
个人简历英文模板范文 第1篇



Sex: Male

National: Han

Date of birth: January 1990

Marital status: unmarried

Height: 168cm

Weight: 55kg

Residence: Taiyuan, Shanxi

Is the location: Yingze District, Taiyuan, Shanxi

Graduate school: Teachers College of Shanxi University

Education: Undergraduate

Professional Name: Teachers in Primary Education

Year of Graduation:

Work experience: three months (internship)Job intentions

The nature of jobs: fulltime

Post Category: Teacher primary school teachers

Job Title: primary and secondary school teachers;

Work areas: taiyuan; Jinzhong City; Yangquan City

Treatment requirements: 3000 Yuan / month may be negotiable; do not need to provide housing

Educational Background:

Time school qualifications

September July 2011 Teachers College of Shanxi University undergraduate

Work experience

Company: Park Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi Bilingual Experimental Primary School

Time frame: 2011 9 months

Company nature: institutions

In their respective professions: education, training, scientific research


My greatest strengths aggressive, downtoearth did not forget! My biggest capital young, has a strong plastic! However, the city, about to graduate, the lack of work is my lack of experience, but I have the enthusiasm and professionalism.

个人简历英文模板范文 第2篇




性 别: 女

民 族: 汉族 年 龄: 保密

婚姻状况: 已婚 专业名称: 实用英语

主修专业: 外语类 政治面貌: 群众

毕业院校: 浙江科技学院 毕业时间: 2 月

最高学历: 本科 电脑水平: 精通

工作经验: 五年以上 身 高: 153 cm 体重:0公斤

现所在地: 新罗区 户 籍: 新罗区


期望从事职业: 助理。微商 保险公司勿扰,谢谢!自 期望薪水: -3000

期望工作地区: 新罗区 期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 三天内 需提供住房: 不需要



学校名称: 浙江科技学院 ( 2月 – 202月 )

专业名称: 英语 学历: 本科

学校名称: 龙岩学院 ( 9月 – 7月 )

专业名称: 实用英语 学历: 大专



公司名称: 家和天下客服中心 ( 8月 – 12月 )

所属行业: 其他 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 50~200人 工作地点:

职位名称: 办公内勤/管理员

工作描述: 1.维护日常办公秩序和办公环境,维护公司固定资产及业主信息资料档案和各类工程图纸档案等;



公司名称: 浙江巴贝纺织有限公司 ( 11月 – 12月 )

所属行业: 印刷·包装·造纸 公司性质: 中外合营(合资.合作)

公司规模: 500~1000人 工作地点: 浙江

职位名称: 跟单员,业务助理

工作描述: 主要客户是美国的Coach








离职原因: 回家

公司名称: 中信银行信用卡部(厦门)分公司 ( 年10月 – 月 )

所属行业: 金融业(银行·保险·证券·基金·期货·投资) 公司性质: 股份制企业

公司规模: 1000人以上 工作地点: 厦门

职位名称: 客户经理

工作描述: 开展信用卡的推广工作,完成销售任务指标。


自我评价: 本地户籍,长期从事行政助理工作,有亲和力,乐于团队合作,做事有条理负责任;喜欢与人沟通,希望从事稳定有发展的工作岗位;闲暇时练毛笔字,学习外语,运营公众号,会H5制作和简单的PS。


语种名称 掌握程度

英语 良好

普通话 良好



个人简历英文模板范文 第3篇

为了让你了解写个人简历时能写得更好下面文章为写求职简历时作为模板、英文简历样本模板写一份英文简历 。

●Proficient in International Trade Practice and Business Writing

●Mastering Office Automatic Software (Word, Excel and Power Point).

个人简历英文模板范文 第4篇

为了让你了解写个人简历时能写得更好下面文章为写求职简历时作为模板、财务会计英文简历模板毕业生英文简历范文 。

I commuicate with the clients by MSN , SKYPE and Outlook . After that, I start to search the good suppliers from the inquery, then send the samples to the client for confirmation, finally, I need to make the documents. Somethimes, some country allow to import the goods with the imported certificate. So we need to arrange for everything in case of the mistake, like make sure the delivery , then make appointment with the checking people.

So I need to in charge of the whole line after the client place the inspection and loading the container .

When the clients come to China , I need to translate for the client and dicuss the client idea with the factoy.

When the fair come,  I will go with the client and know abt the maket . 

Follow up on shipments, booking containers, shipping documents handling. Contact the forwarders and deal with some problem for the shipment. Like apply for latecome,etc.

Familiar with ERP system operating resource planning and integrate and data and processes of and organization.

Deal with vendors for problems

Communicate with QCs for problems exposing and shoot the troubles together. And as a assistant for the QC to inspect the products

Follow up with the production schedule, sample making ,etc.

In charge of the trail for the mass production

Dealt with the problems for the production with the stuffs in the factory. 

English Name:Michelle


Address:Guangdong Textile Polytechnic Institute


Date of Birth: 1985/01

Birth place; Naihai, Foshan , Guangdong

Major:Foreign trade


Guangdong Textile Polytechnic Institute

. Naihai Senior High School, Guangdong

Working Experience:

Company Name:United sales agency ltd,.co


WorkDate:2008/03 – 2010/10

This is a trading company runned by one foreigner. Our general company is in Hong Kong. This is a small company, but I learnt so many important things from this company.

I commuicate with the clients by MSN , SKYPE and Outlook then I will know what the clients are intereted in. After that, I start to search the good suppliers from the internet, sometimes, when the fair come, I will enter into the fair then find the better one for the inquery, then send the samples to the client for confirmation, finally, I need to make the documents needed for the client, supplier, and the shippment. Like PI, PL, CUSTOM INVOICE, BOOKING ETC. Somethimes, some country allow to import the goods with the imported certificate. So we need to arrange for everything in cas of the mistake, like make sure the delivery time, then make appointment with the checking people.

So I need to in charge of the whole line after the client place the inspection and loading the container .

When the clients come to China from oversea, I need to translate for the client and dicuss the client idea with the factoy.

When the fair come, then I will go with the client and know abt the maket .

Company Name:Strong Bunch International Ltd.,


WorkDate:2007/02 – 2007/07


Responsibilities & Achievements:

Handle shoes products made in China for European, American and south Africa market on trading business. For instance, documents making for exporting as per L/C. Checked the suitcase, and arranged shipment. L/C , B/L checking , Form A, CO and custom invoice for Canada etc. and payments collection

Follow up on shipments, booking containers, shipping documents handling. Contact the forwarders and deal with some problem for the shipment. Like apply for latecome,etc.

Familiar with ERP system operating resource planning and integrate and data and processes of and organization.

Deal with vendors for problems

Communicate with QCs for problems exposing and shoot the troubles together. And as a assistant for the QC to inspect the products

Follow up with the production schedule, sample making ,etc.

In charge of the trail for the mass production

Dealt with the problems for the production with the stuffs in the factory.

Company Name:Sep   The Cultural Asia Ministerial Forum And The 7 th Asia Art Festival in Foshan


WorkDate:2005/09 – 2005/09


Responsibilities & Achievements:

As the interpreter for the foreign guests

Awards and Scholarships;CET4

Including courses:

English Intensive Reading  Oral English  Interntional Trade   Oral Interporetation and Translation   Business correspondence  English Extensive Reading  English Listening and Speaking  Fashion English  Textile Englihs  Computer  International Finance and so on


I am an open mind girl from China. I like English & can speak English well. I always chatting with the peopel all over the world. So I can communicate with the foreigners well. My mother tough is cantonese, and I have good command of mandrine.

What’s more ,I can use the computer can use the software instances, MS-OFFICE, DREAMWEAVER,PHOTOSHOP,FIREWORK.

I am a trustworthy girl . I believe I can make into your computer.