

Dear Chen Lin and Li Hua,

I’ve just been out of hospital for a couple of days. Right no this unfortunate accident. I’d neverrealize hopany,and getting me through the blue time.

Next Saturday, my mother would give a recovery party to thank myfriends. I really want to see you there. So, 7 o’clock at my place,OK?

Your truly,



Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it.

It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world.

If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.





Dear mom and dad,

although we can keep in vitual touch evey day by means of msn o e-mails, i still feel it not enough to let you know how much i love you and how much i’ve appeciated the things you’ve done fo me. i find that it will neve be too much to say thank you to you, my beloved paents.

fist, i want to thank you fo making all you effots to bing me up. i was told that you wee shot of money when i was bon and it became even moe difficult fo a young couple to aise a child without any help fom elde geneation. so i appeciate you caeful nusing vey much fo giving me a good health and the feeling of being loved.

second, i want to thank you fo you good education on me. thee is an old saying goes like this “paents ae the fist teache to thei childen”. yes, you ae the typical ones. you wee so stict with me that i told my kindegaten teache of my wonde about whethe i was the child of yous, not the one picked up fom steet. touching on this soft spot deeply in my heat, vivid memoies came flooding back. i won’t foget the scene of my fist and also the last lie found out by you. couldn’t stop tembling all ove. i was ashamed to cy when you beat me. i thought i deseved this punishment and told myself to keep away fom telling lies fom then on.

i won’t foget how much you’ve impessed on me to love books and eading. even in the most difficult time, you still spaed me some money fo the books i was fond of. my love of books neve diminished and late led me towad witing aticles myself. so many times, i have felt a sense of content when i saw you smiling faces on eading my aticles, good o bad. in fact, this gaduated into one of my habits of shaing eveything i achieved with you and feeling content with you smiles i’m so foolish to ty to wite all the things you’ve done in my favo. if it is possible, this lette must be endless.

so, the most impotant thing that i want to say “thank you” fo is you geat admiation on my own feedom. you neve foced me to do anything i was not inteested in, even you had aleady known that i would eget not doing it. you neve fobade me to do anything i was tuly inteested in and suppoted me financially and mentally. you told me to look ove the hoizons and to pusuit my own deams without hesitation. you also told me to conside eveything caefully befoe getting stat. oh, wheeve i go, i can see you eage eyes ; wheneve i am, i can touch you genuine heats. you’ve been loving me heat and soul, how can i epay you mavelous love to me?

i eally feel that my pen fails me when i am witing this thank you lette. luckily, may holiday is coming. it will give me the most excellent oppotunity to expess my heatfelt gatitude to you—-coming home and shae moe time togethe with you.


wang minyuan


Summers 20xx,2011

Tower Reconds

Customer Service

New York,NY

Checked and maintained inventory of records, tapes, videos and other music supplies

Assisted customers in purchasing selections


Stuyvesant Interaet Society,Stuyvesant High School


New York,NY

Developed and launched web site for the school

Organized meetings with staff and faculty advisors

Trained new student club members and faculty to use Internet browsers,plug-ins,databases,client/server technology and other applications used for the maintenance of the site


Familiar with client/server technologies, Programming languages:HTML,Pascal and Perl, and several database applications.

Working knowledge of Japanese


Student Council Member, 20xx-2012

Chemistry Club, 20xx-2012


Comic Books and rollerblading



414-806 Taylor Avenue

Winnipeg MB R3P 2R2



Carla Donato


Lawn Park Day Care Ltd

2159 Notre Dane Avenue

Winnipeg MB R3H 2J9

Dear Mrs. Carla

Hello, thank you very much for talking the time to review my cover letter, and give me the opportunity to apply. As an accounting professional graduate. I enjoy the accounting major and have invested enormous enthusiasm and energy. In a few years of study life, I have studied the accounting professional knowledge, I through the practice has accumulated rich experience.

During my university career, I was always positivism, strenuous, enterprising, and have achieved rapid development in various aspects, improving thEir comprehensive quality. On the job I can diligently, seriously and responsibly, elaborate organization, and strive to be the best.

A series of internships helped me to accumulate precious experience in my field, I learned to think, to learn the personhood, learned how to work with people, to exercise the ability of organization and communication, coordination ability, cultivate the concerned about the collective, a practical person. My plan in the past, was for the sake of a company’s future development and to accumulate knowledge. My plans are to prepare for a brilliant future in your company and to contribute! I wish to assure you that, your company telephone enquiries, please, give me a chance to contact with your company.

Thank you in spite of being very busy for glancing at my resume and for giving attention, wish your company business progresses day by day, repeated success. I wish your career progress further! Eagerly looking forward to your favorable reply, thank you!





Distinguished clerk:


XXXXXX Engineering Co., Ltd. has been supported and helped by you since its establishment. Thank you for the support and love of XXXXXX for many all the staff to express their sincere wishes and sincere thanks to you and your family, and thank you for the trust and support you have always been to the XXXXXX.

The source of drinking water, we know, attention, trust, support and participation of every bit of progress and success achieved by the decoration department cannot do without the clerk. Your understanding and trust are the powerful motive force of our progress, and your support and participation are the inexhaustible source of our growth. Each of your participation, every suggestion, makes us excited and impels us to keep advancing. Have you, we have endless march forward with confidence and strength; with you all, our business can thrive. It is because of your trust and support that XXXXXX Engineering Co., Ltd. is able to innovate, grow and grow step by step, and become one of the most valuable and potential decorating companies in the market today.

In the years ahead, hoping to continue to get your attention and support, we will provide first-class quality and services more comprehensive and more attentive to customers, get your rewards, let your sweat will not be in vain, to support your efforts to build the Southwest’s top decoration service brand.

Finally, once again thank you for your support and help you, wish you have a healthy body! Family happiness! Business is thriving! Everything goes well!












Dear Mr Ho

Application for the position of Hotel Manager

I write to apply for the above position you advertised in the JobsPower。com on January 4。

My accomplishments, which I have gained from working in a prestigious hotel for more than ten years, reflect a proven ability to perform in diverse and varied functions of the hospitality industry。 I have had extensive experience in front desk services, guest relation, as well as sales and marketing during the past ten years。 In these capacities, my responsibilities encompass all operation aspects of the room division, such as housekeeping, maintenance, reservations, quality control, and communications。

I enjoy working at my current hotel, but the position of Hotel Manager seems to offer the ideal next step, and an opportunity to apply my professional skills and experience to a new organization。

Thank you in advance for your generous consideration。 I would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you my ability to fulfill your requirements。 I look forward to meeting you。

Yours sincerely

Steven Cheung




Nowadays the newspa-pe-r possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspa-pe-r, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.

现今报纸拥有 极大的价值 ,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我 们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界 xxx势。如果 我们养成看报的习惯 ,我们就能得到 足够的知识来因应我们的环境 。



Nowadays the newspa-pe-r possesses considerable value Everybody should read supplies us with a variety of news every tells us the political situation of the we form the habit of reading the newspa-pe-r,we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.




人教版高中语文必修4教材分析 石晓丽 一. 基本结构 根据<普通高中语文课程标准(实验)>的要求,人教版高中语文必修4包含”阅读鉴赏””表达交流””梳理探究””名著导读”四个板块.前三个部分纳入课内学习计划,”名著导读”可在课外自主安排. 1. 阅读鉴赏 阅读鉴赏是必修教科书的主体,包括 …

高二语文上学期期中考试质量分析 高二语文组 一.对试题的总体认识: 本次考试的语文卷由我们学校高二教师自己命制.试卷的结构主要分为:现代文阅读.文言文阅读.诗歌鉴赏.默写.现代文大阅读(二选一的命题方式).基础知识和作文这几大块,基本符合去年的高考模式.从考查内容上看,本学期语文学习中应掌握的重要的知识点在试卷中都有体现,且体现得较为灵活,以检测学生的阅读理解能力和语言知识的运用能力为主,同时也考 …

劝学 一:说教材: <劝学>是高中语文新教材第一册第一单元”开启智慧之门”的第一篇课文,是学生进入高中后接触的第一篇文章,该文章是<荀子>的开篇之作,集中反映著名思想家荀子在学习问题上的观点和精彩斐然的论证艺术.以这篇文章来开启学生的高中生活,有利于确立学生正确的学习观,同时,这篇文章也是学生进入高中后接触的第一篇文言文,对增强高一新生适应课堂教学建立文 …

初三语文<人物传记类文言文>阅读 <北齐书·卷十一·列传第三> 兰陵武王长恭,一名孝瓘,文襄第四子也.累①迁并州刺史.突厥入晋阳,长恭尽力击之.芒山之败,长恭为中军,率五百骑再入周军,遂至金墉之下,被围甚急,城上人弗识,长恭免胄示之面,乃下弩手救之,于是大捷.武士共②歌谣之,为<兰陵王入阵曲>是也.历司州牧.青瀛二州,颇③受财货.后为太尉,与段韶讨栢谷,又攻定阳 …

普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 高考语文试卷知识点统计 续表 续表 注:红色字表示四年都涉及的知识或方法,铺底字表示三年涉及的知识或方法,黑色字表示只涉及一年和两年的知识或方法.续表 试卷知识内容所占分值和题型的分布情况 2010年 2011年 2012年 2013年 高考语文试卷总论 一.题型特征 二.试卷结构 三.高考试卷解析 高考语文试卷卷面满分150分,由约18道题组成,按照试卷的编排分别为 …

例说高考传记类文言文阅读技巧 2005年全国高考语文试卷共有16套,其中涉及传记类文言文阅读试卷的共有11套,2006年高考语文试卷共有17套,其中涉及传记类文言文阅读 试卷的也有11套.这实际上表明,高考文言阅读的材料仍然集中在传记类上,而且考查的主要题型基本上趋于稳定–对文言实词.虚词以及句式.文中信息的筛 选归纳概括均以客观题形式考查,文言翻译以主观题形式考查.从试卷的命题规律和趋势上来看 …

一.教学背景分析: 语文是中小学阶段的主要学科,基础学科,随着时代的发展和社会的进步,人们对语文学科的特性和语文教学的认识更为深入,”大语文”观念得到越来越多有识之士的认同.语文素质是人的整体素质的重要组成部分,语文素质不仅反映人的语文知识和语文能力,而且从本质上看,还反映了人的思想水平.文化修养.观察能力.思维能力等. 二.教材分析.教学目标.教学设计与写作训练: 本册教材共 …

人物传记类文言文阅读技巧初探 县里举办的的中考研讨会,让我深刻的认识到人物传记类文言文在中考阅读中所占位置的重要性,所以我在平时教学.中考前备考复习时特重视此类文体.第一次模拟考试结束,通过对试题及学生答题情况的分析,我特对这类文言文材料的基本特点和阅读技巧谈一点自己不成熟的看法: 一.选文特点 1.从体裁上来说,选文均为史传作品,主要以叙述为主,议论较少,篇幅较短,语言精练简洁. 2.从内容上来 …



city, state, zip code

phone number

email address date (if you have it)





city, state, zip code

dear mr./ms. last name, (leave out if you don‘t have a contact)

the body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up.

the first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. mention the position you are applying for and where you found the job listing. include the name of a mutual contact, if you have one.

the next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. mention specifically how your qualifications match the job you are applying for. remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it.

conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. include information on how you will follow-up. respectfully yours, handwritten signature (for a mailed letter) typed signature


Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account executive position at the Smith Agency. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. The creative approach to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. My artistic background will help me to work with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.

I understand your need for administrative support. My detail orientation and organizational skills will help to free you to deal with larger issues. I neglected to mention during my interview that I had worked for two summers as a temporary office worker. This experience helped me to develop my secretarial and clerical skills.

I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you about this position.


Your Signature


Dear :

I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name).

I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion, I gained a strong sense of (Company Names) commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.

I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title). I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.




Dear Laura,

I was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a garden. How considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. You just couldnt have selected anything I had have liked more! You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!

The four years I spent with you at the college have been the pleasa

ntest period in my life. I will cherish this memory forever. How nice it would be to see you again.

You have been more than kind, and I wont ever forget it. My love and deepest gratitude, now and always!

Sincerely yours,



dear sir :

i am very glad that you are my teacher,you are one of the best teachers who i know .

there are many good points what we should learn from you,such as kindness,patience,humor and so on.

please forgive me that i had made so many mistakes which make you always angry.

i really want to be a good for you teaching ,i have learn so many interesting things ,so many words,so many sentencesform you,ican feel that it is not only a progress of learning,but also a convarcation of feeling . you are my teacher and good friend, we are the lucky dogs that we have such teacher as hope you happy everyday! best wishes your student