
中考冲刺英语作文模板范文 第一篇

人们常说:“没有规矩,不成方圆”,合理的校规对于学生的健康成长至关重要。请你根据以下所给内容要点,以“Our school rules”为题写一篇英文短文,谈谈你们的校规。









Our School Rules

There are many rules in our school.

From Monday to Friday,we have to get to school before 7:00 in the morning. We must wear school uniforms,and I think it is good for us because uniforms can make us look smart. We must listen to our teachers carefully in class and finish our homework after school. We are not allowed to use mobile phones in class. I think the rules are very strict but useful,and we should follow them. However,we have so much homework that we have little free time to do what we love to do.

In my opinion,we should have more free time to take part in all kinds of activities and improve our abilities.

中考冲刺英语作文模板范文 第二篇

Today is the 16th Teacher’s morning, the headmaster praised the teachers who did well in their teaching work and gave some teachers medals for their having completed thirty years of English teacher was among afternoon some of my classmates and I went to visit him in his office and we were warmly received by had a talk with him for some time.

He encouraged us to study hard and be good talking with him we were deeply inspired.

中考冲刺英语作文模板范文 第三篇

How to Keep Healthy Firstly, build normal daily routine and eat regularly. You should go to bed and get up early. Make sure you can have a good rest. Pay attention to your diets. Dont eat too much meat and sugar. Eat more vegetables.


Secondly, have a good mood towards life. A good mood will bring you a healthy body, too.


Last, do some exercises. Exercises help you build a strong and healthy body.


中考冲刺英语作文模板范文 第四篇

2022 年四川省雅安市



61.“读万卷书,行万里路。”阅读已成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分。你校英语社即将举办以热爱阅读为主题的征文活动。请根据以下提示,以“Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life”为题写篇短文,分享你对阅读的看法,并提出建议。





提示词:开阔视野 open up one’s mind


1.词数 80—100,已经给出的部分不计入总词数;

2. 短文必须包括所有要点,可以适当发挥,使其连贯、通顺;

3. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名和地名等相关信息。

中考冲刺英语作文模板范文 第五篇

Timeflys. A week has been gone.

This week I have nothing sepecial except helping anold lady across the road. I left home for school in a hurry on Monday morning,because I had flag-raising ceremony on that morning. When I was nearly arrivedat school, I saw an old lady whose hair is all white and she seemed didn’t movesmoothly. I worried about that she would have accidents without help. So I help her to go through theroad. As a result, I was late for school, but I was very happy.

中考冲刺英语作文模板范文 第六篇

A school did a survey among 1,267 students about their favorite kinds of English homework. Here are the results. 42% of the students like listening and speaking homework best, and 29% enjoy reading and writing. The percentage of the students who like the hands-on project is 22% and 7% choose other kinds of homework.

中考冲刺英语作文模板范文 第七篇

有效的课后作业能激发学生的学习兴趣,丰富学习经历,提升综合素养,并在知识与生活之间搭起一座桥梁。某校为减轻学生的负担,改进作业布置的方式,针对“你最喜欢的一种英语课后作业类型”对 1267 名学生进行了问卷调查,下图是相关的统计结果。

假如你是该校的学生,请你根据以上图表信息,用两段话写一篇短文。 内容包括:


2.从图表中选出 一种你最喜欢的作业类型,结合自己的经历,谈谈这种作业的好处。