
模联发言稿英文范文 第1篇

1.锻炼个人能力 例如外交谈判能力,分析能力,演说能力以及抗挫折能力2.开阔视野 在模联中,你会认识全国各地最优秀的高中生乃至来自哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿,斯坦福等世界名校的学生并和他们一起解决问题。在精英中你也会变得杰出。3.对英文能力的极大提高 模联大多数委员会使用英文,给你一个高度来向native speaker学习4.对国外大学的申请 如果你想要在国外读本科,参加模联意味着你有机会进入国外顶尖大学。潘基文,_在学生时代都参加模联。除此以外,模联中绝对不乏收到哈佛,耶鲁等顶尖名校Offer的学生。可以说,模联聚集了中国乃至世界最优秀的学生,这些学生,是未来社会各界的精英。5.是进入中国名校的机会6.获得各类信息

模联发言稿英文范文 第2篇

How do you learn English well?

How to learn English well? Well, this is a question that puzzles almost every one. This seems a question that will never have a good answer.

However, nowadays, we do have more and more people who have learned English well. How did they make it?

First of all, they all have a strong will to learn English well. As a proverb goes, nothing is difficult if you put your mind to it. If you don’t have a strong desire to learn English well, you can never make it.

Secondly, they spent a lot of time on it. No one can expect to learn English well in one day. It takes many, many days; it takes many, many years!

Thirdly, they all have a good start. By “good start” I mean they know the importance of some basic things, like pronunciation, reading aloud etc. They pronounce every sound clearly and correctly. They do a lot of reading aloud.

Well, if we can learn from them, this means if we can do like they did, every one of us can learn English well.

Please keep in mind, Practice makes perfect! Each day, spend some time on reading aloud. Find something interesting to read about. And learn to speak English to yourself, to write to yourself. This is a good way to practice speaking and writing skills.

Yes, I know some other ways to learn English well. Do you like movies? I mean, do you like seeing English movies or movies in English? If you do, then you are on the right way to be a good English learner.

模联发言稿英文范文 第3篇

政治因素。 它支付联合国百分之二十二的经费,也是_常任理事国,对议案有否决权。


美元是世界上最有影响力的储备货币和可兑换货币。美国拥有世上最多核武军备;美国拥有世上最先进的军事科技与军备,并在世界多国设有常驻军,随时可以到任何地方执行任务。 根据联合国的数据,它拥有颇高的人类发展指数。