策,遵守党章,自愿入党的党员。 以下是为大家整理的关于幼儿园教研活动反思的文章13篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第1篇: 幼儿园教研活动

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组织生活会:是党支部或党组交流思想、总结交流经验、开展批评和自我批评的组织活动制度。 以下是为大家整理的关于学党史强信念跟党走专题组织生活会学习收获的文章3篇
























































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Mention Lu Xun, everyone may think he is a famous writer and thinker in our country…… Or, think of him those classic works: “chaohuaxishi”, “from the Baicao garden to Sanwei” the scream “and” wandering “, as Lu Xun, those glorious image has been ingrained in our hearts, we are left with a distant feeling, with the continual exposure of Lu Xun’s works and life, image Lu Xun has another different impression, close to the real in appear in my eyes.

Lu Xun in my eyes is a passionate patriot. Lu Xun saw the young Chinese national physique is weak, so decided to go to Japan to study the doctor, want to make the national physique strong, but returned to graduate, to realize their ideals, did not expect to find the lack is not physical but mental; so he gave up their school career, starting with literary creation. To change the national spirit, those who want to change the national numbness, ruthless. Later, he led the new culture movement, that is, to make the spirit of the nation fully liberated, not to be locked in by the feudal forces. In my eyes, in order to make the country strong, national, at times to change their career, to give for my country, the drawbacks of the country, try to change and eliminate everything for the country, this is a true patriot; someone once asked Lu Xun: “you say China there are so many shortcomings, your next life will be born in Chinese?” And his answer is still so sure.

In my eyes, Lu Xun is a literary writer who cares for the lower class. In Lu Xun’s works, the records of the small and medium people in the low society accounted for the majority, Kong Yi, Xiang Linsao…… And these small stories, made a deep impression in our hearts, in these little final tragic fate, Mr. Lu Xun expressed a low level of public sympathy, also reflected the Chinese social darkness, let us sigh in the tragic fate of the characters at the same time, but also have some experience the value and truth, Mr. Lu Xun wrote these little characters, the authenticity of the story put aside, perhaps it never happened, but in fact some similar China a piece of land happened, the little guy is the epitome of the mass Chinese low layer and set a large number of people, stories into a structure a vivid characters tragic fate, also express infinite hatred of the dark society.

In my eyes, Lu Xun is still a good father. In the memory of his son Zhou Haiying, sometimes he refused to go to school, Lu Xun first pretended to take the newspaper to play, and then understand the situation, and then ask the teacher for leave. When Mr. Lu Xun was seriously ill, Hai Ying said to him every night, “the Ming Dynasty.”!” Mr Lu Xun, still struggling to respond loudly, showed his love for his son.

Lu Xun, a patriot, a zealous writer and a good father, devoted his whole life to the motherland and dedicated his ideals and career. His works have influenced generations of Chinese, and the value he created is eternal and always the national spirit in the Chinese mind”.


In the winter of 1953, a powerful jump from a Chinese woman attracted world attention.

Twenty-year-old Chinese athlete Zheng Fengrong shattered the women’s high jump world record with a leap of metres in a Beijing athletic meet on November 17, 1957.

The new record, the first women’s world record for the People’s Republic of China, was one centimetre higher than the old mark held by American Mildred McDaniel .

The jump also made Zheng the first Asian athlete to break a world track and field record since 1936.

The record jump, although by a tiny margin, was described by the foreign media as “an explosive jump” because it generated China’s first athletic world record.

Dubbed ” a spring swallow awakening Chinese sports, ” Zheng sent a message to the world that China was Nolonger the “sick man of the East. “

Born in the spring city of Jinan, Shandong Province, Zheng, who stands at metres, has a good physique and a skillful scissor—-sharp jump which was seldom seen among top jumpers in the world.

She once leapt metres, a national record in 1963.

She claimed a well-merited place in sporting history when her achievement was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records .

Due to her contribution to athletics, Zheng was awarded a series of honours. She was named among the nation’s greatest athletes in 1984.


















人物传记作文 800 字我们很多的时候都会写人物传记作文,但人物传记作文怎么写 呢?下面是由给大家分享的 2 篇人物传记作文 800 字,希望大家喜欢!以往人们提起曹操,我就会联想起戏台上那一位“挟天子以令 诸侯”的白脸奸臣,在这里,……

人物传记的 600 字作文导读: 人物传记作文 800 字(一) 某年,无意在电…

人物传记作文 300 字范文五篇导读:本文 人物传记作文 300 字范文五篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很 不错,欢迎点评和分享。人物传记作文 300 字(一) 袁浩哲是我的同学,也是我的好朋友。 他长得 …


写身边的人物传记作文_初二作文_初中作文_初中教育_教育专区。写身边的人物传记作文 【篇一:今朝小传】 顾博文 我的学校,没有清华园的隽永,也逊色于北京大学的宏伟,仅是 水泥石梁,却透着坚毅朴素。校内有一镇校的雕塑,朝气蓬勃。一……


Zhu Geliang is one of the characters in the ancient Chinese novels, and is also the one I admire most. I like his wit, bravery, and his calmness and calmness.

Zhu Geliang is very smart and he may be widely read because of it. When Liu Bei just bring him back, he built the first power, burned Cao stigmata, several months did not dare to come out. In the fire of Chibi, he arranged so carefully that Cao Cao had tasted the taste of the fire and tasted the taste of the sword and arrow. He was very brave, he went to Zhou Yu’s camp, not afraid of Zhou Yu’s plot, one for the country. Once, he in the west when Sima Yi sent to the army, he is calm, also called the ministers don’t panic, skillfully execute kongchengji, finally change danger into safety. Do you say, people like Zhu Geliang, can’t be admired?

Zhu Geliang is very patriotic. After Liu Bei’s death, Liu Chan succeeded, and Zhu Geliang, in order to unify the country, called Liu Chan to attack Cao Pi several times, ended in failure. Finally, he died in five feet. Because Liu Chan knew only to eat, drink and play every day, he gave his hands to others. Zhu Geliang ah, if you are still in this world, how good it is, don’t you know, your story has been spread through the ages, people remember your image: wearing a hat, holding a feather fan, dressed in a white dress. You have taught Ma Liang as a student, and he is also a bachelor. Your Lord Liu Bei I also admire him, by virtue of life, righteousness to life, but also to the foundation Tahan several hundred years of the uprising!

Mr. Kongming, please allow me to call you “Mr.” in front of you. You are so knowledgeable, you are so educated, who does not want to learn you? Mr. Kongming, I will never forget you, and you will not be lost in the time of history.


Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky on February 12, he was a small boy,his family moved to the frontier of mother tanght him to read and had very little formal education,but he became one of the best-educated men of the Great West.

When Lincoln was a young man his family moved to the new state of had to earn a living at an early age,but in his leisure time he studied soon became one of the best-known lawyers in the state capital at Springfield, was here that Lincoln became famous for his debates① with Stephen on the subject of slavery.

In 1860,Lincoln was elected President of the United was the candidate of the new Republican party opposed②the creation③ of new slave after his election,some of the Southern states withdrew④ from the Union and set up the Confederate States of action brought on the terrible Civil War which lasted from 1861 to 1865.

On January 1,1863,during the war,Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation this document,Lincoln proclaimed⑤ that all the slaves in the seceding states were to be free from that 1865,after the war ended,the Thirteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution of the United amendment put an end to slavery everywhere in the United States.

Early in 1865,the Civil War came to an end with the defeat of the South by the a few days after the end of the War,Lincoln was shot by an actor named John Wilkes President died on April 14, his death,the world lost one of the greatest men of all time.








William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an American civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, historian, author, and editor. Historian David Levering Lewis wrote, “In the course of his long, turbulent career, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted virtually every possible solution to the problem of twentieth-century racism— scholarship, propaganda, integration, national self-determination, human rights, cultural and economic separatism, politics, international communism, expatriation, third world solidarity.”

The first African-American graduate of Harvard University, where he earned in History, Du Bois later became a professor of history and economics at Atlanta University. He became the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1910, becoming founder and editor of the NAACP’s journal The Crisis. Du Bois rose to national attention in his opposition of Booker T. Washington’s ideas of social integration between whites and blacks, campaigning instead for increased political representation for blacks in order to guarantee civil rights, and the formation of a Black elite that would work for the progress of the African American race.


Du Bois wrote many books, including three major autobiographies. Among his most significant works are The Philadelphia Negro (1899), The Souls of Black Folk (1903), John Brown (1909), Black Reconstruction (1935), and Black Folk, Then and Now (1939). His book The Negro (1915) influenced the work of several pioneer Africanist scholars, such as Drusilla Dunjee Houston[8] and William Leo Hansberry.

In the New York Times review of The Souls of Black Folk, the anonymous book reviewer wrote, “For it is the Jim Crow car, and the fact that he may not smoke a cigar and drink a cup of tea with the white man in the South, that most galls William E. Burghardt Du Bois of the Atlanta College for Negroes.”

[I]t is the thought of a negro of Northern education who has lived long among his brethren of the South yet who can not fully feel the meaning of some things which these brethren know by instinct — and which the Southern-bred white knows by a similar instinct: certain things which are by both accepted as facts — not theories — fundamental attitudes of race to race which are the product of conditions extending over centuries, as are the somewhat parallel attitudes of the gentry to the peasantry in other countries.

While prominent white scholars denied African-American cultural, political and social relevance to American history and civic life, in his epic work Black Reconstruction, Du Bois documented how black people were central figures in the American Civil War and Reconstruction, and also showed how they made alliances with white politicians. He provided evidence to disprove the Dunning School theories of Reconstruction, showing the coalition governments established public education in the South, as well as many needed social service programs. He demonstrated the ways in which Black emancipation — the crux of Reconstruction — promoted a radical restructuring of United States society, as well as how and why the country failed to continue support for civil rights for blacks in the aftermath of theme was taken up later and expanded by Eric Foner and Leon F. Litwack, the two leading late twentieth century scholars of the Reconstruction era.

In 1940, at Atlanta University, Du Bois founded Phylon magazine. In 1946, he wrote The World and Africa: An Inquiry into the Part That Africa Has Played in World History. In 1945, he helped organize the historic Fifth Pan-African Conference in Manchester, Great Britain. In total, Du Bois wrote 22 books, including five novels. He helped establish four academic journals.


Du Bois began writing about the sociology of crime in 1897, shortly after receiving his . from Harvard (Zuckerman, 2004, p. 2). His first work involving crime, A Program of Social Reform, was shortly followed by a second, The Study of the Negro Problems (Du Bois, 1897; Du Bois, 1898). The first work that involved in-depth criminological study and theorizing was The Philadelphia Negro, in which a large section of the sociological study was devoted to analysis of the black criminal population in Philadelphia (Du Bois, 1899).

Du Bois (1899) set forth three significant parts to his criminology theory. The first was that Negro crime was caused by the strain of the “social revolution” experienced by black Americans as they began to adapt to their new-found freedom and position in the nation. This theory was similar to Durkheim’s (1893) Anomie theory, but it applied specifically to the newly freed Negro. Du Bois (1900a, p. 3) credited Emancipation with causing the boom in crime in the black population. He explained, “[T]he appearance of crime among the southern Negroes is a symptom of wrong social conditions





