
专八追求完美作文范文 第1篇







专八追求完美作文范文 第2篇

Altruism and egoism altruism means that we should consider the happiness and benefits of others before ourselves. Altruism is a person who habitually treats others kindly. The opposite of altruism and altruism is egoism and egoism, which makes us happy.

There are many altruists in today’s society. We can see many altruistic behaviors every day, such as a stranger A stranger gets lost in a strange place. A local patiently or even leads the way.

Now, countless Chinese people volunteer to participate in the hope project, which is helped by all over the country. Unfortunately, there are still the same egoists in our society. When people are queuing up to buy tickets, when we look around, we still see egoism When a child is crying for help in the lake, a man crows into the team at the corner, some passers-by walk carelessly on the road.

The government calls for honesty, and some officials are still embezzling public property or taking bribes. It is a pity that the world is full of contradictions, altruism and altruism, but there are also egoism and egoism. Now society is developing Well, it’s no use sighing in progress.

We have good reasons to believe that altruism will be more and more, but egoism will be less and less.



专八追求完美作文范文 第3篇

Help my mom with the the housework Last Sunday ,I helped my mom do the housework . First my mom asked me to take out the trash. At the same time ,my mom cleaned the living room . Then I made my bed .And my mom cleaned the bedroom .Finally ,the room got very tidy and cleam .But we all got very angry ,mom cooked a delicious meal for me !What a fantastic day it was ! My birsthday’s plan Next month. I will be 14 years old.

On my birthday, I will stay with my family. We will have a lot of things to do. We are going to watch films, play in a park and have dinner in a restaurant. My parents will buy me a new shirt and I am going to wear it on that day. There will be a new film. My birthday is on Sunday. Many people will go to parks on that day. So, it is going to be fun. But my grandfather will not come, because he will be busy on the day. Anyway, I hope my birthday will come soon. It is going to be a nice day

专八追求完美作文范文 第4篇

With the development of globalization, there are an increasing number of scholars these days who hold the opinion that we need a common language to be spoken by all the people in the world. However, other scholars are afraid that this will weaken other languages and cultures at the same time. As for me, I am not in favor of the viewpoint that one language should replace others as the universal one.

Nowadays it is universally acknowledged that language is not only a tool of communication but also a kind of art. Each language, no matter what kind of language it is, has its unique pronunciation, grammar and expressions, which contribute to the diversity of the world. Therefore, if the diverse languages are diminished, our world will become less colorful.

We can say that language is part of culture, and plays a considerably important role in culture. Indeed, some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture. Without language, so the argument goes, culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. Cultures differ from one another, and each culture is unique. There is no denying that it will be a disaster for us to see the world’s diverse cultures disappear one by one.

When all the factors are examined, we may safely come to the conclusion that although we are convinced that, no matter what our career choice is, a command of foreign languages is an important skill to acquire, yet we should protect our own language, the carrier of our culture.

专八追求完美作文范文 第5篇

As the saying goes, one bird in the hand is better than two. In the forest, we are often in a dilemma, either to keep the status quo or to make changes. People who can understand the meaning of this sentence are like a drop in the bucket.

Some people do a good job in their work, but they often think that there are flies in the ointment, just like leopards can’t change. For them, some of us are born perfectionists. It’s a labor of love to find out the shortcomings and improve them.

If things are not satiactory, it’s a sting for perfectionists, But on the other hand, this perfectionism is good for our life, because it is a double-edged sword. When you sow seeds, what will you harvest? God will always stare at you, and he will give you a wonderful gift. Finally, the ashes will turn to ashes.

Dust and dust, the clock of life will ring, and people will obey. Just like a candle, each of us can only experience it once The life we are going to experience uses our best life, so that we will not regret when we are old and vulnerable. Others are happy with their lives.

Some of them are not so rich or glamorous. Even when they are poor, they live a happy life. Recently, I watched a great TV show ^v^talent show^v^.

An Armenian mother and her two daughters showed that she was born into an Armenian doctor’s family, which people think of as a family She was rich, but to our surprise, she decided to fall out of favor and married a poor Chinese farmer. After several years of hard life, she felt like she had gone through the baptism of fire. This Armenian girl grew up to be the mother of a great twin daughter.

She said that she has the dream life that every woman dreams of. She is satiied with her dear huand and two families. Her beautiful daughter is her family who gave her courage and strength to keep her from biting the dust.

Another talent show contestant was also impressed by her lifestyle. She said that she was an illiterate dishwasher from Sichuan Province. She kept eating, drinking and playing Washing dishes and fighting a good war left a deep impression on us.

He is a smart man with flesh and blood. In my opinion, it is very important to be satiied with our happy life. As long as you change your attitude towards life, you can enjoy a better life in an instant.

May each of us be good Samaritans, away from holiness again and again, and fulfill our wishes.





专八追求完美作文范文 第6篇


1. 仔细审题、分析材料(2-3分钟)

读题时, 首先需要找出题目的主题词或句(topic words or sentence), 即题目所给出的关键信息。分清楚什么是重要信息,什么是次要信息。

以专八样题为例,题目中的college study will never be the same for both professors and students是主要信息和关键信息,其他内容是次要信息。所以文章应该论证online learning or MOOCS 会给高等教育带来哪些不同。


1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;

2. give your comment。

也就是说,既要概括双方观点,又要给出自己的评论,缺一不可。就此题目来说,概括学校 一方对线上授课或慕课平台的评价:“The University of Washington (UW) in the US isn’t shy about the benefits and drawbacks of online education.”(在线教育既有不可替代的优点,也有局限性。)也要提炼出学生一方对这一方式的认识:“But for me these concerns fall flat in the face of the convenience, flexibility and independence online learning offers.”(学习者充分享受这一学习方式的便捷性、灵活性和独立性。)当然也有学生认为,在某些方面,课堂教学更有优势:“Although MOOCs are improving my learning experiences, this new form of teaching cannot compete with traditional ways of learning in terms of teacher-student interaction.”

2. 列出提纲、确定布局(3-4分钟)

在审完题后,就要提炼出中心思想(central idea)。

就本文而言,在概括双方观点的基础上,提炼出自己的观点:Considering both sides, it is clear that online teaching system or platforms can help students achieve higher learning effectiveness despite its drawbacks. 综合来看,这种方式尽管也有缺点,但是能够极大地提高学习者的学习效果。这个观点紧扣题目中的主题句college study will never be the same for both professors and students。





3. 正式写作(30-35分钟)




例如,写作样题范文第一句:Modern technology has innovated the way teaching and learning can be in people’s life. (现代科技创新了人们生活中的教学方式。)

然后引出题目并概括出针对题目双方有不同的关注或者持有不同的观点:Online teaching system or platforms is a recent phenomenon and consequently it is controversial. In spite of the fact that both universities and students have embraced this new style of teaching and learning, there are still worries and concerns.(线上教学方式受到学校和学生的欢迎,同时作为一种新的教学方式,人们对它也有不同的声音。)

最后给出自己的观点:Considering both sides, it is clear that online teaching system or platforms can help students achieve higher learning effectiveness despite its drawbacks. (综合来看,这种方式尽管也有缺点,但是能够极大地提高学习者的学习效果。)



以写作样题为例,第二段阐述一方的观点或问题的一面:先给出中心句(College students now enjoy greater benefits.)然后阐述第一个原因(Firstly, thanks to modern technology, learning online gives students access to a wider range of courses.)之后展开陈述。接着阐述第二个原因(Secondly, the flexibility and mobility given by the online teaching system makes students learn at any time anywhere in their convenience.)之后展开陈述。

第三段指出问题的另一面或者另一方的观点(On the other hand, online teaching and learning is much demanding and requires students’ full commitment and independence)接着分别用admittedly和meanwhile引出online learning 的局限性。如果有反方观点的话,可以先陈述反方观点的合理性,然后驳斥反方观点的不合理性。


首先重申观点(In conclusion, with the greatest technological boom in education, online learning or MOOCS, is an irreversible trend.)

然后提出不能忽视问题的另一面(So, the question really is not “Which one?” but rather, “How can we combine both?” The answer is that each performs its own functions.)

最后对观点进行提升(Undoubtedly, this revolutionary practice in education will continuously have more far-reaching consequences and will dramatically reshape the nature of higher education. )


4. 检查修改(2-3分钟)




专八追求完美作文范文 第7篇


追求梦想必须以坚守道德为准则,以坚守心中的原则为基础。回首千载,看那宁静的濮水从苍松翠柏间穿过,在那个诸侯争霸,生灵涂炭的乱世开辟出一方净土,巍巍青山之下,粼粼水波之上,庄子,席地而坐,持竿垂钓,他的身后,两个衣冠楚楚的士大夫正手捧着楚国的相印,等待着庄子的答复。楚国的丞相,是多少人梦寐以求的高官显位。然而,庄子依然持竿不顾。因为,他知道:楚王,一个穷兵黩武的国君,一个志在扫荡诸侯,一匡天下的“王”,怎么会让自己那“小国寡民”“民安国富”的追求得以实现呢?出仕意味着锦衣玉食,荣华富贵。但是,同时也意味着自己放弃了坚守已久的道德准则,放弃了自己的理想而去鱼肉百姓的暴君充当狗头军师,成为他们的帮凶。于是,庄子收起鱼竿,走向更深处的山林,让楚王良久的思索着他的话:“往矣,吾将曳尾于途。”或许,庄子也想追求功名利禄?html>/> –>嘶曰偷某删停实现了自己的追求?/p>



专八追求完美作文范文 第8篇

When you walk on the street, you may see a lot of people rushing into some shops or gatheringtogether buying lotteries, such as welfare lottery tickets, sports lottery tickets and so you will be shocked by their enthusiasm for such kind of things. Some even spend alarge amount of money on them in order to increase the possibility of winning the prize. If thelotteries fail their expectations, they get so disappointed that they may curse or even beatthemselves. I think people try their luck on lottery for several reasons.


First of all, they try their luck because they want to win a large sum of money with just a may think their idea is justified and the dream is not far away. They cherish thehope of getting rich overnight. As is reported by CCTV, a man in Shandong province becomesa criminal after his failure of trying his luck. He has spent all his money on the lottery. He nowbecomes homeless and leads a miserable life. As far as I am concerned, trying one’s luck onlottery is like gambling. You do not know the rate of winning back your money but you cannotresist the lure of having a try, which is, almost surely, disastrous. Very few people cansucceed in this business.


Secondly, the society is getting more commercial and material than before. People work justfor more other words, some of them prefer money to morals. They are thinking ofsome shortcut to get rich in the society. I think the social climate exerts a subtle influence ontheir psychology. We need to clean the social climate for a better humane environment. Weshould educate people to earn their living by honest labor rather than trying the luck onlottery.


Finally, the popularity of buying lottery is due to the gap between the rich and poor. Theincome gap has become a reason for this activity. The rich becomes richer and richer, while thepoor becomes poorer and poorer. This has stimulated some people to try the luck on thelottery.


To sum up, we should discourage people from buying the lottery. Meanwhile, we shouldbetter our social welfare system so that more people can get rich.


专八追求完美作文范文 第9篇

Although the grand ceremony of Oscar was over this year, the attention and discussion linger in the Chinese movie munity and out. Some insiders hold that following global trends is the only way to develop China’s film industry. Others insist, however, that the Oscars are simply one the many awards that Americans like to crown themselves. Domestic films should maintain their distinct flavors. As a movie fan myself, I think we should strive for it to gain international recognition.

Firstly, the Oscars Award is an international recognition in terms of both artistic performance and box office revenue. With live broadcast in 50 languages, it plays a huge role in shaping the global film industry. It is no wonder that so many people around the world pay much attention to it. The reality is that Hollywood movies account for more than 90 percent of global market shares-this has inevitable worldwide impact. Obviously, the Oscars Award has bee something that we can not afford to ignore it.

Moreover, we live in a global, multicultural world where different cultures interact. China’s movie industry needs to realize it and sharpen its petitive edge. If Chinese films are to make a global impact, then movie production, distribution and marketing organization need improving. Chinese films should adjust to satisfy the variety of social demands. The introduction of foreign successful formulas and technology is a must for Chinese film industry. It is parochial to think that China can only use its national characteristics to define domestic movies. Conservatism will hinder the progress of film industry. If China does not develop its film industry through embracing innovative multiculturalism, Chinese movies will have little opportunity to gain a share in the international market.

Last but not least, the Hollywood films also conform to specific cultural demands. Take this year’s Academy Awards as an example, nominated movies include both high-cost productions like The Lord of the Rings and subtle, more moderate budgeted projects like Lost in Translation, these films suggest that Hollywood movies maintain a basic balance in keeping the style of its own and absorbing diverse cultures. Hence, the Chinese filmmakers should spare no efforts to present original domestic films to foreign viewers. We will be left behind if we stick to the so-called orthodox. For instance, Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon was acted by Chinese actors and through cultural icons, but actually its style and structure of the movie all conform to a Hollywood formula. This partly explains why it appeals to a wider range of audiences from different cultural background.

In a word, the Oscars are very important to Chinese filmmakers. Nominations are a kind of approval by international peers of their achievements. As China’s market improves, its movie industry will get stronger and will eventually cash in on the Oscars.

专八追求完美作文范文 第10篇

As economic globalization accelerates, language plays a vital role in cross-boundary communication. An international language like English is inevitably popular among language learners all over the world. And there is a widespread concern whether or not to go abroad for one’s English study. To me the answer is undoubtedly a yes, since it provides a chance not only to learn the language, but also to understand the culture.

First of all, going to an English-speaking country is a better way to create an ideal language-learning environment. As it is said, when in Rome, do as Romans do. Thus it can be inferred that a better way to learn how Romans behave is to go to Rome and observe their way of life. It is also true with English study. In an English-speaking country, one is likely to be exposed to more chances to communicate with native speakers rather than being confined to book knowledge only. On his stay in London, a student will have a taste of royal English himself, thus it is easier for him to improve his pronunciation and intonation through imitation. Surrounded by native speakers, a language learner will also find it very helpful in improving other skills like speaking, reading and writing.

Moreover, a student going abroad not only enhances their language proficiency but also comes into direct interplay with a new culture, which is an integral part of language study. Some linguists maintain that one cannot fully grasp a language unless he knows about the culture profoundly, for language is only a medium to conduct communication. Thus living with English-speaking people, one can obtain a vivid first-hand understanding of some idioms, slang and the cultural background And this personal experience will be very difficult to achieve-whatever abundant study resources can be accessed to domestically. By chatting with native speakers in daily life, students can gain an insight in the culture.

Judging from all the analysis above, we may safely come to such a conclusion that going to an English-speaking country is advantageous for English learners. A study experience abroad is such a practice to double the achievements with half the efforts. Fully utilizing the chance to get a deeper involvement in the exotic culture, students may become real masters of English.

专八追求完美作文范文 第11篇

Faced with the question whether it is worthwhile to spend a year or two voluntee ??ring in western China, many college students would probably shake their heads, seeing it as a waste of valuable learning time. However, I will give an affirmative answer without hesitation, because this experience can apparently benefit us in many ways.

First, it is a great opportunity for us to apply the knowledge we have acquired at college. Different from temporary part-time jobs, a longer volunteer work experience is truly fulfilling and rewarding. As English majors, we can learn to use and teach the language effectively in real classes; as education majors, we can experiment with those textbook theories in helping manage a school or instruct the younger; those who study engineering can take this chance to turn their ideas and skills into running machines, new bridges and broad roads. From this experience, we will better understand our schoolwork and even build up considerable expertise in our chosen fields.

Second, we can gain a great sense of satisfaction by making contributions in an underdeveloped region. Right now, the western China is suffering from both the short ??age of resources and that of talents in its course of development. If we can step into the needed roles by simply sacrificing a year or two, we will be able to make some differ??ence to the situation as a whole. Imagine how proud you will be when telling your fami??ly and friends how you have taught the illiterate to read, and how you have helped to change the look of a backward town. Compared with the great sense of pride you feel, a year‘s time is just a small price to pay.

Third,we can establish a deep friendship with local people. On the one hand, if you truly love and help the people you work with, they naturally love and help you back. Take a senior I know for example, who served two months as a teacher in a dry northwestern town. During the period of water shortage, both his students and their parents voluntarily kept water for him, sometimes despite their own need. Recalling his days there, he said they were not easy but he could not help missing them. Probably many volunteers would feel the same as him. While we are giving care, support and help, we often get back more including a lasting friendship.

Therefore,I will readily sign up to volunteer in the western China despite various challenges I may meet. Think of the differences we can make there and the changes this experience can make to us, why not walk out of the ivory tower and step onto the promising land of our country?

专八追求完美作文范文 第12篇








专八追求完美作文范文 第13篇

Should College Education Be Vocation-Oriented?

Due to the increased enrollment of college studentsin recent years, the total number of graduatescoming out at the same time is such that manycollege graduates have difficulties in procuring jobs,especially when the economy is suffering then many scholars suggest that collegesshould lay emphasis onvocational training bysetting relative courses in the college curriculum so that graduates are more likely to beemployed. Taking the employers’ requirement into consideration, that is, working experience,the suggestion seems reasonable. However, I think, even if universities become vocation-oriented, it can not serve well for the employment. Besides, the vocational orientation will doharm to the higher education.

Firstly, the suggestion seems to be based on the fact that new college graduates may havelearned mountains of theories but lack practical abilities. In accord with this suggestion, ifcollege students have received enough vocational training and gained experience in internship,they are likely to get employed. Admittedly, self-improvement is crucial for new graduates tohunt jobs. But the suggestion does not take into account job vacancies in the present. ThoughChina’s economy keeps growing at a rate of about 9% in the recent and the number of jobsdoes increase, too many graduates coming out at a time will create great pressure for the jobmarket. As an official stated, “the grand college enrollment plan is one of the main reasons forthe current unemployment issue”. Therefore,even if college students have enough experienceand skills, will they succeed in procuring jobs when there are no positions available at all?

Secondly, vocational orientation is to the detriment of the higher learning in the long us beginwith the difference in goals between university and vocational training. As collegestudents may decide tofinish his studies after graduation or may continue at a higherlevel,university courses should thus provide both basic knowledge and a sound basis for furtherstudies. In vocational training, the goals of a given course are distinct, that is, the course isdesigned to teach trainees basic knowledge and skills. In consequence, if universities arevocation-oriented, students at college can not get prepared in class for a higher level oflearning. Predictably, the pyramid of higher learning will crumble if universities can notproduceenough qualified students.

In conclusion, vocation-orientation may help improve graduates’ skills but it can not increasethe numberof available suggestion just offers a wrong remedy, and will do harmto the higher learning.





专八追求完美作文范文 第14篇


With the continued growth of online teaching systems and integration of massive open online courses (MOOCS) into higher education, college study will never be the same for both professors and students. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:

1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;

2. give your comment.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


The University of Washington (UW) in the US isn’t shy about the benefits and drawbacks of online education. UW concedes online courses may be more effective for self-directed learners, and students who are not organized and in possession of good time-management skills may struggle. Thus, students should ask themselves whether they are capable of learning independently before signing up for online coursework.

UW also mentions online courses may not be able to accurately replicate the vibrant sense of intellectual community that has been at the heart of higher education for ages. This might lead some to miss out on learning and networking opportunities.


Jasmine Barta of Arizona State University: I take about half my classes online each semester, and I’ll tell you why : Online classes are the secret to a happier, fuller and less stressful college experience. Some students complain about the lack of social interaction and the ease with which they can forget to meet a deadline. But for me these concerns fall flat in the face of the convenience, flexibility and independence online learning offers.

Chang Hanyi of Boston University: In order to squeeze in some extra learning without taking the focus away from my major, I enrolled in a pass/fail online reading and writing workshop. The coursework is actually as demanding as my other regular language classes. But what I have learned so far is beyond my expectations. My professor assigns weekly assignments each Monday, and I am required to do readings, write study blogs and take quizzes regularly. I am also required to respond to comments from my professor and classmates. So, taking online courses doesn’t mean zero physical interaction with your instructors. My professor even invited me to face-to-face meetings four times to address article structure in my writing assignments. My professor also uploads video clips to review class content and audio files to clarify some thorny points. Despite the hard work, I still enjoy cyber interaction with my professor and classmates.

Yang Yang of Peking University: With MOOCS, we are no longer confined to a classroom at a certain time slot. Whenever I feel in the mood to study, I take out my laptop or iPad to watch course videos. I am now taking Legal Writing and Research on Coursera, a popular MOOCS platform. Each week, four or six courses videos are released for us students to learn. Apart from the teaching sessions, there are also quizzes to assess whether I have grasped the knowledge well. Quiz scores make up 32 percent of my final score. The great thing about the quizzes is we even have them before each course. This encourages me to finish all the reading and preview the class early. Although MOOCs are improving my learning experiences, this new form of teaching cannot compete with traditional ways of learning in terms of teacher-student interaction. I used to ask questions immediately after class. But with MOOCs, we only have office hours for question and answer sessions. Most of the time, I won’t bother to go.

Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


My Views on Online Teaching System or Platforms?

Modern technology has innovated the way teaching and learning can be in people’s life. Online teaching system or platforms is a recent phenomenon and consequently it is controversial. In spite of the fact that both universities and students have embraced this new style of teaching and learning, there are still worries and concerns. Considering both sides, it is clear that online teaching system or platforms can help students achieve higher learning effectiveness despite its drawbacks.

College students now enjoy greater benefits. Firstly, thanks to modern technology, learning online gives students access to a wider range of courses. With Internet access, a wide variety of courses, some of which are published by elite professors of top universities, have become accessible to students from all over the world. The online platform provides a far wider range of courses than that you would find in any school or college. Secondly, the flexibility and mobility given by the online teaching system makes students learn at any time anywhere in their convenience. They have great freedom of choice when they learn online. Thus, it reduces the amount of time they spend on commutes.

On the other hand, online teaching and learning is much demanding and requires students’ full commitment and independence. Admittedly, for those who are not self-disciplined and motivated, it is likely that they will end up with struggling with unsatisfactory results. Meanwhile, although online interaction with professors and partners is very convenient, it still cannot replace classroom’s simultaneous face-to-face communication. Thus, universities should work out methods to prevent the above mentioned problems that are likely to arise.

In conclusion, with the greatest technological boom in education, online learning or MOOCS, is an irreversible trend. So, the question really is not “Which one?” but rather, “How can we combine both?” The answer is that each performs its own functions. Undoubtedly, this revolutionary practice in education will continuously have more far-reaching consequences and will dramatically reshape the nature of higher education.

专八追求完美作文范文 第15篇

The mindset of sacrifice is seen as an important part of the Chinese nation’s traditional virtues. Chinese often regard those as heroes who volunteer to offer assistance in times of crisis. Even children and youngsters in primary and middle schools are taught to learn from this kind of heroes and do something alike when confronting a similar circumstance. However, I hold an opposite view on this issue.

Firstly, the new concepts of self-protection will not challenge or weaken the traditional Chinese virtue of justice and courage. On the contrary, it will be carried toward In a scientific and rational way. For instance, if primary students see a robbery on their way to school, they are advised to remember the traits of suspects and report the case to school and public security authorities. For high school students, they should report it first, and at the same time take some adequate actions to fight against criminals on the premise of fully guaranteeing their own safety. That is a positive and flexible measure to strengthen the self-protection awareness of students under the age of 18 for whom safety should be the first consideration. Given their physical strength and relevant training, it is not wise for them to stand up for justice at the risk of endangering their own lives.

Furthermore, full respect for one’s lives represents social progress. In the past, the government stressed that all efforts should be made to protect public interests regardless of the cost, but today priority is given to individual’s personal safety. And the new concepts actually require adults and teachers to enhance students’ awareness of safety and teach them the value of life. When they know they can not bring the suspect into control, they are advised to seek help instead of acting boldly and bluntly. Certainly we do not want our youngsters to become cowards, but we do want them to be wise.

An old saying goes that a wise man cuts the coat according to the cloth he has. We should emphasize that acts are to be taken in conformity with one’s specific circumstance. And youngsters are not advised to take the challenge and risk beyond their limitation, for they represent the future of our nation.

专八追求完美作文范文 第16篇

As people respond to incentives, they will changetheir behaviors if they perceive that costs orbenefits change. This principle seems to find wideapplication in our daily lives. When collegegraduates learn that receiving a master degree willgive them an upper hand in the job market, manydecide to take part in post-graduate . In China, it is regarded as following suit. Though we admire those who pridethemselves on sticking to their ideals and principles, odds may not be against those who speaking, there are both advantages and disadvantages of following suit.

Firstly, following suit is indicative of the fact that followers have no indispensable beliefs orfixed principles and hence they are flexible in the vicissitudes of lives. When the social contextchanges and opportunities arise, those followers are the first to respond and make the English training service for example. In early 1990s, increasing number of collegegraduates decided to study overseas and hence English training service was in large that forerunners had make a fortune by providing training programs to those graduates,many businessmen just followed suit and established several trainingschools. Undoubtedly,those who followed suit when the market did not reach saturation did make money.

Secondly, it is noteworthy that following suit can avoid making mistakes. For thoseforerunners, there is no previous information at their hand, and therefore, it will take a longtime to learn and improve by trial and error. During the period of trial and error, forerunnerswill encounter unexpected difficulties andpressures. As a result, when those becomesuccessful in certain domains, they have proved that the path will lead to success, providingboth pros and cons. On the contrary, followers need not experience the process of trial anderror. They can just imitate their forerunners’ proven pattern of behaviors and have easieraccess to are also some disadvantages of following suit. When there are so manyfollowers, the world will become crowded and odds are against those later followers.

Furthermore, following suit prevents innovation and creation, which is to the detriment of oursociety. However, whether one should follow suit or not is not simply a to-be-or-not-to-bequestion. A basic assumption of individual person is that everyone is rational. So oneshouldcarefully calculate costs and benefits in specific circumstances before they decide tofollow suit or not.





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专八追求完美作文范文 第18篇

As we all know, the technological advancements are on the move at an unprecedented speedin the present society. Some people think that as technology develops traditional culture willbe lost whereas some others do not think so.


As far as I am concerned, the technology does harm to the traditional culturein some sensebut it can alsoprotect it from dying out. In other words, the technological advancement is adouble-blade sword. We need to realize it in a didactic way.


First of all, the technology is a little harmful to the traditional culture. Due to the emergenceof the new technology, some forms of art have been dead for many years. Some culturalheritage has been the jade carving for example. The craftsmanship has beendisrupted due to the popularity of the new technology. The works of art has been producedthrough the machines rather than the hands of the , the art has lost themost important part of its taste. Most of the artistic works are the products of the factories.


Secondly, the new technology helps the traditional culture spread more widely. For example,many exhibits in the Palace Museum have been available visually online. Visitors do not haveto go to the museum but just stay at home to enjoy the heritage. It is the technology that hasmade all this possible. One more example, Peking opera is the national essence of our plays of the veteran artists have been kept with the help of the technology. We will feelthat these great artists are not far away from us and that wecan still learn from their goodperformances. Nowadays we all read many good books, which have been a of our traditional culture. Thanks to all the presses and publishing houses, we canreadso many books and they help carry on our culture through their printing technology.

To sum up, we should be aware of the disadvantages of the technology and make the two gohand in hand in harmony. On the one hand, the technology helps to protect and spread thetraditional culture. On the other hand, the traditional culture may promote the .


专八追求完美作文范文 第19篇

It can’t be nothingness (Adidas). Nothing comes out of nothing. Buy Australia, buy you a job.

One world, one dream, we lead. Others copy. It can’t be possible.

Take time to indulge. Pursue perfection unremittingly. Come to a place with a smell.

Marlboro country. To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. Ask for more, let’s do better.







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