
推销一款产品范文英文 第1篇

Email fm: x x x to: x x x date: x x x subject: looking for an agent Dear Mr. Adams: yo name is fm a mutual fend, Ying soo fm Korea Mr. Yong, he thinks you may be interested in o pduct line, .

bed sheets and pillowcases. Although we export a large number of pducts to Eupe and North Ameca, we have not yet established sales channels in the Asia Pacific region. We are crently looking for an agency.

The attachment is for yo reference. If you are willing to discuss opportunities for cooperation and mutual benefit, please feel free to contact me. Suning is actively looking for an agent In order to us pmote o large number of pducts, we would appreciate it if you could us contact some suitable companies.

I am pleased to inform you that we have selected one of the than ten candidate companies as o sole agent in China. We are looking for / looking for / searching for the distbution channel becse the agent feels / tends to get in touch with all the necessary elements of the agent.


电子邮件发件人:X X X收件人:X X X期:X X X主题:寻找商亲爱亚当斯先生:您名字来自一位共同朋友,来自韩国Ying Soo Yong先生,他认为您可能对我们产品系列感兴趣,即床单和枕套,尽管我们大量出口到欧洲和北美,我们尚未在亚太地区建立渠道,我们目前正在寻找机构,附件供您参考,如果您愿意讨论合作和互利机会,请随时联系我,苏宁★我们正在积极寻找商为了帮助我们推销我们大量产品,如果您能帮助我们联系到一些合适公司,我们将不胜感激。我很高兴地您,我们已经从十几个候选公司中挑选出一个作为我们在独家☆建立分销渠道寻找/寻找/搜索因为商觉得/倾向于接触到商所有必要成分。


推销一款产品范文英文 第2篇

The pce of o pducts / s is first determined by XXX (competition, cost, supplier, manufacter, package deal can use XXX’s bulk pchase. Most of the sales will be thugh direct sales. The sales staff (company) is expected to employ sales representatives (coveng other regions, retailers, distbutors, s) outside the quota of XXX (coveng other regions, retailers, distbutors, s).

By operating specific pducts / s in these distbution channels, we beli that we can maintain contl, we can achi gwth at a reasonable rate and achi excellent sales performance. Another value-added is the warehousing for customers’ inventory, which enables us to book larger orders and pvide faster order response.




推销一款产品范文英文 第3篇

If you also want to work for other companies, you must oain o permission before you can become o sole agent. You are not allowed to sell similar pducts fm other manufacters without o por appval as an agent. You should not sell similar pducts fm other manufacters.

We must make it clear that this is o exclusive distbutor. Ding the validity peod of the agency agreement, you are not allowed to deal with the same or similar pducts fm other regions, nor re export o pducts to any other regions except you. You are not allowed to deal in any other forei pducts of the same kind and competitive type.


