
英语短篇美篇范文初中 第一篇

On New Year’s Eve,our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

Then,the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted. He shouted ourxxxThe day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn.xxx The hall After that,they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:xxxThe dog stands out among a group of chickens.xxx

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二篇

March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that day . On that day , we didn’t had classes . The teachers and our classmates planted trees around our school.

We began to planted trees as soon as we got to school . some students dug the holes . Some students put the trees into the holes.

Some students put the earth back to the holes. Then we pushed the earth hard with our feet . At last we watered the trees as much as possible.

From then on we looked after the trees carefully and the trees grew very well . It made our school more beautiful .And How happy we are !

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三篇

Most of us take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. The days stretch out in an endless vista, so we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life. The same lethargy characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound. When walking the woods, I, who cannot see, find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough, shaggy bark of a pine. In the spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud —the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter’s sleep. I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me. Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song. I am delighted to have the cool waters of a brook rush thought my open finger.

To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. Suppose you set your mind to work on the problem of how you would use your own eyes if you had only three more days to see. If with the oncoming darkness of the third night you knew that the sun would never rise for you again, how would you spend those three precious intervening days? What would you most want to let your gaze rest upon? I, naturally, should want most to see the things which have become dear to me through my years of darkness. You, too, would want to let your eyes rest on the things that have become dear to you so that you could take the memory of them with you into the night that loomed before you.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四篇





英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五篇

Students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax, but in some schools they are not given enough time to do outside activities. Its harmful for students growth. Teachers ask students to spend most of their time on studies. But when they feel tired and bored, students cant concentrate on studies. They are in bad health.

Its necessary to give students enough time to do outside activities. After good relaxation and rest, students will work harder.

Pay attention to students health and growth.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六篇

Today, we are affected by the commercial ads everywhere. When we open the TV, we will see the ads to advocate us to pursue perfectness, when we walk on the street, there are beautiful stars’ pictures on the shops. So most people have the consciousness that we are not perfect and we should buy some products to make us look perfect. As for me, when I see a very beautiful girl who makes up with thick power, I don’t appreciate her beauty, while when I see a girl who looks so natural and with some spots in her face, I think she is pretty. No one is perfect, the incomplete beauty is the real beauty.


英语短篇美篇范文初中 第七篇

新华学校实施了改善学生健康的“蛋奶工程”。Wet Hua是该学校的一名学生。这天,Wei Hua 又得到了刚发下的鸡蛋和牛奶。他打开那盒牛奶喝了一点点,就不想喝了。连续吃了一段时间的牛奶和鸡蛋,Wei Hua感到吃腻了,就偷偷地把鸡蛋和大半盒的牛奶扔进了垃圾桶里。远处的王老师看到了他的举动,并对他进行了教育。他对此感到抱歉,决定今后要节约粮食,不再浪费粮食。

参词汇rubbish bin垃圾桶, be tired of 对感到厌(腻)了,throw扔, save节约

To improve students health Xin Hua Middle School has carried on the Milk and Eggs Project for students Wei Hua is a student at the school Today Wei Hua got the milk and egg again as usual He opened the box of milk and drank a little He felt tired of the egg and the milk He didnt want to have them any more Then he threw the milk and egg into the rubbish bin At that moment Miss Wang saw this from far away She came over and told him not to do this again Wei Hua felt sorry to do so He promised not to waste food any more

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第八篇

The person I want to thank is my English teacher. She is about forty years old. She is tall and thin with long black curly hair. As for a teacher, she loves teaching and teaches us with patience. You can always see a big smile on her face.

Her class is really interesting and useful. She teaches us not only much knowledge but also many skills on how to learn English well. These skills even can help us with other subjects. All of my classmates love her lessons. When we make mistakes, she is very strict with us, but she doesn’t scold us. She often encourages us not to lose heart and treat us as her own child. With her help, I made some big progress in English last term.

She is also a really kind teacher. When someone has some problems, she will help him. when someone is ill, she takes good care of him. After class, she is easygoing. We all get on well with her, so we often play games with her and make fun of her.

We all know our grades can cheer her up, so we must work hard in order that our teacher can smile every day.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第九篇

If you ask me what my favourite can tell you pandas are my like the pandas not only because they are one of the Chinas treasures,but also because they looks cute.

Pandas are very fat and hairy. They have two colours:white and pandasd face,back and stomach are all white, their eyes nose legs and arms are all black.

The pandas like eating bamboo. Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth.

There are two pandas called tuantuan and yuanyuan will send to Taiwan.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十篇






作为老师,教态要自然、适度、得体、教师的教学语言应严谨、简洁、逻辑性强,坚定自信,饱满的教学热情,学而不厌,诲人不倦的精神,都能升华学生高涨的学*激情。对学生的评价要正确、恰当,特别是课堂上学生回答问题后,应给予积极肯定,如“very good/Excellent/Thank you/well done!”等。作为新老师,很容易忽略这一点。往往学生回答完问题,简单地就“Sitdown ,please”,学生无法得到真正的肯定。


有一点也是很重要得,就是情感教育的核心“爱”。在英语教学中,整个班级学生的成绩参差不齐,这是许多教师都不可回避的一个现实。教师的爱心不仅体现在优秀学生身上,更要倾注在 “学困生”身上,关注不同层次的学生,让不同水*的学生在同一节课中都能有所进步。教学以来,我们会发现,很多学生因为喜爱某个老师而喜欢他所任教的学科。我们教给学生的,不仅是丰富的知识,还有培养其获得知识的能力。



初中英语短篇美文 (菁选5篇)(扩展5)












我们每个同学都有自己的小伙伴,今天我们就来学*xxx我的朋友们xxxxxxMy friendsxxx(板书课题,带领学生读几遍)生答:xxx我喜欢和…一起玩xxx



老师和这位朋友想从外形上描述一下自己,应该说:xxx我是胖的xxxxxxIm fatxxx(板书Im带领学生读几遍)

老师在请上来一位朋友,看老师的这位朋友长的瘦thin(带领学生齐读,我是瘦的Im thin)在教授thin时,注意纠正学生的发音.




下面同学们打开书,书上有一个boy and agirl。想向我们作一下自我介绍。同学们听一听他们是怎样介绍自己的(放录音)


(找一名学生,问who are you?并解释句子的含义xxx你是谁?xxx带领学生读几遍)我的朋友长和很高….














图片fat thin图片

图片big Im small图片

图片tall short图片




































学生学*的最大愿望是什么?毫无疑问,就是求知欲和好奇心,它们是培养和激发学生学*愿望的奠基石。只有把学生的求知欲和好奇心激发出来,那么他们就会主动去学*和发现问题, 强烈的求知欲会产生学*的愿望,而获取知识后的喜悦又会促进产生求知欲。 在我多年教学实践中,我认为创设问题情境是一个非常有效的方法,创设问题情境,能让学生从这些情境中引出好奇心,引起他们的疑惑、惊讶,这样最能产生求知欲和学*兴趣,产生学*的愿望。

初中英语短篇美文 (菁选5篇)(扩展6)




《新目标英语》词汇量大,其中七年级上册有词汇700个左右,下册约450个,八年级上册约450个,下册约400个, 九年级全册约500个,合计2500个。词汇量大自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词?




英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十一篇










英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十二篇

Basketball is my favorate sports. Different people love differentsports,and in the GAME, the ethletic according to his or her talent take part inthe different games. But , for me i love basketball so much!

First, basketball game is a team game,so every body have to support andcoporation together that can finish this game well.

second, basketball game is a way for relax. it’s good for body and good formind too.

fanilly,it’s a good exercise to everybody, it is good to our health.

In all ,basketball game is my favorate sports.。

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十三篇

It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. I really had a busy and happy day.


英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十四篇


同时,这次培训也使我的专业理论基础得到加强,从教学视频中深受启发。 没有理论支撑的研修是没有根基的。脱离了理论学*,我们的教学研究活动是肤浅的,是飘浮的。专家们从中学英语课堂教学的几个重要环节结合新课程标准进行专题讲解,在学*的过程中我结合实际生活也得到了以下几个体会:







英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十五篇

In a calm sea every man is a all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiest – it is a tangled yarn. Bereavements and blessings, one following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving. Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.

In the affairs of life or of business, it is not intellect that tells so much as character, not brains so much as heart, not genius so much as self-control, patience, and discipline, regulated by have always believed that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without. In an age of extravagance and waste, I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity regret one’s errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance. There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十六篇

As we all know, water is very important to all living things on Earth. People can’t live without water. But many countries in the world are short of water. So, it’s necessary for us to save water.

First, remember not to waste or pollute water, because water is valuable, like liquid gold. We shouldn’t leave the tap on while we wash our hands or brush our teeth. Second, we should learn to reuse water. For example, we can use the water to clean the floor or wash the toilet after we wash fruit and vegetable. Third, we’d better take a shower instead of a bath. A last, it’s also helpful to tell people around us to save water together.

If everyone can do all of these. We are sure to save a lot of water.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十七篇

Once upon a time, in a large forest there lived two brothers cock and the look very beautiful. Whenever the dawn, the rooster head, dressed in colorful feathers and singing loudly, and others to match the outside. The crows are in the forest and small animals along with labor, with its beautiful song off fatigue.

Thus, the forest gradually small animals do not like the cock crow is agreed that the most beautiful. Emotion and facial expression is beautiful. A poor without passion is defective expression of the face; any whitewash it, you blow I want to, only a fool would love.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十八篇

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of imagination,a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station:

so long as it receives messages of beauty,hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young. When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第十九篇

I love my mother very much. when I see her doing housework I often come to help her.

One day, my mother was ill and my father was out. So I had to look after my mother and do housework by myself.

Although I was not good at doing that things, I still tried my best to do everything. After a day of work,I was very tired.

But I was very happy. It was not only because I was no longer a child, but I known I could help my mother as well.

From then on, I often help my mother. Now, I can help my mother clean the room, wash the clothes, put away the clothes. cook dinner, wash the dishes.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十篇

It is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or college. Obviously,a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it is our duty to do that in the present days,since the concept of “a green world” has bee the focus of the society. The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment. To begin with,the development on the campus is to be sustainable and recyclable. Some of the authorities’ budget should be on how to reduce of the waste. What’s more,we’d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us. Thus the idea of environmental protection may bee a mon occurrence in our daily life. It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to protect our campus from waste and pollution,and hence these activities are to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Certainly,there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses.

With the development of our society and economy,people are confronting with serious environmental problem,including environment pollution and resource for modern college students,it is of great importance to create and maintain a green campus in our university.

As we all known,the idea of green campus has bee the focus of the most measures should we take to creat green campus?As far as we’re concerned we can take action from the following two ‘d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us and the importance of protection of in this way ,the idea of environmental protection may bee a mon action in our daily is necessary for us to take effectie measure to protect our campus from pollution and waste,for example,we may call on student to save water and electricity and refuse sorting equipment treatment by the way of the slogan or other effective form of our purpose of make green campus.

Certainly there is no doubt that the further consideration must be paid to our green there is an increasing number of college students will participate in the action which is meaningful for our everyone’s joint effort,I believe that our environment will bee more and more beautiful.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十一篇

The ray of the warm sunlight told us that it was spring. A lion was sleeping peacefully in the forest.

While the lion was fast asleep, a mouse went on top of the lion. The bold mouse played happily on top of the lion. xxxYuppie! This is really fun.xxx The mouse ran around thumping and stomping here and there.

The lion was not able to sleep with all the racket. The lion knew that there was someone on top of him. So, the lion made a surprise attack and rolled on the ground.

And the mouse fell over. When the lion saw the mouse he was relieved and said, xxxWhew! It was only a mouse.xxx

However, far away a fox had seen the scene. The fox laughed mockingly to the lion and said, xxxYoure as big as a mountain and youre afraid of the mouse. Youre a coward!xxx The fox kept making fun of the Lion.

Finally the lion spoke, xxxI wasnt afraid of the mouse. I was only shocked to find a bold enough animal not afraid to run around on top of a lion.xxx When the fox heard this he quietly left.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十二篇

Last Sunday, Zhou Hua went to the movie. At the gate of the cinema, he saw a girl crying. So, he went up and asked what was wrong with her. The girl said she couldn ’t find her mother. After that, Zhou Hua took her to the nearest police station.

When they entered, the girl saw her mother speaking to a policeman. How excited the girl was! At last her mother and the policeman thanked Zhou Hua very much. Although Zhou Hua was late for the movie, he felt very happy.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十三篇

Recently, the news about the famous fast food company got bankrupted in Taiwan was spread in Wechat. While in mainland, less people know about the truth and the fast food company still works well. Chinese food problem exists all the time, even the government has made some rules to forbid the illegal business, still many manufacturers produce bad food for making more profit. The fast food company doesn’t care about the market in Taiwan. Its spokeman said that their main market was in mainland, and a lot of people were eating their food. Hearing this, we surely will be angry. If everybody join the team to refuse to buy their products, then the fast food company will be kicked out. Only in this way can we protect our health and benefit.


英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十四篇








英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十五篇






提示词:look after, have fun, miss, grow, worried, excited, surprised


I ’ve been home alone for several times and my first stay at home alone was memorable.

When I was twelve, once both of my parents were away on business, and I had been all by myself for two days. They left early the first day, and I got up soon after they left. In the first evening I was a little scared, so I turned on all the lights. I actually kept the light on in my bedroom the whole night. For fear of getting up late the next morning, I put three alarm clocks near my bed. In order to prove that I could take care of myself, I washed my own clothes the second afternoon, though I could wait for mom to do it.

I really felt proud of myself and thought I was a big girl.


Up to now I’ve never had a chance to be at home alone. But if there’s one in the future, I guess Iwill take care of myself very reasons are as follows.

First of all, I keep a good daily routine. That’s to say, I can get up and go to bed at usual time by myself. And I can cook simple food. The most important reason is thatI can balance my study and entertainment.

Therefore, my parents won’t worry about me if they have to stay away for a few days.











英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十六篇


It was Sunday and I didn t have to go to school. I finished my homework the day before. So I decided to help mother do housework. I washed some clothes after I got up. Then I went shopping with a basket. I bought some meat, eggs and some vegetables in the market. After I came back, I started to cook dinner for the whole family. In the evening, I sat at the table and began to write down on my notebook what I had done during the day.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十七篇


My English Teacher

Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young. She’s about thirty years old, and she wears glasses. She’s funny . But she is strict with us. She wants us to study hard. Her lessons are interesting. We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons. She is a good teacher, and we all like her.




英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十八篇


可是一当考试,才发现原来那么多考试题目是我从来看都没看过的。只怪自己买的练*题做的少。不能允许自己再继续这样下去,所以,我一定要加倍努力,从这次考试之中汲取教训,增加力量,为下一次考试做好准备,打好基础。考试技巧贵在练*。生活之中,我还要多多加强自己的练*和复*,考试之前制定周详的复*计划,不再手忙脚乱,没有方向。*日生活学*中学会积累,语文积累好词好句,数学也要多积累难的题目,英语则是语法项目。对做完形填空等练*题也是提高英语的好方法。对于各科老师,我希望老师不要对我失去信心,虽然我这次考得并不理想,但是我相信自己的实力。下一次考试,我一定会努力的!I know that the teacher has high expectations for me, but I did not test well. 对于这点我感到十分抱歉。

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第二十九篇

One day, Paula and Richard decided to make a kite. First they went out and found two straight sticks of the same length. They brought them back home and tied them with a piece of string into the shape of a cross. Then they took some string and used it to tie the four ends of the sticks together. Then, they spread some brightly coloured paper over the frame and glued it around the string. They stuck a tail made of paper to one of the corners, and tied a long string to the centre of the kite. On the next windy day, they took the kite to a hill near their house and flew it.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十篇


Dusk is coming. It s time for the sunset. Look, the sky is getting dim gradually. The setting sun is covering the earth with golden rays. Not only the sky and water surface but also I myseff am turning into golden yellow. Several white birds are flying freely above the water. Willows are dancing in the breeze gracefully. Soon, the sun has buried itself in the thick clouds. But I still can see the beautiful scene in the sunset. It will be always in my mind. I love sunset.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十一篇

Love is the most beautiful language in the world. We can wipe our tears away when we cry. It can bring happiness to us when we feel lonely. It can even give us confidence when we have problems. I often listen to some pop songs, and most of them are about love. The singers sing these songs loudly. I think that’s very real. They express their feelings directly. It shows that they love.

The happiness of loving and being loved is very wonderful. Let’s try to love each other so that the world will be full of love.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十二篇


Tom’s Room

Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom’s room?




英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十三篇

When summer holiday comes, I always go back to my hometown and spend the time with my grandparents. I like the life there, it is so simple and happy. Living in the countryside, I feel the peace in my heart. It seems the days become longer. In the morning, I hear the cock make out the sound, as if it is singing, then I wake up. Sometimes I will go to the mountain and I can hear some birds singing. I enjoy listening to these birds’ sound. I am so close to the nature. I love everything that the nature brings. The green tree, the colorful flower, the clean water even the fresh air. I find its beauty.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十四篇

Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.

Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.

We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products are still put into rivers.

We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won’t be enough can we do to solve these problems?

If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.

Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十五篇


It was May 30th. When Tom woke up, he looked at the clock. Oh, dear! It was 8:00. He got up as quickly as possible. He had no time to eat breakfast, so he went to school without breakfast.

With the bag on his back, he quickly went to school by bike. When he got to the school gate, the gate was closed. He realized that it was Sunday.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十六篇

These are lots of books in our daily life. Some are about history, some are novels, and some are even about the dream in the future. I think it’s useful to read stories, because it can be used sometimes. Once, there was a very difficult question in an important history exam history, which wasn’t mentioned in our history books, even our teacher has never told us about it. But I remembered clearly that I had read it in a history story, so I answered the question without difficulty and became the only student in our class who answered the question correctly. In my view, it’s useful to read stories.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十七篇

In this crisis I think I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or former colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act. I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, sweat and tears. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea and air.

War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and unpleasant catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.

I take up my task in light heart and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.”

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十八篇

随着我们长大,和家人围坐在一起吃饭的时间越来越少。研究表明,跟家人一起吃饭有助于身体健康。对此你有何看法?你又是如何做的?请以Eating with parents makes you healthier为题写一篇短文陈述你的理由。

Eating with parents makes you healthier

I believe eating with parents will make teenagers healthier.

First, as we know, a happy mood keeps people healthy. Talking more with parents is a better way of helping solve problems in our daily life. The dinner time is just a chance for communication.

Also, home-made meals are healthier for us to eat, for the food problem seems more and more serious now.

As for me, I have dinner with my parents every day. My family all think the time for dinner is the most important moment for each of us.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第三十九篇

一堂课下来,教师有必要对本节课的教学进行小结反思,对教学得失做细致的剖析。记得在教学Go for it!新目标英语七年级下第七单元What does he look like ? SectionA1a-3时,这节课用一课时结束,时间短,容量大,学生会出现混淆现象,能有效突出教学重、难点吗?学生的反应好吗?我用课件展示出三个人的高度,体型,头发,并把黑板分成三块。



课堂气氛好吗?学生对我的上课兴趣大吗?班级成绩会理想吗?什么样的教案才是好教案?什么样的作业才算是好作业?什么样的试卷才是好试卷?有的学生很懒惰,什么都不知道也不愿知道。作业抄袭。 有的学生非常认真,但成绩却上不去。难道学生学*方法不对? 是情感问题还是智力问题?我的教学方法合理、科学吗?





英语教师只有在不断地自我反思与磨砺中才会永远走在时代的前列,永远在潮头冲浪。 没有反思,教学将只建立在冲动、直觉或常规之上。 “优秀教师=教学过程 + 反思”。因此作为初中英语教师在教学中只有时时反思、事事反思,并自觉地根据反思的结果矫正自己的教学行为,这样才能不断提高英语教学水*,才能不断地成长,教学反思会促使教师形成自我反思的意识和自我监控的能力,它是老师的专业发展和认清自我行为与观念的重要机制。 作为初中英语教师要与时俱进,努力做一名经验+反思型的新型教师。教师自身素质提高了,新课程改革才会结出丰硕的成果。

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十篇

英语期中考试后教学反思及整改措施 本学期我担任把八年级的英语教学工作,针对这次考试,我反思如下:












7. 努力里做到教师教的活,学生会运用,建构新的教学方式。教师首先要多学*,通过读书、与同事研讨等方式,加强自己对学生阅读指导。

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十一篇






作为老师,教态要自然、适度、得体、教师的教学语言应严谨、简洁、逻辑性强,坚定自信,饱满的教学热情,学而不厌,诲人不倦的精神,都能升华学生高涨的学*激情。对学生的评价要正确、恰当,特别是课堂上学生回答问题后,应给予积极肯定,如“very good/Excellent/Thank you/well done!”等。作为新老师,很容易忽略这一点。往往学生回答完问题,简单地就“Sitdown ,please”,学生无法得到真正的肯定。


有一点也是很重要得,就是情感教育的核心“爱”。在英语教学中,整个班级学生的成绩参差不齐,这是许多教师都不可回避的一个现实。教师的爱心不仅体现在优秀学生身上,更要倾注在 “学困生”身上,关注不同层次的学生,让不同水*的学生在同一节课中都能有所进步。教学以来,我们会发现,很多学生因为喜爱某个老师而喜欢他所任教的学科。我们教给学生的,不仅是丰富的知识,还有培养其获得知识的能力。






我说课的内容是江苏牛津中学英语教材9A第3单元Teenage problems中的Integrated skills部分。本单元通过青少年中存在的问题和困扰这一主题,引出话题,谈论话题。由于学生对这一话题极感兴趣,我在教学中准备使用多种教学手段设置情景,有效地把单词和句型情景相结合,注重听说训练,使语言点的训练密切联系生活实际,达到灵活运用,学以致用的目的。



a、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组.


c、 能正确地听懂、掌握A板块前半部分听力内容,并能以较好的语音语调流畅地朗读后半部分的课文填空。















a、 以“Teenage problems”为主题及线索组织教学。课前在教室里头稍作布置,背景音乐的选择体现了牛津初中英语板块之间的自由组合,也为后面的教学做了一个提早渗透,这样,学生在轻松愉快的气氛中进入本课的学*,接着我向学生展示课件,引出青少年问题的话题,同时教授新词。由介绍学生自己的问题入手无形中拉*了与学生的距离,使学生备感亲切。



a、 在情境中不断使用新句型,学生不仅学会了新的词组,而且不可避免地涉及到了旧知。同时也激发了学生的求知欲,想学更多的有关的词汇来介绍自己的问题,并向他人寻求有效的建议和意见,达到了学中用,用中学的目的,给予他们成功的乐趣。

b、仍以“Teenage problems”为场景由学生分小组自创小对话进行表演。要求问到前面所学句型并要求用到本课时所学的交际用语。通过这样的练*形式让学生主体参与,学生的思维处于积极兴奋的状态,有利于提高课堂学*效率。


a、 在小对话表演告一段落时,自然导入A部分对话教学。然后播放多媒体课件让学生感知课文,为了让学生在听的过程中有所侧重,引起他们的有意注意,让他们带着问题去听。









Good morning, everyone. Welcome to my interpretation. 各位评委老师上午好!今天我说课的题目是《xx》,接下来我将从说教材,说教法,说学法,说教学过程四个方面进行说课。

一、On teaching material说教材

(一)Teaching contents教学内容:


(二)Teaching aims and demands



⑴Cognitive objective知识目标:学会单词、短语:……;句型:……

⑵Ability objective能力目标:提高学生,听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。

(3) Moral objective情感目标:在探索学*的过程中,培养学生实践能力、探索意识、合作精神与创新精神。同时感受英语与生活的密切联系。

(三)Important and difficult points重点、难点


(四)The handing of materials对教材的处理


二、On teaching methods说教法






三、On learning methods说学法




(2)发 展学生自主学*的策略



四、On teaching procedure说教学过程












5. Listening and speaking检测反馈,训练提升。


2)Discuss in group分小组展开讨论,在讨论、交际的过程中,提高使学生的口语交际能力,体验到成就感和合作精神,从而突破本课的难点。

and rethink。质疑总结,反思评价


1)What do you learn today?今天你学到了什么?

2)What will you remind everyone to pay attention to?你要提醒大家注意点儿什么。

3)Have you any doubts? 你还有什么疑惑吗?

4)What do you think of your performance today?你觉得自己今天的表现怎么样?

5) What do you think of your classmates’ performance in your group?




That’s all my interpretation. Thank you very much!我的说课完毕。谢谢各位评委老师。








1、知识目标: 熟练掌握数词的表达法。












英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十二篇

My house is perfect. By great good fortune I have found a housekeeper no less to my mind, a low-voiced, light-footed woman of discreet age, strong and deft enough to render me all the service I require, and not afraid of loneliness. She rises very early. By my breakfast-time there remains little to be done under the roof save dressing of meals. Very rarely do I hear even a clink of crockery; never the closing of a door or window. Oh, blessed silence! My house is perfect. Just large enough to allow the grace of order in domestic circumstance; just that superfluity of inner space, to lack which is to be less than at one’s ease. The fabric is sound; the work in wood and plaster tells of a more leisurely and a more honest age than ours. The stairs do not creak under my step; I am attacked by no unkindly draught; I can open or close a window without muscle-ache. As to such trifles as the color and device of wall-paper, I confess my indifference; be the walls only plain, and I am satisfied. The first thing in one’s home is comfort; let beauty of detail be added if one has the means, the patience, the eye.

To me, this little book-room is beautiful, and chiefly because it is home. Through the greater part of life I was homeless. Many places have I lived, some which my soul disliked, and some which pleased me well; but never till now with that sense of security which makes a home. At any moment I might have been driven forth by evil accident, by disturbing necessity. For all that time did I say within myself: Some day, perchance, I shall have a home; yet the xxxperchancexxx had more and more of emphasis as life went on, and at the moment when fate was secretly smiling on me, I had all but abandoned hope. I have my home at last. This house is mine on a lease of a score of years. So long I certainly shall not live; but, if I did, even so long should I have the money to pay my rent and buy my food. I am no cosmopolite. Were I to think that I should die away from England, the thought would be dreadful to me. And in England, this is the place of my choice; this is my home.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十三篇

The night of November 12th, 20xx was indeed a glorious night for our Chines, because the Opening Ceremony of Asian Games was held on Haixinsha Island in Guangzhou. Over 7000 people took part in it.

All of the performances were impressive, but the most interesting one was Sail on Cloud. During that programme, 180 performers were hung in the air to dance. How wonderful it was! Every audience burst out praise. I couldn’t help shouting. But it was a pity that I just watched it from TV. How I wish I were there!

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十四篇


My View on Television

Television has come into our lives for many years. We can nearly say that we can’t live happily without television. It can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can be entertained by the programs on television. Otherwise,we’ll be boring all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day’s hard work, we can sit before the television enjoying ourselves. How wonderful it is!


However, television also does harm to people’s health. It’s bad for us to watch TV too long, especially bad for our eyes. Besides, watching TV may take the time to study or play on outside world. In short, television is good and we should make use of it appropriately.



英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十五篇

A Swiss organization started a vote around the world in January this was to choose the new top Seven got nearly 100 million votes before they had the vote was the ides of the Swiss filmmaker and museum manager Bernard Weber.

Now we have got the is it?Chinas Great Wall is followed by the pink-coloured ruins of Petra in Jorden,the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro,the ruins of Machu Picchu in Pru,the Mayan city of Coliseum in Rome and the Taj Mahal in India.

xxxThe value of a world heritage site should not be decided by online value are what they mean to men,xxxsaid an Internet user.

However,China Great Wall Society welcomes the result .They think Great Walls name on the list can help them protect the Great Wall welcome friends from acorss the world to experience the eternity and greatnessxxxof the Great Wall.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十六篇

On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration.

It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.

I have already completed the most important part of this task. A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor, Opposition and Liberals, the unity of the nation.

It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events. Other key positions were filled yesterday. I am submitting a further list to the King tonight. I hope to complete the appointment of principal Ministers during tomorrow.

The appointment of other Ministers usually takes a little longer. I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the administration will be complete in all respects.

I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today. At the end of today’s proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 2l with provision for earlier meeting if need be. Business for that will be notified to M. P. ‘s at the earliest opportunity.

I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government. The resolution:

xxxThat this House welcomes the formation of a government representing the united and inflexible resolve of the nation to prosecute the war with Germany to a victorious conclusion.xxx

To form an administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself. But we are in the preliminary Phase of one of the greatest battles in history. We are in action at any other points-in Norway and in Holland-and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean. The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home.

In this crisis I think I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or for mer colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.

I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.

You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, It is victory. Victory at all costs-victory in spite of all terrors-victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.

Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.

I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.

I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, xxxCome then, let us go forward together with our united strength.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十七篇

My best friend. Her voice, gestures, like flipping the stain, lingering inmy mind.

She is plain, is always dressed in a white sportswear. Her name ismeaningful because she likes to eat xxxis green didn’t eat, eat is red, spit itout is black, watermelon.xxx As a result, her name is chancy.

She studies very well. An enviable, many people because the wrestled withher. Read English in a cram school teacher roll call to let her. She picked upthe English book from the table, straightened up, use the read out loud gracefully, articulate, read smoothly, their English. Chancy not only a goodknowledge of English, mathematics or envy letting a person. The test, I got astep careless, at sixes and sevens. And she is easily captured the first. Classis to encourage me, help me solve problems you do not understand. Gradually, weboth became best friends. Play together, study together, talk together. Thesunset is always our shadows lengthen.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十八篇






英语短篇美篇范文初中 第四十九篇

The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cutdown, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbonlife to save energy and reduce pollution.

Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, Ialways turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, Ialways make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and morebeautiful.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十篇

Parents often get angry because of theirtrouble in their lives. Lets say that your mother is not happy about her boss. If she doesnt have other ways of expressing her emotions, she might come home and yell at you, scream at your dad, kick at the dog, or even say something mean to you.

Heres how to handle it when an adult in your life has trouble controlling his or her anger: Dont make it worse. Angry people can have trouble thinking clearly, so try not to do or say anything to make things worse. Wait till your parent cools off, then talk to him or her in a calm tone, and try to explain how the anger is affecting you.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十一篇

Television has come into our lives for many years. We can nearly say that we can’t live happily without television. It can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can be entertained by the programs on television. Otherwise,we’ll be boring all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day’s hard work, we can sit before the television enjoying ourselves. How wonderful it is!


However, television also does harm to people’s health. It’s bad for us to watch TV too long, especially bad for our eyes. Besides, watching TV may take the time to study or play on outside world. In short, television is good and we should make use of it appropriately.



英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十二篇


提示1、父母的想法;2、你自己的观点; 3、词数80左右(首句已给出,不计算在总词数内)。

Parents wish their children to have a bright future so they pay much attention to their study After school they dont allow their children to do anything except study.

I know parents love us and what they do is for us Although its our duty to study its not only thing for us to do There are many things for us to learn and we want to know more about the outside the world We should not only take exercise to keep us healthy but also read more literature books So I hope our parents can give us more time to develop our hobbies.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十三篇

Dear Peter,

Hi,I am am you best friend. l hear that you are in our Chinese culture,so I invented you join confusioninstitute.

At the beginning of,l will sound you join confusion institute for youhappy.

Secondly, confused Institute including major Charities is is theoldest world thinks and think a human being should kindness and hopeto peace,he has many think studying mix to and morethinks. I will sent you to the email, I hope to for your hhelp.

Nowadays, there are more and more confucius Institute, it’s important tolearn Chinese culture.

As far as I know,many people join confucius Institute,I hope you take holdof the chance.

Finally, I am looking forward to your come and letters.

Yours sincerely,


英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十四篇

Health is very important for everyone. So people want to have a healthylife.

In fact everyone can have a healthy life. Such as: I usually eat fruitvegetables eggs and rice. I hardly eat burgers. I think we could eat meat andice-cream amount. Water and milk are good for your health. It’s important toplay basketball run and have enough sleep. We couldn’t spend a long time forwatching TV and playing computer. It’s bad for our eyes.

We should keep happy confident helpful and friendly. I don’t think nervousand angry are good for our health.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十五篇

A guy from America made a small test in the street. He wanted to see howpeople reacted when they saw someone was bullied. The test showed that more than90 percent of people would help the weak guy and criticized the one who bulliedthe others.

I was so moved by the people who gave their hands. The weak guypretended to be a nerd, and did something looking so stupid.

But everyone arguedfor him that he was doing the great thing and looked so cool. We should notjudge people because of their difference. Everyone is special and they can doanything if they haven’t bothered others.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十六篇

Half the people on our streets look as though life was a sorry business. It is hard to find a happy looking man or woman. Worry is the cause of their woebegone appearance. Worry makes the wrinkles; worry cuts the deep, down-glancing lines on the face; worry is the worst disease of our modern times. Care is contagious; it is hard work being cheerful at a funeral, and it is a good deal harder to keep the frown from your face when you are in the throng of the worry worn ones. Yet, we have no right to be dispensers of gloom; no matter how heavy our loads may seem to be we have no right to throw their burden on others nor even to cast the shadow of them on other hearts. Anxiety is instability. Fret steals away force. He who dreads tomorrow trembles today. Worry is weakness. The successful men may be always wide-awake, but they never worry.

Fret and fear are like fine sand, thrown into life’s delicate mechanism; they cause more than half the friction; they steal half the power. Cheer is strength. Nothing is so well done as that which is done heartily, and nothing is so heartily done as that which is done happily. Be happy, is an injunction not impossible of fulfillment.

Pleasure may be an accident; but happiness comes in definite ways. It is the casting out of our foolish fears that we may have room for a few of our common joys. It is the telling our worries to wait until we get through appreciating our blessings. Take a deep breath, raise your chest, lift your eyes from the ground, look up and think how many things you have for which to be grateful, and you will find a smile growing where one may long have been unknown. Take the right kind of thought—for to take no thought would be sin—but take the calm, unanxious thought of your business, your duties, your difficulties, your disappointments and all the things that once have caused you fear, and you will find yourself laughing at most of them.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十七篇

收音机和电视机 Radio and Television【1】

Radio and television are very popular in the world today.

Millions of people watch TV.

Perhaps more people listen to the radio.




The TV is more useful than the radio.

On TV we can see and hear what is happening in the world.

But radio isn’t lost.

It is still with us.

That’s because a radio is very small, and it’s easy to carry.

You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus or on your bike when you go to school.






美丽双手 The Beautiful Hands【2】

Since I go to middle school, I live far away from my hometown, I have few time to stay with my grandma who can cook the delicious food for me.

On this weekend, I decided to go back hometown and visited my grandparents.

When they saw me, they were so happy, grandma went to the kitchen and prepared the food.

As I grew up, I went to the kitchen to help her, I found my grandma’s hands were so dry and wrinkled.

Thinking about her old time to take care of my father, and then take care of me, she was a great woman, in my heart, her hands were the most beautiful hands.






国庆节计划 National Day Plan【3】

With the coming of national day, I have a one week holiday.

I really expect to it, because I want to have a short trip during these days.

I will travel to Jiuzhai Valley with my parents for three days.

I have heard that the scenery of Jiuzhai Valley is very beautiful in autumn and it’s the best time to travel there.

Autumn is my most favorite season so I want to enjoy the beauty of such a wonderful place.

I do some preparations for thistrip.

For example, I search the Internet to see the travel raiders and I have known where the most attracting place is and where to live in.

I am sure it will be a wonderful journey.

There are only several days for the coming trip,but I have been too excited to wait.







英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十八篇

Our life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual.

Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one‘s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.

初中英语短篇美文 (菁选5篇)扩展阅读

初中英语短篇美文 (菁选5篇)(扩展1)

——Problems in My Life初中英语作文5篇

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第五十九篇














英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十篇

I have known very few writers, but those I have known, and whom I respect, confess at once that they have little idea where they are going when they first set pen to paper. They have a character, perhaps two; they are in that condition of eager discomfort which passes for inspiration; all admit radical changes of destination once the journey has begun; one, to my certain knowledge,spent nine months on a novel about Kashmir, then reset the whole thing in the Scottish Highland. I never heard of anyone making an “outline”, as we were taught at school. In the breaking and remaking,in the timing, interweaving,beginning again, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began. This organic process, often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery, is of an indescribable fascination. A blurred image appears; he adds a brushstroke and another, and it is gone; but something was there, and he will not rest till he has captured it.

Sometimes the passion within a writer outlives a book he has written. I have heard of writers who read nothing but their own books; like adolescents they stand before the mirror, and still cannot understand the exact outline of the vision before them. For the same reason, writers talk endlessly about their own books, digging up hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around them. Of course a writer doing this is misunderstood: he might as well try to explain a crime or a love affair.

He is also, incidentally, an unforgivable bore. This temptation to cover the distance between himself and the reader, to study his image in the sight of those who do not know him, can be his undoing:he has begun to write to please. A young English writer made the pertinent observation a year or two back that the talent goes into the first draft, and the art into the drafts that follow. For this reason also the writer, like any other artist,has no resting place, no crowd or movement in which he may take comfort, no judgment from outside which can replace the judgment from within. A writer makes order out of the anarchy of his heart; he submits himself to a more ruthless discipline than any critic dreamed of, and when he flirts with fame, he is taking time off from living with himself, from the search for what his world contains at its inmost point.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十一篇

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.

Welcome to my hometown! Shanghai is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see big trees and nice flowers. There are many restaurants in Shanghai. The food tastes very can enjoy eyery minutes of it. Many visitors come here to enjoy it.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十二篇


Boys and girls, the final exams are coming. What should we do in order to prepare well for the exams? Here are some suggestions.

Firstly, its very important for us to be in good moods. Dont be nervous or stressed. Otherwise, we will not have the courage to face difficulties. Secondly, we should have proper aims. If we aim too low, we may become lazy. If we aim too high, we may lose confidence. Thirdly, Dont stay up late so that we can make ourselves energetic in class and pay attention to our study. Fourthly, wed better have more communication with our parents, teachers and classmates. They can help us get out of trouble. Finally, a healthy diet is very useful as well.

With these done, I believe we can be successful in the exams.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十三篇

Different students like different ways to go to school. As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most. There are four reasons.

Firstly, my home is not far away from my school. It takes me only twenty minutes to get to school.

Secondly, the traffic on my way to school is heavy. There are a lot of bikes, buses and cars. I think it’s safe to go to school on foot.

Thirdly, I think walking is a kind of sport. It’s good for my health.

Finally, I can listen to my MP3 when I am walking. It’s fantastic, but a little dangerous.

These are the reasons why I like to go to school on foot the most. What about you?

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十四篇


Madame Curie was one of the greatest scientists in the world. She was born in 1867. She first lived in Poland, then went to France. When she was very young she was interested in science. She worked very hard and discovered the element radium. She received the Nobel Prizes in 1903 and in 1911.

For the last ten years of her life she was almost blind. The radium with which she had worked for many years had caused blindness and illness and finally a disease of the blood. She died in Paris at the age o~ 66.

Today she is remembered as a great scientist. But she is also remembered for her determination and courage.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十五篇

I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning. There is some money, a monthly ticket and something else in it. I wish the finder would return it to me soon. Will the finder please come to No. 11 Middle School or call me? I’ll pay him or her for it. Thank you!

Name:Wang Li

Telephone: 669745




I lost my wallet with carelessness on my way to school this morning. Inside there is some money, IP card and a monthly ticket. Will the finder please send it to No. 11 Middle School or telephone me? My name is Wang Li, my telephone number is 669745. Thanks.

今天早晨在上学的路上高中优秀作文 原创分享 ,不慎将钱包丢失。里面装有一些钱,一张IP卡和一张月票。拾到者请送到十一中学或电话联系。我的名字叫王力,电话号码是669745。


英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十六篇



在我们培训的每一天都能听到教育专家的报告,听取不同类型的讲座,每一天都能感受到思想火花的碰撞。这次培训不仅开拓了我的视野,还丰富了我的实战经验,更让我的思想得到升华,是我对教育有了更深的认识,更加热爱教育事业。今后我将更加努力学*,为农村的教育事业贡献我的一份力量。同时,这次培训也让我的理论知识得到加强,让我明白没有理论支撑的研修是没有根基的。脱离了理论学*,我们的教学研究活动是肤浅的。 通过学*专家的讲解,结合新课程标准,以及我的教学实际,我有以下几点体会:

1. 教学工作中,自始至终都应该以学生为主体,让他们成为课堂的主人,让他们的每一个特点都得到充分的体现。

2. 看准目标,摆正目的。作为教师,既要教学生书本知识,但绝对不要忽略学生有时异动的灵魂火花,让他们在学*知识的同时又能表现本色的一面。

3. 正确的教学手段,才能让孩子得到合适的教育,让他们健康成长。

4. 以德治教,以德育人。



英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十七篇

I have a lovely family and my families live a happy life.

My mother is a is fat,but she is has big eyes,a small nose and a small is very kind and clever, so she has many friends and she is welcome among my neighbours. My father is a worker. He works long time a day and comes home late. He is always mother often cooks delicious dishes for him and that makes him happy and moved. As for my mother, she regards it as her happiness. I love my parents, although we do not live a rich life, but we are satisfied.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十八篇

I had a busy and interesting summer vacation. I did my homework every day so I finished doing my homework ten days before the new term.

I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day. I sometimes went movies and went to the parks with my friends.

I surfed the internet, read books and watched TV every evening. I visited my grandparents and helped them with the housework, too.

I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals.

The most important was that my parents and I went to Hannan Island and spent a week there.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第六十九篇







so, 不要慌,要悦动!

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第七十篇

学校准备组织一次到敬老院为老人们献爱心,尽义务的活动。请以“Come and join us!”为标题写一个广告,号召大家积极参加本次活动。广告需体现出号召者以下意图:1.想建立一个志愿者服务中心,帮助孤寡老人。2.可以给老人捐衣物和钱;到敬老院为老人们清扫房间。3.修理烂桌子;表演节目来让老人们高兴起来。4.如果缺钱,可以想出一些办法来,例如,可以到街上分发广告。5.请别推迟了。今天就来加入我们吧!给我们打电话,我们的电话是4448375。

(志愿者中心Volunteer Center 敬老院Old Peoples Home)

Come and join us!

We are going to the Old Peoples Home to care for the old people. We plan to set up a service center for volunteers to help the lonely old people. You can give away some clothes and money to the old people. If you have free time ,you can come to the Old Peoples Home to clean up their rooms. If you can fix up the broken desks ,you can join us .If you can sing or dance ,you can join us too. We can plan a party to cheer the old people up .If you run out of money ,you can come up with some ideas .For example ,we can hand out some ads.

So dont put off ,join us today! Please call us at 4448375.

英语短篇美篇范文初中 第七十一篇

The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead! All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape; and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches. What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion! Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.


英语短篇美篇范文初中 第七十二篇

Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following pie charts. In your essay, you should first describe the pie charts, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

As is apparently revealed in the pie charts above, forty-eight percent of people surveyed have never heard of the International No Motor Vehicle Day while fifty-seven percent are willing to give up driving on such a day. What is betrayed in the pie charts is most thought-provoking.

The implied meaning of the pie charts is both disappointing and exciting. On the one hand, much necessary work still needs to be done with respect to environmental protection. The public ignorance of relevant environmental protection results from inadequate and limited popularity of environmental protection knowledge by relevant government departments at different levels. Since environmental protection is an international issue, we must constantly introduce the advanced and practical practice in other countries to our general public. Only in this way can we promote environmental protection in China. On the other hand, the enhancement of the public awareness of environmental protection is a welcome development. Over the past years, as people’s living standard improves, people attach more importance to the quality of their life. They have a better understanding of the relationship between environment and their daily life. As a result, they are more interested in following positive international models. In sum, we have got a mixed feeling toward the very fact revealed in the pie charts.

In my view, necessary measures should be immediately taken to ensure a nice environment. First of all, government departments at all levels must play a more active role in popularizing international experience and practice of environmental protection. What’s more, the general public should be encouraged to participate more actively in envir