
英语正式商务报告范文 第1篇

Dear Susan,

I am writing this letter to express our sincere appreciation for your continued is thanks to regular customers like you that our company is enjoying one of its best years in recent history,despite the economic slowdown

In order to show our thanks to you in a more concrete way,please allow us to extend to you an offer for a special VIP card will entitle you to a 10 percent discount on all future purchases during the next stop by our office and pick up your is our little way of showing gratitude to a loyal customer like you.

Once again,thank you for your unwavering has been our pleasure to serve you in the past,and we look forward to meeting all of your needs in the future.


Tony Smith

General Manager

英语正式商务报告范文 第2篇


date and place

minister of _____ (address) beijing,china

dear minister,

i am writing this letter to thank you for you

warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. i would also like to thank you for your interesting

discussion with me which i have found very informative and the entire visit, my delegation and i were

overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business

representatives on cooperation with china. i sincerely

hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we

would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economic and trade

relations and bring our business people together.

i am looking forward to your early visit to china

when i will be able to pay back some of the hospitalityi received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful

country. with kind personal regards,

faithfully yours,


minister of economic cooperation



dear mr/ms,

thank you for your letter of june 4, enclosing an account of the organization and work of your chamber of commerce and are very grateful for such a detailed account of your

activities. this information is certain to help increase our future cooperation.

yours faithfully

英语正式商务报告范文 第3篇

入世后,经济全球化、市场国际化的进一步深化,各个领域都离不开英语人才,尤其是既懂商业贸易、市场营销、经济管理,又精通英语的复合型人才更是紧缺,商贸英语人才 已成为各行业、各领域的骨干人才、通用人才。 目前英语已经成为事实上的国际通用语言。 很多国家和地区都将英 语指定为官方交流语言。在世界性国际会议、论坛和学术研讨会,在国际商务谈判和国际商贸合同文本,在外资企业或合资企业工作中,英语已成为重要的交流工具。随着世界经济一体化的迅速发展,特别是我国加入 WTO 以后,以及 2008 年北京奥运会的开办,我国更加广泛融入国际社会,与世界各国在政治、经济、文化等领域的交流活动日益频繁,与英语专业有关的行业如外贸、外交、海关、旅游、管理等涉外工作部门 获得前所未有的发展契机,使得我国对英语人才的需求数量越来越大。 据劳动人事部统计,

英语专业毕业生的就业率一直在各专业中居于前 10 位。即使在近年来大学生就业 普遍不景气的情况下,大多数院校英语专业毕业生的就业率仍然保持 90%以上,就业前景乐观。毕业生在走上工作岗位后,大都能发挥他们的外语优势,受到学校、外事部门、 公司企业等用人部门的重视和欢迎 。随着中国经济发展进一步加快,中国和世界的联系也会加强,在一个 较长的时期内,英语专业仍会继续 保持自己良好的就业前景。 除了就业,英语专业的学生出国的机会也相对较多。





















^^The . Department of Commerce released on Wednesday a seasonally adjusted . sales of new homes in April rose by% year-on-year, slightly stronger than most ysts expected.

More new shoots are emerging in the long-term silence of the . real estate market. A series of recent reports show that the recovery of the real estate market will begin on Tuesday.

The association of real estate agents said that existing house sales in April were in April Earlier, it was reported that the operating rate of new housing rose to the annualized rate of housing, the highest level since April sales, nearly% higher than that of the same period of last year. Moreover, the median or mid point of house prices, the sales amount of new houses in last month increased by% compared with April, that is to say, the latest rebound is not large, and the base is very low. The speed of new house sales in April is still only 1 A small part of the peak of more than a million homes sold a year in 2000 is only about half of the average level in the first half century, and the uncertainty is still high, because despite this, a large number of houses are in the foreclosure channel.

The report on Wednesday added a lot of evidence that the real estate market has finally begun to rise slowly from the bottom, thanks to job growth and consumer confidence Improvement: among the four regions defined by the Ministry of Commerce, sales of new houses rose in April in three areas. Driven by the Midwest and western regions, the number of new houses listed for sale at the end of April will be exhausted in a few months at the current sales rate. _The restriction of tight mortgage credit on demand will at least not worsen, and the housing affordability is very high,_ Celia said Chen said a real estate yst at Moody’s Analytics said that _in the second half of this year, new home sales will begin to dig into the abyss seriously._ although housing in areas such as California is at risk, there is a glimmer of hope: _homeowners will give up their homes that are often in trouble, and old disrepair is good for new homes._.


^^周三公布的经季节性调整后的xx月份新房同比增长%,略强于大多数分析师的预期,房地产市场长期沉寂的房地产市场正在出现更多的新芽最近的一系列报告显示,房地产市场的复苏将于周二开始,房地产经纪人协会表示,xx月现房较上月增长%,早些时候有报道称,上个月新屋开工率上升至房屋年化率,为xx月以来最高水平,较上年同期高出近%,且房价中值或中点,上个月新房金额比xx月份上涨了%,也就是说,最近的回升幅度不大,而且基数很低,xx月份新房的速度仍然只是过去xx年xx年售出超过百万套房屋的峰值的一小部分,只有上半个世纪平均水平的一半左右,而且不确定性仍然很高,因为尽管如此,大量房屋处于止赎通道中,周三的报告补充了大量证据,证明房地产市场终于开始从底部缓慢上升,这要归功于就业增长和消费者信心的改善,在定义的四个地区中,有三个地区xx月份的新房上升在中西部和西部的带动下,南部全国范围内出现了下降,xx月底上市待售的新房数量将以目前的速度在数月内耗尽“紧缩的抵押贷款信贷对需求的至少不会恶化,住房支付能力很高,”Celia Chen说,穆迪分析公司(Moody’s Analytics)的一位房地产分析师表示,“今年下半年,新房将开始认真挖掘深渊”,尽管加州等地区的住房面临风险,但有一线希望:“房屋拥有者将放弃往往处于困境中的住房年久失修有利于新建住宅”。

英语正式商务报告范文 第4篇


商务英语报告则是以英语语言撰写的商务报告。按种类划分,常见的有:事件调查报告(Investigative Reports)、意见调查报告(Survey Reports)、周报告(Weekly Reports)、月度报告(Monthly Reports)、进展报告(Progress Reports)、市场调查报告(Market Research Reports)、可行性研究报告(Feasibility Reports)等。尽管这些报告都有自身的特点,但它们都遵循商务英语报告总体写作原则。








商务英语报告是以英语语言撰写的商务报告。按种类划分,常见的有:事件调查报告(Investigative Reports)、意见调查报告(Survey Reports)、周报告(Weekly Reports)、月度报告(Monthly Reports)、进展报告(Progress Reports)、市场调查报告(Market Research Reports)、可行性研究报告(Feasibility Reports)等。尽管这些报告都有自身的特点,但它们都遵循商务英语报告总体写作原则。



? 报告的目的:为什么写这份报告?

? 报告的读者:谁是报告的读者?他(们)知道什么信息?他(们)需要什么信息?

? 报告的素材:撰写这份报告需要收集哪些信息?到哪里去收集这些信息?

? 报告的结构:如何构思报告?如何做到报告结构清晰,便于读者阅读?是否需要自己设计报告的格式还是公司有现成的格式可以参照?

? 报告的写作期限:报告何时须上交?


1. 收集信息(Collecting Information):收集信息可以采取口头或书面形式。口头形式包括面对面沟通或电话沟通获取信息等;书面形式指的是用办公室便函(Memos)、电子邮件(Emails)、问卷调查(Questionnaires)等手段向公司内部或外部索取信息。此外,查阅公司的相关材料(如产品目录、价格单等)也属于书面收集信息形式。

2. 谋篇布局(Planning the structure):确定报告写作的目的,对收集到的信息进行整理、分类,删除无关信息。然后按照信息的重要程度进行合理排列,列成提纲。若需要摆放插图或图表,也应在这一阶段确定其在报告中的位置。

3. 撰写草稿(Writing the draft):撰写报告的各个部分。

英语正式商务报告范文 第5篇

Dear Mr Xu,

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all nurses & doctors of level 7, ICU nurses at level 5, Professor Niu and Professor Wu, Sister Wei, the specialist in Transarterial Intervention- doctor Zhou, for providing the best treatment, special care and excellent service level rendered during our stay.

This is our 3rd visit and I have noted that the service level is consistently good.

You have indeed build a very strong team that is very special in this Hospital.

I pray that the Hospital will continue to grow with strength, knowledge and skill and that more patient will benefit & recover fast with your combine procedures and treatments in combating and controlling cancer.

In just 3 months (from 17 July 20xx to 16 Oct 20xx), and after 2 visits, the tumor(approx 2.

3× cm) in the lung is almost dead with only a small level of cancer activity present according to the result of PET CT/SCAN interpretted by the professor.

No metastasis found.

The head was operated and tumor removed, followed by cryo-ablation, PDT & Iodine seeding.

I was told by Professor Wu that result from PET CT/SCAN showed that the head is now free from cancer.

The speed of lab test & treatment was excellent.

All the necessary tests prior to operation and treatment were carried out in just 2-3 days.

On 17 July, the tumor in the head was removed by resection, follow by cryo-ablation, PDT & Iodine implantation.

All these were done in just nine hour.

He was in ICU for just 1 day and is wheeled back to the room for rest and recovery.

On the 27 July, the lung was treated with cryo-ablation and Iodine seeding, which was later follow up with transarterial intervention the next day.

All the procedures for the head and lung were done within 15days without compromise.

In my opinion, Fuda has done well in many areas and I believe Fuda is one of the best place to seek treatment for cancer.

Once again, A Big Thank You to all and especially to Professor Wu who is very professional, caring, approachable and responsible in performing his duty.

He had shown that he is capable even at his age he had delivered his very best.

This is highly commendable.

I give him due respect and wish him good health and long life.

Thank you for taking good care of my brother Ang C B

Best Regards,

Stewart Ang

英语正式商务报告范文 第6篇

The ppose of this report is to use team colors to evaluate the accacy of my job descption as a pfessional, and to ppose some changes. The results are obvious. The company’s view of the work is different fm the reality.

I felt fm the beginning that the official job befing section on the pie chart did not When it comes to some areas that require a lot of my time, the most noteworthy part of this part is the pink part, which is related to the many meetings I attend, and I have hardly contbuted. The other important area is the gray part, which refers to the time I spend on sorting out comr pblems. I feel that these activities hinder my core work.

As can be seen fm the chart, I have made great efforts to achi the goal of achieving the goal The above differences clearly indicate that my crent job bef is not accate. I suggest that I update my formal work bef using the working set color. Consider the pportion of non core colors in the pie chart and investigate whether work in these areas can be performed by someone else who is suitable for these tasks.



英语正式商务报告范文 第7篇

Dear sir/madam:

I’m delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].

As we agreed, you’ll be speaking on the topic “” from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you’ll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I’ll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

Thank you again for your consent. I look forward to your reply.

You are sincere,




英语正式商务报告范文 第8篇

Dear Mrs. Hoo.

I feel I owe you a personal apology for my insensitive comment at the meeting yesterday. I know these days since John’s funeral have been very difficult for you, and I was clearly out of order in making reference to “merry widows.” I’m sorry you had to suffer from my foolishness.

I hope you will be able to forgive me. I have tremendous respect for you and your abilities, and I hope we can continue to work well together. I’m terribly sorry.







英语正式商务报告范文 第9篇

入世后,经济全球化、市场国际化的进一步深化,各个领域都离不开英语人才,尤其是既懂商业贸易、市场营销、经济管理,又精通英语的复合型人才更是紧缺,商贸英语人才 已成为各行业、各领域的骨干人才、通用人才。 目前英语已经成为事实上的国际通用语言。 很多国家和地区都将英 语指定为官方交流语言。在世界性国际会议、论坛和学术研讨会,在国际商务谈判和国际商贸合同文本,在外资企业或合资企业工作中,英语已成为重要的交流工具。随着世界经济一体化的迅速发展,特别是我国加入 WTO 以后,以及 2008 年北京奥运会的开办,我国更加广泛融入国际社会,与世界各国在政治、经济、文化等领域的交流活动日益频繁,与英语专业有关的行业如外贸、外交、海关、旅游、管理等涉外工作部门 获得前所未有的发展契机,使得我国对英语人才的需求数量越来越大。 据劳动人事部统计,

英语专业毕业生的就业率一直在各专业中居于前 10 位。即使在近年来大学生就业 普遍不景气的情况下,大多数院校英语专业毕业生的就业率仍然保持 90%以上,就业前景乐观。毕业生在走上工作岗位后,大都能发挥他们的外语优势,受到学校、外事部门、 公司企业等用人部门的重视和欢迎 。随着中国经济发展进一步加快,中国和世界的联系也会加强,在一个 较长的时期内,英语专业仍会继续 保持自己良好的就业前景。 除了就业,英语专业的学生出国的机会也相对较多。

英语正式商务报告范文 第10篇

The ppose of this report is to use team colors to assess the accacy of my job descption as a pfessional and to ppose some changes. Obviously, there is a difference beeen the company’s views on the work and my actual situation. First of all, the official work befing section on the pie chart does not mention some areas that require me a lot of time.

The most noteworthy part of this part is the pink part, which has something to do with the many meetings I attended. I have hardly contbuted to other important areas. This refers to the grey part that I spend on I feel that these activities are hindeng my core work.

As can be seen fm the chart, the time I actively work to achi the goals agreed with the line is unimaginable. The above differences clearly show that my crent job pfile is not accate. I suggest that I use Workset colors to update my official job bef.

It’s also valuable to consider the pportion of non core colors in the pie chart, and to investigate whether work in these areas can be done by others who are suitable for these tasks.




标签: 新学期

英语正式商务报告范文 第11篇











Email Address:










.3—至今 XX集团公司 出纳、会计



XX科技有限公司 助理会计




另: 最重要的是能力,相信贵公司会觉得我是此职位的合适人选!


英语正式商务报告范文 第12篇

Assessment of Suitability for Home-based Working


The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working.


My working pattern and that of my colleagues vary from week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based work collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proofread the colour copies of all reports and maps.

As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At all other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.


It is clear that I would be able to undertake the same duties while working from home for a large proportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-face communication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities of the office at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be provided with a networked computer and printer.


I would suggest that I should be given the necessary equipment to work partially from home for a trial period. After this time, further consultation should take place in order to reassess the situation.


home-based working: working at home,在家办公

a large proportion of my time: 我的大部分时间

undertake my duties: 履行我的(工作)职责

英语正式商务报告范文 第13篇

Dear Mr/Ms,

Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Greensvisit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards, ourmanager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until thesecond half of June. He would, however, be pleased tosee Mr. Green any time after his look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully


谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才能回来。但他回 来后愿意在任何时间会见格林先生。




英语正式商务报告范文 第14篇

Dear sir/madam:

We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new .

The presentation will take place at , at on . There will also be a reception at . We hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend.

is a leading producer of high-quality . As you well know, recent technological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public. Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers.

We look forward to seeing you on . Just call our office at and we will be glad to secure a place for you.

Sincerely yours


英语正式商务报告范文 第15篇

Dear Sir / Madam:

Good day ! How are you?

We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at (地点) from April xx to xx xx(展会日期).

Exhibition Center : xxx xxx xxx

Booth Number : xxx xxx xxx

Date : xx xx to xx xx

Thank you very much for your attention.

sincerely yours,

[name] :邀请人名字

[title] :邀请人公司

英语正式商务报告范文 第16篇

随着社会的发展和我国市场经济的不断完善,不仅是外资企业、 民营企业还是国有企业 都在开发海外市场或存在发展意向, 商务英语已经渗入到各种各样的企业里, 但企业内商务英语专业人才无论是在数量上、层次结构及专业素质上都还存在许多不足。

1、人才总量需求不断增长,商务英语人才需求增长较快 随着我国经济的持续高速发展, 我国各种体制的企业数量也快速增长, 使得我国人才总量需 求也稳步增长。中国入世以来,

极大地拓展了商务英语的发展空间,上万家企业拥有自营进 出口权,商务英语专业人才炙手可热,就业前景十分广阔。目前,无论大型三资企业,还是 国营、民营中小企业都存在开拓海外市场、参与商务英语的行为和意图,越来越多的专业商 务英语人才如单证员、报关员、外销员等都将走俏职场。

2、企业国贸人才素质继续提高,人才层次出现新的变化 通过本次调查发现,商务英语人才素质在不断提高,人才层次结构出现新的变化,进一步呈 现重实际操作、年轻化的趋势。调查还表明,同国有企业单位相比,非公有制经济中商务英 语人才队伍的重实际操作、年轻化的优势更加明显,高层次商务英语人才队伍逐步壮大。

英语正式商务报告范文 第17篇

1 、国际贸易实务方向

本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务与秘书工作的高等应用型人才。该专业由英语语言能力、商务运作能力和计算机应用技术三个技能模块构建成整个教学计划的核心,就业前景乐观。2 、国际商务管理及秘书方向

本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务管理与项目策划工作的高等应用型人才。该专业学生毕业后掌握商务运作的知识与技能,能熟练运用英语和计算机从事国际商务及秘书工作。3 、会展英语方向

本专业方向掌握会展与广告设计基本理论和知识 、具备会展设计规划和运用计算机进行艺术创造设计的实用型高级专业人才。学生毕业后能从事国际、国内各种会展的组织与策划、会展翻译、会展协调与服务、外事办公等工作。

英语正式商务报告范文 第18篇



英语正式商务报告范文 第19篇

Report on the use of company aircraft by department directors


The purpose of this report is to discribe how the company jet is used by senior staff(departmental directors and above) of Florentino international.

Number of flights per year

The number of flights per year has increased from 56 last year to 63 this number is expected to increase by nearly 30% to 80 next year.

Reasons for flights

The main reason which was given for using the jet last year was customer meetings(56%).However,this has decreased to 40% this contrast,company meetings,which constituted 35% of reasons for flights last year,rose to 45% this is predicted that customer meetings will be the main reason for flights next year(60%),while company meetings are expected to decrease to just 30%.Other reasons for using the jet have remained almost the same over the three years at between 10% and 20%.


Use of the company aircraft is becoming increasingly popular,and customer meetings are the main reason for using it.

英语正式商务报告范文 第20篇

Dear sir/madam:

[organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic].

As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in .

Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. I’ll call you [date] to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. I can assure you that we’ll make everything convenient to the speaker.





英语正式商务报告范文 第21篇





英语正式商务报告范文 第22篇

Report on Effective Team Leadership Workshop 关于举办提高团队领导效率研讨班的报告

The aim of this report is to summarise issues arising from the recent Team Leadership Workshop at Ekstrom and recommend appropriate action.


The workshop began with an assessment of how the Ekstrom team leaders understood their ranged from assigning and checking other people’s work to motivating others to do the disparity clearly showed that the team leaders had different understandings of their roles and that Ekstrom therefore needed to communicate its expectations more explicitly.

In order to do this,Ekstrom identified key tasks and used WorkSet colours to illustrate the precise level of responsibility which could be allocated to task such as communicating with the team,for example,might be approached in a variety of ways:

n/x05I give my staff instructions every morning.(Blue work)

n/x05I let my staff decide on the best approach for themselves.(Yellow work)

n/x05My team and I decide how to do each work.(Orange work)

Having identified the different possible approaches to each key task,the company was able to select which was most appropriate and communicate its expectations in terms of the skills and behavior required.


It is clear that Ekstrom needs to ensure that its team leaders are capable of performing key tasks in a manner(在某种意义上;在某种程度上) compatible with company the appropriate skills can be developed through in-company training,changing behavioural attributes is much more difficult.


We strongly recommend,therefore,that Ekstrom sets up assessment centres where existing team leaders and new applicants can be screened to ensure that they have the appropriate attributes for effective team leadership.

Barrie Watson

Belin Associates,February 2000

英语正式商务报告范文 第23篇






英语正式商务报告范文 第24篇


Resource Planning Manager: Assessment ofSuitability for Home-based Working


The purpose of this report is to assess the suitabilityof my position as Resource Planning Manager forhome-based working.


My working pattern and that of my colleagues variesfrom week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doingfieldwork. This is followed by office-based work collating and recording the data collected. Oncethe results have been recorded, I proofread the colour copies of all reports and maps.

As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. Atall other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or byphone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can beachieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.


It is clear that I would be able to undertake the same duties while working from home for a largeproportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-facecommunication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities ofthe office at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would needto be provided with a networked computer and printer.


I would suggest that I should be given the necessary equipment to work partially from homefor a trial period. After this time, further consultation should take place in order to reassessthe situation.