
英国留学申请书范文 第一篇

Dear Sir:

Epicurus once said,”The joy of poverty is the most beautiful thing in theworld.” This has become a source of constant inspiration for me. Poverty is veryreal to me,so is the joy that is derived from my being able to devote myself tothe study and the research of computer science.

My father passed away when I was just 14 and,with this,my family wasplunged into sudden poverty. In order to save money to allow my younger sistercontinue her education,I relinquished my expensive undergraduate education andchose to attend a junior college instead,majoring in computer application. Forthree years,I made extra academic efforts as I had to work part-time toalleviate my family’s financial burden. My GPA was ranked top five in my class,with particularly distinguished performance in mathematics. I was the solejunior college student who participated in the national contest in for university students in 1996 and won the third prize in x my graduation,I found employment with the Fuel Company of x Province whereI worked as its network engineer and chief manager. What was good about this jobwas that while it provided me with a stable income it allowed me to receive anon-the-job undergraduate education in computer science so that I ultimatelyfulfilled my aspiration of obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in computerscience.

However,the Bachelor’s degree did not put an end to my academic the importance and the necessity to constantly upgrade my in this age of rapid development in information technology,I found agraduate education in computer science would be vital for my further academicand career development. With due efforts in preparing for the entranceexamination,I succeeded in enrolling in University of x where I specialized inComputer Science and Application at the Faculty of Computer Science. Through myundergraduate and graduate programs,I have achieved the top third rankings inmy overall GPA,laying a solid academic foundation through in such core courses as Advanced Computer Network,InternetTechnology,Multimedia Network Communication,Computer Science’s Logic,AdvancedComputer System Infrastructure,and Computer Network Infrastructure. Thisacademic foundation makes possible my determination to become a computerspecialist in my future career.

While making conscious efforts in my coursework,I have paid even greaterattention to the improvement of my R & D ability. In the WLAN project forthe x Mansion,I collected extensive technical materials and made in-depth studyof the WLAN technology. I independently designed the project plan that satisfiedthe particular needs of the client. In view of the inherent insecurity of WLAN,I proposed the security solution application to small-size business evaluating the project,the relevant experts gave positive comments on myplan design,rating it as “technologically advanced,with reliable performance,and can provide guidance to the R & D work in relevant fields,andapplicable to similar projects.”

In another two projects-the development of the Computer InformationManagement System for both the Dean’s Office and for School of Further Educationof University of x,I conducted comprehensive research concerning networksecurity technology,in particular the firewall technology. By testing against the Ddos attacks,I gathered a large amount offirst-hand data. Based on my experiences in those two projects,I have publishedfour research papers,including The Standards of Firewall Procurement and theProspect of Firewall Technology,in the national core journals and universityjournals like Computer Application Research. All of them have been wellreceived.

Over the past few years,as a key project member,I have participated in,organized and implemented a total of 12 projects which involve financialsoftware,MIS,network management system,e-commerce,industrial control andother fields. I have published a total of 10 research papers in a series oftechnical journals and my research achievements have captured the attention ofthe computer experts from the x provincial academia. Last year I was invited toattend the 2002 International Symposium on Picture and Graphics inx City.

Currently,I have come to the final stage of my Master’s Research on the WLAN Security Solution and its Realization. In thisdissertation,I focus on the security mechanisms of WLAN,proposing that x as asecurity solution can only be an alternative and that only the application ofthe true “point-to-point” mechanism can maximize network security at reasonablecosts. My dissertation has an overall theoretical framework,supplemented bydetailed plans and designs. In my repeated discussions with my my dissertation,he has given his full support of my propositions. Hehas given special praises on my ideas regarding the renovation and developmentof the existing computer technology.

While perfecting my ability to carry out independent R & D projects,mypast research experience has also enabled me to ferret out my own researchinterests for the future-Wireless Networking and Network Security. WLAN is oneof the most important issues in the theoretical research and of present-day computer science and its security mechanism is thekey point. I have 4-year work experience as a network engineer and taught sixcourses on network and Internet technology. In my Master’s program I haveconcentrated on computer network and distributive system and my dissertation ison WLAN and its security mechanism. For each of those two concentrations,I haveparticipated in two research projects,thus I have adequate practicalexperience. In my 10 research papers,6 are concerned with those two majorfields,which fully testify to my theoretical buildup and my important researchpotential. All those constitute my important assets for more advanced academicpursuit,in which I expect to exploit them to the fullest possible extent.

I wish to apply for a Ph. D. program in computer science from your esteemeduniversity because your program satisfies my wish for a full development of myresearch interests. My past education and research experience has fullyconvinced me that,as home of the world’s modern computer science andtechnology,the United States is the ideal country that offers the advancededucation and training that I am seeking. There,I will be exposed to theinstructions of world famous scholars and experts whose academic ideas willsignificantly broaden my academic horizon. Equally important is that I can enjoyan inexhaustible variety of library resource. In conclusion,I deem myself fullyqualified and well prepared for your Ph. D. program and it is my belief thatyour university is precisely the starting point of my new and rewarding academicjourney.

Respectfully yours,

Li Ming

英国留学申请书范文 第二篇

Dear Sir:

I am choosing geography for one main reason and this reason has manysubdividing links. I want to continue to study geography at higher educationbecause I find it interesting. I enjoy this subject because of its content andthe way in which it overlaps with so many other subjects. This therefore makesgeography a very useful subject and one I am very keen to continue to understandand develop. Because geography overlaps with many other subjects and that thecourse encompasses many techniques and skills I find it as being a very usefultool in the future workplace. I enjoy finding out how and most importantly this includes why is such business parks situated on suburban fringes to whydoes the global distribution of earthquakes effect human activates in thatparticular area. I believe geography will develop my analytical skills which isimportant because I want to become an intelligence officer in the armed also like travelling and my knowledge and techniques have helped me explainmany things like reasons for terraced farming in areas of M in Florida. I teacher once said to me in secondary school travel, and your start to notice things around you and your be able tounderstand what and why are certain things there’

I am currently studying A2 geography and biology. This is also accompaniedby AS physical education and an AS physics which I completed in my first year. Iam enjoying my courses this year because I find the content relatively easy todigest as opposed to physics last year. I found this subject fairly challenginglast year because the content comprised itself mainly of numbers, figures,theories and set equations which where some what difficult to interpret. Asopposed to the courses iamdoing this year where I find the content easier toconsume because I can relate it to visual situations. I enjoyed parts of thecourse last year because there where noticeable links between the subjects. Forinstants geography and biology cross over more than once during the year. I havedeveloped new skills such as my oral and working with others on coursework As Inoted above my aspirations for the future lay within the armed forces. I need tohave well developed analytical skills as well as good oral skills. Part of beingan intelligence officers is being able to annotate pictures and many othersources of data . infra red

Studying geography will help me develop these skills to a standard wellrecognised in my chosen field of profession. I’m also looking to travel in thefuture and my knowledge of geography will help me understand the places I visitin much more detail

I have had one experience in paid employment and one work experienceplacement. During my work experience I worked at H+S aviation. This is a companythat repairs helicopters and light aircraft. During my time here I experiencedthe importance of meeting deadlines as these engines where urgently needed forthe customer. I also established working with a team and co operating with manydepartments. One important skill I learned is attention to detail/ this was veryimportant because the slightest of inaccuracy could cause the aircraft engine tomalfunction causing death to the customer. During my paid employment I worked ata café in ASDA. I learned many important lessons here like health and safetyalong with food hygiene. I also exercised working in a busy environment and goodcommunication and team skills were necessary to achieve the goals. I feel thatmany of the skills I have learnt are relevant not just to geography but life inits self. Team skills may be put to good use in a fieldwork situation as well asmeeting deadlines and attention to detail. These all figure in some aspect ofthe course and university life in general

I enjoy sporting activities a lot and they are important in social wellbeing. I enjoy playing golf and especially football. I have reached semiprofessional for Fareham town where I scored the winning goal on my debut atthis level, being only the third player to ever to do this. I have also hadtrials with the major south coast professional sides such as Portsmouth,Southampton and Bournemouth. I enjoy leisure activities such as fishing andcamping and I go away regularly in the summer to carry out these activities

I also enjoy socialising with friends at the weekends but football usuallytakes precedence over socialising. There are specific areas around the citywhere these can be exercised together. I enjoy spending time with my family,either going out for the evening, spending the weekend camping and fishing orjust play football or golf.

Li Ming

英国留学申请书范文 第三篇

Dear x:

My ‘A’ Level English studies have introduced me to a more academic teachingstyle with an emphasis on the need for independent work, in order to gain thevery best grades. I enjoy seeking more depth and insight, whether for schooltexts of private reading and study. I have often made use of Leach Scragg’s“Discovering Shakespeare’s Meaning” when studying “Romeo and Juliet”, “Macbeth”,“Twelfth Night” and “The Merchant of Venice” to help me to read and understandthe plays more thoroughly. Anthony Holden’s biography has given me a basicunderstanding of Shakespeare and his world. I have recently purchased “LiteraryTheory: An Anthology”, edited by Rivkin and Ryan to support my developinginterest in critical theory.

In my studies to date I have looked at the modern novel but have recentlybecome interested in learning more about the Victorian novel as the precursor tomodernism. I am exploring the concept of the didactic, omniscient narrator andhow Victorian authors dealt with issues of contemporary social change. I haveread Dickens’s “Great Expectations” and am currently reading Eliot’s“Middlemarch”. A theme that interests me is that of religious faith and doubtalso expressed at the time through Victorian post-romantic poetry, such asArnold’s “Dover Beach” and Clough’s “The Latest Decalogue”.

My reading of modern literature, exploring the theme of “teenage angst” hasincluded works by , Nicky Hornby and Sue Townsend. I have alsoenjoyed the monologue art form of Alan Bennett’s “Talking Heads”. Through hisartless narrators I feel that Bennett successfully reveals the comic aspect ofthe too often tragic human condition. (This tragedy is explored further in thedarker, “Talking Heads Two”).

My other studies have broadened my knowledge but I have been keen toincorporate literary aspects. In art, I am currently writing a critical andanalytical study on “Stuckism” and last year I completed a piece of work basedon the Canterbury Tales. French, apart from providing me with a second modernlanguage, has given me the opportunity to sample foreign literature ’s “Jean de Florette” and “Manon des Sources”. I have also found thathaving to communicate in a foreign language has given me the skill of revisingmy thinking before I speak or write. Next summer I am going to stay with Frenchfriends in the South of France and am then hoping to considerably improve myfluency.

My vocational ‘A’ Level in “Media: Production and Communication” has fuelledan interest in linguistics that I have furthered by reading “The State of theLanguage” by Phillip Howard. This ‘A’Level has helped me to appreciate therichness of the English Language with its jargon, slang, dialects, argot,clichés, and foreign influences. It has given me the opportunity to edit andwrite for “The xxxxxxxx” and the ambition to be involved in campus publicationsin the future.

I enjoy going to the theatre and have seen productions by the RSC, our localTOADs theatre company as well as televised productions such as “A Day in theDeath of Joe Egg”. I have also had a role in a university student play and hadthe opportunity to watch other degree level drama.

Respectfully yours,

Li Ming

英国留学申请书范文 第四篇

Dear x:

Although I have been an avid reader of a wide range of fiction sincechildhood I delved into literature on a new level when I began studying Accessto Humanities. My eyes were opened to poetry for the first time and I havegained an enormous appreciation for the works of Wilfred Owen, Tennyson andWilliam H Davies and their differing styles. The way Owen portrayed the harshreality of war and the consequences for his fellow comrades, based upon his ownintense experiences as a soldier moved me deeply.

My Access to Humanities studies have cemented my fascination with EnglishLiterature and confirmed my decision to study English with History atuniversity. Literature and History are inseparably connected. I feel that mystudy of literature has emphasised my interest in the past as I find myselffocusing on the period in which the authors wrote in as well as their lifestylesand possible literary influences. I find Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor ofCasterbridge enthralling, not only because of the multi- dimensional characterswithin but also, as so much of the events which occur in the novel are relatedto my current studies of the Industrial Revolution and how the changes takingplace in that period affected the lives of so many.

I recently visited the Museum of Welsh Life and enjoyed absorbing theatmosphere of the heritage site and learning about the people who existed in theperiods displayed at the museum.

At present I am working at a local supermarket in which my main dutiesinvolve working on the checkout as part of a team, providing good customerservice, including dealing with complaints and general queries which has honedmy communication skills.

In my leisure time I enjoy reading a wide range of books from authors such asthe Bronte sisters and Jane Austen, to modern writers such as Mark Haddon andDouglas Adams. I am also reading Eric Hobsbawm Industry and Empire to aid me inmy understanding of the Industrial Revolution and prepare for future study.

Much of my spare time is spent with my family and partner therefore I useeffective time management to ensure deadlines are met with my studies.

Music is important to me and I regularly attend concerts with friends,including supporting local bands. Joining activity clubs such as rock climbingand yoga which I have always wanted to try out.

During my time at Coleg Morgannwg, I studied Health and Social Care for threeyears and then decided to enrol on a Foundation Biology course at GlamorganUniversity. However I felt I had made an enormous mistake in pursuing thiscareer path and felt completely lost as to where to turn next. On taking a breakfrom education to rethink my future, I have explored various career plans beforedeciding on teaching. I am certain that teaching is the profession for me, andlook forward to inspiring young minds to be as passionate about literature as Iam. On completing my degree I plan to apply to Cardiff University to gain a PGCEqualification.

I am dedicated to preparing for my future studies by extending my knowledgeon a wide range of literature and eagerly look forward to studying theNineteenth Century Literature modules in particular and delving deeper into thestudy of poetry.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

英国留学申请书范文 第五篇

Cambridge University

The University of Edinburgh


University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

University of Bath

I have always enjoyed studying Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and I would likethe opportunity to continue this study. Chemical Engineering appeals to mebecause of the challenges involved in the application of scientific theory topractical, real world problems such as how to deal with nuclear waste. Iparticularly look forward to studying fluid dynamics as I was introduced to thisduring the Engineering Education Scheme (EES). I am aware that in today’s worldchemical engineering has an increasingly important role across a wide range ofindustries from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals. The broad range of careerpaths, and the opportunity to contribute to society through , is for me, one of the main attractions of chemical engineering.

I have applied to take part in the Year In Industry scheme during which Ihope to gain practical experience, as well as greater maturity enabling me to gointo my degree course with improved skills and broader experience. I also hopeto study e-learning courses on project management and presentation skills run bythe IChemE. In Year 12 I took part in the EES, which improved my understandingand skills in team working, time management, and report writing, as well asvisual and oral presentation. Throughout the course of the project the team hadto frequently correspond with mentors in industry and academia and thisexperience has broadened my appreciation of practice and application in a reallife situation. In July I attended a week-long ‘Into Engineering’ seminar run byREACT Engineering. Working in two teams, we were given a design exercise basedupon a typical decommissioning project. I also attended a Headstart course atNewcastle University, which I thoroughly enjoyed. One of the main activities wasto design, manufacture and test a small crane. I found both of these experiencesvery challenging, as we were given only limited time so we had to prioritise ourtasks and carefully plan our work.

This year a fellow student and I were awarded £500 by the EuropeanScholarship Prize to fund a visit to Prague to do research for our A-levelHistory coursework. I gained an understanding of the city’s culture and historyand further developed my independence. During the summer I represented my schoolon a Connexions review of a government white paper on 14-19 education. I gainedan insight into the government’s proposals and learned a lot about working withdifferent groups of people. Last year I was part of the editorial team for theschool magazine. I wrote a number of articles and I was responsible for ensuringthat staff contributions were ready for the deadline. I also enjoy participatingin a range of sports and have represented the school at football and cricket,which has further enhanced my team working skills.

In my spare time I am working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. InSeptember I completed a 4-day expedition in the Lake District, which tested myendurance but gave me a great sense of achievement. As part of the award I havebeen helping at the local youth café once a week, which I am really enjoying asit gives me the chance to meet new people. I also enjoy reading, particularlybooks on physics and Russian history. I am really interested in computers and Iam currently trying to configure a Linux based file and print server for my homenetwork.

Li Ming