
接受发盘范文 第1篇



2)具体询价:所谓具体询价实际上就是请求对方报盘(request for an offer)。也就是说,买方已准备购买某种商品,或已有现成买主,请卖方就这一商品报价。

Basic Expressions

1. Our buyers asked for your price list or catalogue.


2. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver. 所报价格需包括到温哥华的保险和运费。

3. I would like to have your lowest quotations . Vancouver. 希望您报成本加运费、保险费到温哥华的最低价格。

4. Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer?


5. We would appreciate your sending us the latest samples with their best prices.


6. Your ad in today’s China Daily interests us and we will be glad to receive samples with your prices.

对你们刊登在今天《中国日报》上的广告,我们很感兴趣。如能寄 来样品并附上价格,不胜欣慰。

7. Will you please inform us of the prices at which you can supply? 请告知我们贵方能供货的价格。

8. If your prices are reasonable, we may place a large order with you.


9. If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long-term contract with you.

若质量好且价格适合我方市场的话,我们愿考虑与你方签署一项长 期合同。

10. As there is a growing demand for this article, we have to ask you for a special discount.


11. We would appreciate your letting us know what discount you can grant if we give you a long-term regular order.


12. Please quote your lowest price CIF Seattle for each of the follow- ing items, including our 5% commission.

请就下列每项货物向我方报成本加运费、保险费到西雅图的最低价 格,其中包括我们百分之五的佣金。

13. Please keep us informed of the latest quotation for the following items.


14. Mr. Smith is making an inquiry for green tea.


15. Now that we have already made an inquiry on your articles, will you please make an offer before the end of this month?


16. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within 3 months after receipt of the covering letters of credit.


17. Please quote us your price for 100 units of Item 6 in your catalog.


18. Those items are in the greatest demand in foreign markets.


19. Would you please quote me your prices for the goods?


20. We have quoted this price based on careful calculations.



Dialogue 1

A: Good afternoon. I am Mr. Brown, the Import manager of Atlantic Industries Ltd, Sidney, Australia. This is my card.

B: Good afternoon, Mr. Brown. My name is Mrs. Anderson, manager of the sales department.

A: Nice to see you, Mrs. Anderson.

B: Nice to see you too, Mr. Brown. Won’t you sit down?

A: Thank you.

B: What would you like, tea or coffee?

A: I’d prefer coffee if you don’t mind.

B: Is it your first trip to the Fair, Mr. Brown?

A: No, it’s the fourth time.

— 下午好!我是布朗先生,是澳大利亚悉尼大西洋工业有限公司进口部经理。这是我的名片。

— 布朗先生,下午好!我是安德森女士,销售部的经理。

— 见到你很高兴,安德森女士。

— 布朗先生,我也很高兴见到你,请坐。

— 谢谢。

— 你愿喝茶还是咖啡?

— 如不介意请来杯咖啡吧。

— 布朗先生,这是您第一次参加博览会吗?

n 不,这是第四次了。

B: Good. Is there anything you find changed about the Fair?

A: Yes, a great deal. The business scope has been broadened, and there are more visitors than ever before.

B: Really, Mr. Brown? Did you find anything interesting?

A: Oh, yes. Quite a bit. But we are especially interested in your products.

B: We are glad to hear that. What items are you particularly inter – ested in?

A: Women’s dresses. They are fashionable and suit Australian women well, too. If they are of high quality and the prices are reasonable, we’ll purchase large quantities of them. Will you please quote us a price?

B: All right.

— 太好了。您发现博览会有什么变化吗?

— 对,变化很大。经营范围扩大了,而且客户也多了很多。

— 布朗先生,真的吗?你有没有发现感兴趣的商品?

— 是的,有很多。我们对你们的产品尤其感兴趣。

— 听你这样说我们真高兴。您对什么产品尤其感兴趣呢?

— 连衣裙。这些连衣裙的款式不仅时髦,而且很适合澳洲妇女穿着。 如果这些衣服质量好,价格合理,我们将大量订购。您能开个价吗?

— 那好吧。

接受发盘范文 第2篇


Dear Mr. Muller:

Thank you for the letter of (date) enquiring price for our boy‘s t-shirt.

To close our deal , we offer you firm C&F Limassol USD ___/pc. Payment by irrevocable L/C to reach us one month before the time of shipment. This offer is subject to your reply reaching us before (date). Please refer to the attached files for packing and product specification info.

We allow a discount of 5% if your order e_ceeds USD 5,000. And there has been a heavy demand for our t-shirt and our factory is fully committed right now.

Therefore, at the most competitive price we offer, we hope to receive your reply with

questions if any or an order soon.

Best regards



Dear Johnson,

We are so glad to know you are interested in our product , series and very glad to enter into business relationship with you.

As Australia is our important strategic market, and in order to help us both to push sales here, our company prefer to offer you the above “cost” price to hit your target.

Hope so competitive price can help you get your market soon .

By the way, could you pls tell us which color you like most and what kind of packing way you prefer?

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

Best regards


接受发盘范文 第3篇

we had your enclosed drawings of 5 types of machines in your letter feb. 2, . would you please inform us by return of the price, discounts, terms of payment and the time when you can deliver them. if your quotations are suitable and the quality proves good, we’ll be pleased to invite your representative over for detailed discussion.




我们已向该公司提出询价( 询盘 )。

we addressed our inquiry to the firm。


we answered the inquiry received from the firm。

我公司已收到,该公司关于这类商品的 询盘 。

we have an inquiry for the goods received from the firm。


we invited inquiries for the goods from the customers。


will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you。


we shall be glad to have your specific inquiry。

敬请惠寄报价单和样品可否? 请酌。

would you care to send us some samples with the quotations。


please put us on your best terms,as this order forms part of a contract。


please state your best terms and discount for cash。


please put us on your very best shipping terms as regards discount。


please let us have information as to the price and quality of the goods。


please quote us your lowest price for sundry goods,including synthetic fiber good,including synthetic fiber goods,such as nylon,vinylon,and saran made in japan。


kindly favour us with the lowest cash price for the goods。


kindly let us know at what price you are able to deliver quantities of best refined sugar。


at what lowest price can you quote for 50 bales middling texas cotton for november?


please quote us the lowest price for ten cork。


we shall be obliged by a quotation of your lowest price for the said goods free delivered at our works。


i shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue together with quotations。


please quote us your lowest prices for the goods。

贵公司7月1日来函就该商品优惠条件的 询盘 敬悉。

we have received your letter of july 1,enquiring about the best terms of the goods。


we shall be pleased to receive your enquiries for the machineries。


we would appreciate receiving details regarding the commodities。


we would appreciate it if you will please let us know the ruling prices of the goods。