
英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第一篇

Thanks for your letter. I’m glad you like your school. I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have five classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. And we have many subjects to learn: Chinese, math, English, ., science, biology, music, history and so on. We also have many things to do after class. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons we play sports after class. On Tuesday afternoons some of us have a drawing class, and on Thursdays some have a dancing class. I like music, history and English. But my favorite is music.

On Saturdays and Sundays I don’t go to school. Usually I go to the park and have a good time with my father and mother there.


Lin Fang

( ) 1. Lin Fang has classes a day.

A. five B. two C. seven

( ) 2. Some students on Tuesdays.

A. play sports B. have a drawing class C. have a dancing class

( ) 3. Anna likes .

A. history B. . C. her school

( ) 4. Lin Fang likes best.

A. music B. English C. history

( ) 5. Lin Fang spends the weekends with in the park.

A. Anna B. her classmates C. her parents

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第二篇

Jane Eyre—A Real Beauty

After reading Jane Eyre, I think Jane Eyre is a great woman。 Through aserious of troublesome situations between Jane Eyre and Mr。 Rochester, theauthor set up a great female image before readers: insisting on maintaining anindependent personality, pursuing individual freedom, advocating equality oflife and being confident before hard conditions。

Her early life at Gateshead was terrible, everyone seems harsh on her。 Shesurvives her parents at an early age, and has to live with her ugly aunt andthree cousins。 She suffers large quantities of bad conditions that others maynot experience。 However, she does not give up in despair, she does not destroyherself mentally, instead, Jane Eyre is filled with unlimited confidence, andshe is a strong spirit, a victory over the inner personality。

She is then forced to send to Lowood Institution, unfortunately, life thereturns out to be terrible, too。 She is still under physical and spiritualpunishment。 Mr Brocklehurst insults her to be a liar before all pupils andteachers。 But there she meets one sincere friend Helen Burns and one sincereteacher Miss Temple。 They always treat her well。 She then behaves very well andget many people’s recognition。 Six years later, she makes a teacher there。

After two years teaching life at Lowood Institution, she plans to leavethere to pursuit her own life and happiness。 She was in a position of governessthrough a letter from Thornfield。 Her life was totally changed after that。 Thereshe met a lovely girl, Adele and her master, Mr。 Rochester。 She has a specialfeeling about them。 With the development of the plots, Jane Eyre succeed a largesum of money from his uncle, and through all bitter things which was caused byRochester’s wife in Thornfield, Jane Eyre and Mr。Rockester finally get marriedand lead an ideal life。

I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of Charlotte Bronte。 Although thestory is made up, the heroine and people’s life and the environment in the storywere taken from the details of real people around and experience。 CharlotteBronte described a young girl’s struggling life to express her inner thought:everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender。 The uniqueness of Jane Eyreis not only lies in its truth and the strong artistic appeal, but also lies inthe particular female image。 The love story of Rochester and Jane Eyre vividlyshows the fire of passion and sincere heart strongly reveals their notions oflove。 She looks down upon the upper class who only use their power to do whatthey intend to do and laughs at their stupid to show her independent characterand beauty dream。

In the actual fact, she wasn’t pretty, even herself knows that, and ofcourse, the ordinary appearance make others have bad opinion on her, even herown aunt dislike her。 And some others even thought that she was easy to lookdown upon and tease, but she was totally much more than “the plain and uglytutor”。 And as a little governess she said to her master: “Do you think my poor,obscure, plain, and little has led me to be a soulless and heartless person? Youhave done a wrong thing!”Underneath these lines sees the equality of human inJane Eyre’s mind。 She has affection towards her master, Mr。 Rochester, but whenshe finds that he has already had a wife, she leaves him and her love placewithout consideration。 Although God did not grant her a beauty and wealthperson, instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thoughtful brain。 Her idea ofequality and self-respect impressed us extremely much and make us feel the powerinside her small body。

In my mind, a person’s beauty on the face can only make others feel that heor she is attractive or charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same noble as theappearance, beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time, because otherpeople will one day find that the beauty which had charmed them was only asuperficial one, it’s not sincere, they will not like the person any more。 For along time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can becalled as an everlasting beauty, just as Albert Einstein said: “A person must beheld accountable for their biological survival or all of the meaning or purpose,from an objective point of view, I think it is ridiculous。 Everyone can have acertain ideal, which determines the ideal and his efforts to determine thedirection。 In this sense, I never easy and the enjoyment of life as an end initself, the ethical basis of this, I call it the ideal pigsty。 I lit up theroad, and continue to give me new courage to face up to the

pleasure of the ideal life is good and the beautiful and true。 If it werenot for like-minded between the warm feelings, but focus on the objective world,the arts and sciences in the field of work will never reach the target, and thenit seems to me that life would be empty。 There are efforts to pursue the goal ofthe vulgar – property, vanity, luxury living, I think it is despicable。”

Now I get a better understanding of what real beauty is, as we are allhuman-beings, so we should distinguish whether a man is noble or vulgar。

Jane Eyre’s story makes me thinking about our future life and I learn muchfrom her experiences, I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holdshis beliefs, regardless of one’s status and the situation he is in。

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第三篇


This is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece xxxPride andPrejudicexxx in the opening section, leads some in the early nineteenth centuryEngland and on the value of the classic love story。

As we all know, in Austin, in the novel by Quebec five daughters gettingdifferent treatment, shown township middle-class families of marriage for girlswho love the different attitudes, which reflected the author I love the idea ofmarriage: the sake of property, money and the – The marriage is wrong; Themarriage did not take into account the above factors also stupid。Therefore, sheopposes the money for the purpose of marriage, also opposes the marriagelightly。 She stressed the importance of an ideal marriage, and the feelings ofboth men and women as the cornerstone of the conclusion of the marriageideal。

The story of Quebec heroine Elizabeth (Keira Terri) was born to a family ofsmall landowners four sisters, Sister Jane Quebec, Quebec sister Mary, KatieQuebec and Laidiya Quebec。 Five sisters and a little monotonous quiet life alongwith the two young guys ing up and it is undeniable-and eliminate the waves。 BinHeli healthy and progressive and rich Darcy (Matthew Mike Deng) is a goodfriend, became acquainted with the town lure of this home, xxxfivexxx, a beautifuland full of xxxPride and Prejudicexxx love story。

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第四篇















英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第五篇

Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice is a lighthearted tale of love and marriage in eighteenth-century England. It centers on the elder sisters of the Bennet family, Jane and Elizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the roles of pride and prejudice play a lavishing story. This story is told from third point of view. From my perspective Jane Austen wanted to convey love wins over prejudice and to not just take in the saying of first impression but to look in the person’s character deeper. Jane Austin was born in 1775 in Stevenson, Hampshire. Her family wasn’t rich but managed to give her a decent education. She was the seventh of eight children of her father, a clergyman. Like other young women of her social class, Jane and her sister Cassandra were educated mostly at home in subjects of music, drawing, painting, needlework, and social behavior. Her father’s encouragement and her own enjoyment in reading led Jane to became very well read. At fourteen she began to write little plays for home theatricals. She also wrote nonsense story’s to entertain her family. Jane would spend the majority of the evening in the corner of the room with her manuscript and blotter observing the world surrounding her. She would write when the room was quiet and if she were interrupted, she would cover her manuscript with a blotter and continued when the room was silent again. Before Jane Austen died of cancer in 1817 at Winchester, she had already published six successful novels: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Emma, and Persuasion, respectively. Jane Austen is now buried in the ancient cathedral in Winchester of her native Hampshire. Pride and Prejudice lets you travel through lives back then but also she portrays the lives of modern days. You can read it and you might be able to recall some parts of the book as your life, but in a different time period

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第六篇

On February 14th,2000,my class went on a field trip to the beach. I had so much fun. When we returned to school,my teacher told me to go to the headmasters office. When I got into the office,I saw a police officer. Suddenly I realized something was wrong. The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up. After that,we went to the hospital and waited. Time went slowly. Finally,we got to see our mother. It was terrible.

On the next day,the headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened. I was taking a rest that day. I knew it had something to do with my mother. I kept thinking that she either died or had gotten better. How I wished that she had gotten better. When my teacher took me outside,my sister ran up to me. She started crying,Shes gone. Teresa,mommys gone. Shes dead. I couldn’t believe it. We jumped into the car and drove straight to the hospital. Most of my family were there. The silence was terrible. I knew I had to say goodbye.

Today when I look back,I still miss my mother very much,but I know that I will live. My mother was a strong mother,who had the biggest heart. My mother was an angel walking on the earth. I will always remember her as living. When someone is asked who their hero (英雄) is,they usually say someone famous,like Michael Jordan or Britney Spears. When someone asks me who my hero is,I tell them,my mother. My mother lives every day. That is what makes her a true hero.


1. Where was the writer when she learned her mother was very ill?

A. On the beach. B. At the hospital.

C. At school. D. At home.

2. Who brought the writer the bad news that her mother was ill?

A. Her sister. B. The headmaster.

C. Her teacher. D. The police officer.

3. What did the headmaster tell the two teachers on the next day?

A. Her mother had been very ill.

B. Her mother had been dead.

C. Her mother had gotten better.

D. Her sister came to see her.

4. From the last paragraph of the passage we know that _______.

A. the writer is afraid of her mother

B. the writer is proud of her mother

C. the writer feels sad about her mother

D. the writer feels sorry for her mother

5. The writer must think her mother is a _______ woman.

A. famous B. free

C. rich D. great


英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第七篇


Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet–a man with wisdom and courage。In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spellingmistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery。 On the contrary, we can alsosay that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before hisrevenge 。 if (Capitalize xxxIfxxx since it is the beginning word of the sentence。) acountry has no king, how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark heresince it is a question。) So, every thing has two sides, the bright side andadumbral side。 Every time we make a decision we have to think twice。


Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation。 Too many uncessarymistakes。It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides ofHamlet。 Thats quite objective and convincing。

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第八篇










英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第九篇

The Reading Festival is May flower fragrance of the season, May is the Huai Xiang children of the season, May is also our new century primary school of the reading section, the book is a good friend of human, the book let me from a child into absolutely ignorant of now know many knowledge and truth of the pupils. I have read many extra-curricular books from childhood to the present, a xxxYang Hongying fairy talexxx? xxxThe first grade small melonxxx? And ultimately Sun Youjuns grandfather got up xxxandxxx pig grunt adventures xxxsmall cloth etc..

Sob snoring is a pig famous Chinese childrens literature history, it is not a ordinary pig, you dont see it, it has undergone many things. For example, the little pig asked his mother to celebrate her birthday. She wanted to earn some money for her mother to buy her birthday gift on her own efforts. Unfortunately, the foxs shopkeeper didnt speak well, and clearly said that he had given him a big cake and turned into a big egg.

Also, sob snoring was the wolf away, it thought it was in the play on the swing, the wolf wanted to sob in three snoring his stomach, then got up snoring without fear, but with their own wisdom, the wolf away, cleverly escaped the wolf the palm of the hand. Later sob snore do not remember hatred, three children risked his life to save the wolf, the wolf was snoring to sob the doings touched, never do bad things, and finally as a teacher in the countryside. From this story, I understand that we would like to sob the snoring learning, to be a filial helpful child?.

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十篇

A Book Report of The Black Tulip

By Li Minli, Class 5, 2005

The Black Tulip is a novel written by Alexandre Dumas Pere, simplified by Micle Wester, and was published by Shanghai Translation Press in 1983.

The story is set in the 17th century in Holland when fierce political conflicts prevailed while the society rioted.

In this story, Cornelius Van Baerle being so crazy about tulips tries to grow a black tulip without any other color on it at all in order to gain quite a substantial sum of money offered to the winner. However, Boxtel, a man living in the next door, also has a crush on the money. He then supervises every movement of Cornelius secretly for fear that Cornelius may grow better tulips than his own. Besides this, he also carries out many surreptitious activities to destroy Cornelius’ tulips by all means. Once a while, he accuses Cornelius of harbouring letters that might be harmful to the government so that Cornelius is sent to the prison without giving provocation. This nearly causes him to death. Even here, Cornelius manages to grow tulips with the help of Rosa, the daughter of the prison-keeper. But unfortunately, their first black tulip is stolen by Boxtel. It’s Rosa who proves the truth and saves Coenelius by herself!

It’s a happy ending in this novel as it says “Those who have suffered much, have a right to be happy.” This quotation brings the whole story to an end and will certainly motivate readers to go on. Rosa herself will remain as quite a good example, too.

Besides, “justice could defeat evil however difficult it is and whatever the process would be” can be easily seen as the author’s deep philosophy towards life. By reading it, the reader can both enjoy the plots and be stimulated! Sample 2

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十一篇

A piggy named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte became friend。 The futureof this poor piggy is a delicious course of the Christmas’ feast。 Though everconsidering escaping, yet after all he is only a pig。 While Charlotte–althoughbe viewed as small and insignificant–said, xxxLet me help you!xxx Whereupon sheused her silk to weave words such as xxxSome Pigxxx and xxxTerrificxxx in her web, whichare regarded as a marvel by human beings。 Those marvelous words alter Wilbur’sdestiny, and finally earned him a happy and peace future。 Nevertheless, at thatmoment, the life of Charlotte almost pleted its span…

The most impressive episode of this book is the notable friendship betweenCharlotte and Wilbur。 A spider is a threat to a piggy at first glance, butloneliness suddenly makes Wilbur be familiar with Charlotte and surprisingly hefound that this spider is extraordinary warmhearted。

What impressed us deeply is the words xxxYou never die, I’ll save you!xxxbyCharlotte when Wilbur was wailing xxxI don’t wanna die! I don’t!xxx To fulfill herpromise, Charlotte devoted all her lifetime and asked no rewards, until themoment she died。

Such kind of friendship is pure and clean, Only leaving the selfless loveand pure kindness。 When this sort of emotion has already been lacked seriouslyin contemporary society, this story undoubtedly moves the readers。 Maybe everyreader envies that Charlotte has a Wilbur, and Wilbur has a Charlotte。

The word xxxGoodbyexxx has already gone with the wind, acpanied by her silk,only leaving a Charlotte’s web in everyone’s heart。

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十二篇

(一)AnIngenious Love Letter

There once lived a lad who was deeply in love with a girl, but disliked by the girl’s father, who didn’t want to see any further development of their love. The lad was eager to write to the girl, yet he was quite sure that the father would read it first. So he wrote such a letter to the girl:

My love for you I once expressed

no longer lasts, instead, my distaste for you

is growing with each passing day. Next time I see you,

I even won’t like that look yours.

I’ll do nothing but

look away from you. You can never expect I’ll

marry you. The last chat we had

was so dull and dry that you shouldn’t think it made me eager to see you again.

If we get married, I firmly believe I’ll

live a hard life, I can never

live happily with you, I’ll devote myself

but not

to you. No one else is more

harsh and selfish and least

solicitous and considerate than you.

I sincerely want to let you know

what I said is true. Please do me a favor by

ending our relations and refrain from

writing me a reply. Your letter is always full of

things which displease me. You have no

sincere care for me. So long! Please believe

I don’t love you any longer. Don’t think

I still have a love of you!

Having read the letter, the father felt relieved and gave it to his daughter with a light heart. The girl also felt quite pleased after she read it carefully, her lad still had a deep love for her. Do you know why? In fact, she felt very sad when she read the letter for the first time. But she read it for a few more times and , at last, she found the key – only every other line should be read, that is the first line, the third, the fifth … and so on to the end.

(二)AnEmpty Box

Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family’s only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.

Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, xxxThis is for you, Daddy!xxx

As he opened the box, the father was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction.

But when he opened it, he found it was empty and again his anger flared. xxxDon’t you know, young lady, xxx he said harshly, xxxwhen you give someone a present there’s supposed to be something inside the package!xxx

The little girl looked up at him with tears rolling from her eyes and said: xxxDaddy, it’s not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full.xxx

The father was crushed. He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.

An accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is told that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God.

There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.

(三)Happiness Equateswith Fun?

I live in Hollywood. You may think people in such a glamorous, fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.

Many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun. The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more abiding emotion.

Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. These rich, beautiful inpiduals have constant access to glamorous parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells xxxhappinessxxx.

But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, profound loneliness.

The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equates happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness. But, in fact, the opposite is true: More times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

As a result, many people avoid the very endeavors that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment, civic or charitable work, and self-improvement.

(四)Today is a Gift

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room‘s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end.

They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn‘t hear the band – he could see it in his mind‘s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, xxxPerhaps he just wanted to encourage you.xxx

(五)Is Packing Important to You?

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man’s name embossed in gold.

Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, xxxWith all your money you give me a Bible?xxx He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father’s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.

With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer’s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… xxxPAID IN FULLxxx.

How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Sometimes we don’t realize the good fortune we have or we could have because we expect xxxthe packagingxxx to be different. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.

(六)The Baby Eagle

Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying about enjoying their lives.

The baby eagle liked the nest. It was the only world he had ever known. It was warm and comfortable, had a great view, and even better, he had all the food and love and attention that a great mother eagle could provide. Many times each day the mother would swoop down from the sky and land in the nest and feed the baby eagle delicious morsels of food. She was like a god to him, he had no idea where she came from or how she worked her magic.

The baby eagle was hungry all the time, but the mother eagle would always come just in time with the food and love and attention he craved. The baby eagle grew strong. His vision grew very sharp. He felt good all the time.

Until one day, the mother stopped coming to the nest.

The baby eagle was hungry. xxxI’m sure to die,xxx said the baby eagle, all the time.

xxxVery soon, death is coming,xxx he cried, with tears streaming down his face. Over and over. But there was no one there to hear him.

Then one day the mother eagle appeared at the top of the mountain cliff, with a big bowl of delicious food and she looked down at her baby. The baby looked up at the mother and cried xxxWhy did you abandon me? I’m going to die any minute. How could you do this to me?xxx

The mother said, xxxHere is some very tasty and nourishing food, all you have to do is come get it.xxx

xxxCome get it!xxx said the baby, with much anger. xxxHow?xxx

The mother flew away.

The baby cried and cried and cried.

A few days later, xxxI’m going to end it all,xxx he said. xxxI give up. It is time for me to die.xxx

He didn’t know his mother was nearby. She swooped down to the nest with his last meal.

xxxEat this, it’s your last meal,xxx she said.

The baby cried, but he ate and whined and whined about what a bad mother she was.

xxxYou’re a terrible mother,xxx he said. Then she pushed him out of the nest.

He fell.

Head first.

Picked up speed.

Faster and faster.

He screamed. xxxI’m dying I’m dying,xxx he cried. He picked up more speed.

He looked up at his mother. xxxHow could you do this to me?xxx

He looked down.

The ground rushed closer, faster and faster. He could visualize his own death so clearly, coming so soon, and cried and whined and complained. xxxThis isn’t fair!xxx he screamed.

Something strange happens.

The air caught behind his arms and they snapped away from his body, with a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced. He looked down and saw the sky. He wasn’t moving towards the ground anymore, his eyes were pointed up at the sun.

xxxHuh?xxx he said. xxxWhat is going on here!xxx

xxxYou’re flying,xxx his mother said.

xxxThis is fun!xxx laughed the baby eagle, as he soared and ped and swooped.

xxxYes it is!xxx said the mother.

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十三篇

Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London. The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十四篇


Make sure your love is unconditional. Make sure you love people in all kinds of xxxweatherxxx. Or else what is the use if we love a person only when he is good or she is nice? When I need the people most that’s when they leave me. All the time. So please, I hope you won’t be like that. We always have to consider the other party, your companion’s situation and mood. Maybe he’s in difficulty right now. That’s why his mood is not so sweet.

Maybe she has so much work to do and so many headaches, so she cannot be so darling like usual. That time is the time when we need to show our most noble quality, the way we want ourselves to be.

It’s not that if you are sweet to that person then he will love you more. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t. But that is not the point to be good and to be noble. To be good, to be noble is for ourselves because we choose to be that way, we want to keep being that way, and we feel good about it. It’s not because, xxxOkay, now he needs me more. If I show more sympathy, then our love will be strongerxxx; It’s not even to be considered.

But most of the time we fail the test. When people are in most difficulty, we just leave them, or we are cold and indifferent. xxxOh, you’re not nice to me. All right, all right.xxx;xxxYou’ll come and need me soon.xxx; Of course they will. When they’re in a better mood, when everything goes better, of course they’ll come around. But then it’s too late. Then it is not love anymore. It’s just a need for each other. That’s different, because you are used to each other and you need each other sometimes out of habit, out of convenience, out of financial security reasons — anything. But it’s not true love.

True Love Always Prevails

True love is we stick together in xxxthick and thinxxx;. Especially when it’s thin, when it’s troublesome. Then we should really bridge over the xxxtroubled waterxxx. That’s what they say in English. But most of us fail the test, to ourselves, not to our partners. He might leave you, he might stay with you, because you’re nice or not nice. But you fail yourself. You leave yourself. You leave the most noble being that you really are. So we should check up on this to our family members or whomever that is beloved and dear to us. Most of the time in critical situations, we just turn our backs and that is no good.

Of course we have our anger, our frustrations, because our partners are not as loving as usual, or whomever that is; but he or she is in a different situation. At that time, she or he is in mental suffering. It’s just as bad or even worse than physical suffering. Physical suffering you can take a pill or you can have an injection and it stops or at least temporarily stops, and you feel the effect right away; or at least if people are in physical suffering, everyone sympathizes with them.

But when they are in mental anguish, and we pound them more on that, and we turn our backs and become cold and indifferent, that is even more cruel, even worse. That person will be swimming alone in suffering. And especially they trust us as the next of kin, the next person, the one that they think they can rely on in times of need; and then at that time, we just turn around and are snobbish, because they didn’t treat us nice so we just want to revenge. That’s not the time. You can revenge later, when he’s in better shape. Just slap him.

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十五篇


Many people often use xxxmental illnessxxx to scold one another。 It isobversely that people always have some social prejudice on the xxxmentalillnessxxx。

In many cases, psychopaths always refuse to be given medication。 No one candeny that it is disbeneficial to them,but the problem is not so simple。We mustrealize that the enforced behavior against the respondent’s will ,such asinjection of mind-altering drugs ,is highly offensive to their dignity andautonomy。 To some sufferers, the word xxxnormalxxx is so boring,they really hatethis,and I have to say that they also own the right to stand on theirdignity!

As a final ment, I should say that no matter how terrible the people maybe, they should be entitled to make decision and there is on doubt thatprejudice should be avoided in society。

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十六篇

As is well known,books teach us to learn life,truth,science and many other useful things.

They increase our knowledge,broaden our minds and strengthen our other words,they are our good teachers and wise friends.

This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.

Reading is a good thing,but we must pay great attention to the choice of books.

It is true that we can derive benefits from good books.

However,bad books will do us more harm than good.

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十七篇

We all known that reading should focus on method, but what methods are good for reading? Firstly, the difficulty of the book you read should be moderate.

Too difficult or too easy are not so good. If you find a book is too difficult to read, just put it aside and find an easier one instead.

Secondly, read the books that are beneficial for you, which can help you in your career as well as in life.

Thirdly, for those simple books or those without deep meanings, you can scan over them, but for those meaningful and beneficial, you should read them intensively and remember to take notes.

Finally, dont be shy to ask questions, because anyone could be your teacher. These approaches are general ones and each of you should have your own reading methods that make your reading fruitful.

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十八篇














英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第十九篇








英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第二十篇

Most people usually traveled by ship and train which are driven by steam engine. It played an important part in many kinds of vehicles several scores of years ago. Who invented steam engine and what units could be used to measure the power of engine?

The word “horse-power” was first used two hundred years ago. James Watt from a worker‟s family made the world first widely used steam engine. At first, he couldn’t tell people how powerful it was, because there were no units at that time. Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. He named that unit one horse-power. In this way he could measure the work of his steam engine.

He discovered that a horse could lift a 3300-pound weight 10 feet into the air in one minute. His engine could lift a 3300-pound weight 100 feet in one minute. Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horse-power engine.

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第二十一篇























英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第二十二篇

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

The worlds environment is surprisingly healthy. Discuss. If that were an examination topic, most students would tear it apart, offering a long list of plaints: from local smog(烟雾)to global climate change, from the felling(砍伐)of forests to the extinction of species. The list would largely be accurate, the concern legitimate. Yet the students who should be given the highest marks would actually be those who agreed with the statement. The surprise is how good things are, not how bad.

After all, the worlds population has more than tripled during this century, and world output has risen hugely, so you would expect the earth itself to have been affected. Indeed, if people lived, consumed and produced things in the same way as they did in 1900 , the world by now would be a pretty disgusting place: smelly, dirty, toxic and dangerous.

But they dont. The reasons why they dont, and why the environment has not been ruined, have to do with prices, technological innovation, social change and government regulation in response to popular pressure. That is why todays environmental problems in the poor countries ought, in principle, to be solvable.

Raw materials have not run out, and show no sign of doing so. Logically, one day they must: the planet is a finite place. Yet it is also very big, and man is very ingenious. What has happened is that every time a material seems to be running short, the price has risen and, in response, people have looked for new sources of supply, tried to find ways to use less of the materials, or looked for a new substitute. For this reason prices for energy and for minerals have fallen in real terms during the century. The same is true for food. Prices fluctuate, in response to harvests, natural disasters and political instability; and when they rise, it takes some time before new sources of supply bee available. But they always do, assisted by new farming and crop technology. The long-term trend has been downwards.

英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第二十三篇


英语阅读分享怎么写范文 第二十四篇

Most of us know about the Nobel Prize, especially the Nobel Peace Prize, but few of us know anything about the man who set them up. His name was Alfred Nobel. He was a great scientist and inventor himself. Besides, he had a big business. His business may surprise you. He made and sold explosives. His companies even made and sold weapons. Isn’t this something that surprises you? The man who made money from weapons should set up the Peace Prize?

Though Alfred Nobel had a lot of money from weapons, he hated war. He hoped that there would be no war in the world. He was one of the richest in Europe. When he died in 1896, he left behind him a lot of money and his famous will. According to his will, most of his money was placed in a fund. He wanted the interest from the fund to be used as prizes every year. We know them as the Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Prizes are international. Alfred Nobel wanted the winners to be chosen for their work, not the country they came from.

Alfred Nobel had given his whole life to his studies and work and to the benefits of mankind. He made money all by his own efforts, but he left the world share his wealth. His inventions and wealth stay with the world for ever.