
卖家询盘英文范文 第1篇

如果是英文的,建议你看看书本:外贸函电 中英文版的。


但作为交易磋商的起点,商业习惯上,收到询盘的一方应迅速作出答复。 (1)买方询盘 是买方主动发出的向国外厂商询购所需货物的函电。

在实际业务中,询盘一般多由买方向卖方发出。买方询盘如: 请电告灰鸭绒最低价。

请发盘50公吨特浅琥珀蜂蜜。 买方询盘过程中应注意的问题是: ①对多数大路货商品,应同时向不同地区、国家和厂商分别询盘,以了解国际市场行情,争取最佳贸易条件 ②对规格复杂或项目繁多的商品,不仅要询问价格,而且要求对方告之详细规格、数量等,以免往返磋商、浪费时间。

③询盘对发出人虽无法律约束力,但要尽量避免询盘而无购买诚意的做法,否则容易丧失信誉。 ④对垄断性较强的商品,应提出较多品种,要求对方一一报价,以防对方趁机抬价。

(2)卖方询盘 是卖方向买方发出的征询其购买意见的函电。如: 可供中国东北大豆,请递盘。


卖家询盘英文范文 第2篇

Dear Sirs,

We have your name and address from the Commercial Office Chinese Embassy in Britain. We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to set up friendly business relations with you.

We are a state-owned company dealing specially with the products of chemical industry. We are in a position to order products according to the customer’s needs. Chinese products of chemical industry are very popular in Europe. We would like to work with you to market them in Britain.

In order to know a general idea of your products, you will send us your price list and sample as soon as you receive our letter.

We are looking forward to you early reply.

Yours faithfully.

卖家询盘英文范文 第3篇

Dear Mr. XXX,

We learn from ABC Co. ltd., New York that you are a leading exporter in your country. We are, at present, very much interested in importing your goods and would appreciate your sending us catalogue, sample books or even samples if possible.

Please give us detailed information on CIF Guangzhou prices, discounts, and terms of payment.

Should there be any items new to the . market, kindly let us know and send samples if available.

We hope this will be a good start for a long and profitable business relation, and we assure you of our close attention to your offers.


卖家询盘英文范文 第4篇





保罗?约翰逊 谨上



Dear Sirs:

** We know your site search is a big exporter of various toys, such as electric toys, inflatable toys, plush toys. We are in the region is a major distributor of toys.

We are now looking for a source suppliers as our long-term partner. We would like to request you to send us a copy of your product catalog with the price of one single or

卖家询盘英文范文 第5篇

1. 文体介绍

在对外贸易中, 询盘 ,也叫询价(inquiry或enquiry)是买方或买方对于所要购买或出售的商品向另一方作出的询问。 询盘 是交易的起点,可以分为:

普通 询盘 (a general inquiry):索取普通资料, 诸如:目录(a catalogue)、价目表或报价单(a price-list or quotation sheets)、样品(a sample)、图片(illustrated photo prints)等。

具体询盘(a specific inquiry): 具体询问商品名称(the name of the commodity)、规格(the specifications)、数量(the quantity)、单价(the unit price FOB … CIF …),装船期(the time of shipment)、付款方式(the terms of payment)等。

询盘一般多为买方向卖方发出,买方通过询盘信,简明扼要的向卖方了解一般的商品信息。利用E-mail 写询盘信,无须写的过分客气,只需具体、简洁、措词得体。有的询盘信开门见山,直截了当说明订购打算,希望对方给予一定优惠条件;有的询盘信则以征询信息的方式,不许下订货诺言,以避免结果未订购可能形成的日后交易中的障碍 。

卖家询盘英文范文 第6篇


Hello, Yocoss company, what’s can I do for you?



Hello,I find your company in Alibaba, and I want to buy one sample of the sensor tap, what’s the price of the model C721B?

你好,我在阿里巴巴上看到你们的公司,我想买一个感应龙头的样板,请问型号是C721B的价格是什么呢? Sales:

Ok, the price is USD100 of that model, and also I’d like to send some details of this model to you, may I have your email?

是的,这个型号是100美金,我想发一些关于这个型号的详细资料给你,你能告诉我你的邮箱吗? Jane:

All we get down to the price now?

卖家询盘英文范文 第7篇

Dear sirs,

From our partner John&Son Co we know you are one of the largest experter of Handicraft in China,and we are interest in your products,especially interest in your product of

Embroidered we hope you can send your Catalogue and latest price list to us as soon as possible,Looking forward to your return.

Thank you,

Yours sincely

Kenneth King

卖家询盘英文范文 第8篇

Dear Mr. XXX,

You are recommended to us by Bank of China in New York that you are one of the leading sportswear dealers. Right now, we are particularly interested in importing various ranges of sportswear.

We are large dealers in textiles here and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced sportswear.

It would be helpful if you could send us your latest catalogue and price list. If the quality of the goods comes up to our expectation and the delivery date is acceptable, we can probably let you have regular orders.

We are looking forward to your earliest reply.


Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.


As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive.


Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous.


Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases.


Enquiries are dwindling.


Enquiries are dried up.


They promised to transfer their future enquiries to Chinese Corporations.


Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers.


Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation.


We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.


In the import and export business, we often make inquiries at foreign suppliers.


To make an inquiry about our oranges, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit.


We cannot take care of your enquiry at present.


Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.


Now that we’ve already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible?


China National Silk Corporation received the inquiry sheet sent by a British company.


Thank you for your inquiry.


卖家询盘英文范文 第9篇


? 贸易中常用的“ 询盘 ” 英语

询盘 的提出

我们已向该公司提出询价( 询盘 )。

We addressed our inquiry to the firm.

对该公司的询价信, 我们已经回复。

We answered the inquiry received from the firm.

我公司已收到, 该公司关于这类商品的询盘。

We have an inquiry for the goods received from the firm.


We invited inquiries for the goods from the customers.


Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you. 如能得到贵方特殊的询价, 则甚为感谢。

We shall be glad to have your specific inquiry.

敬请惠寄报价单和样品可否? 请酌。

卖家询盘英文范文 第10篇

Dear Ms Zhang,

I know your company from our partners: John&Son Co, I am interested in your item of embroidered tablecloth.

Please send me your catolog and your price with the following information.

(item number, size, color, carton size, number of items per carton, cbm, MOQ.)

Thank you~

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


卖家询盘英文范文 第11篇



Hope all is well at (buyer’s company), I wanted to get in touch with you to see if there maybe any opportunities for my company to work with (buyer’s company), I took the position of .(职位) of Sales for *** company. I left MAT and I had an opportunity to make Sawdust again and have a great company to make things happen.

*** company is a Manufacturer of ***产品 for over 30 years our factory is located in **city China. We are an . manufacturer who is vertically intergraded from owning our foundry to the finished product. We have supplied products to Delta, Jet, Grizzly, Sears “Craftsman”, Grainger, and Hitachi and continue to do so. Hopefully we can help you to enhance your woodworking tool offering.

We have an Office and showroom located in Mundelein, Illinois and have a warehouse at this location as well as in Joliet, Illinois .

I hope that we may be able to get together soon, I know that we can provide you with a high quality and innovative products that will keep you competitive in this market. I have a attached our Company information for your review, if you could let me know when your schedule may be open for a meeting so that we may be able go into more detail how we can best supply your needs.

I look forward to hearing back from you and look forward to getting together soon.


卖家询盘英文范文 第12篇

Subjet:Quotation of cotton textileDear Sir or madam,We are……(贵司的名称),we are very interested in you cotton textile ,please quote me FOB price,From (你所在港口)to Lodon .And please kindly tell me more details about the discount and time of delivery .re:Can offer you from stock ,quote FOB price in 40m @ £ in 30m @ £ If the total over £ 20,000,we can give you 5% quantity discount .Payment:Confirmer of the irrevocable letter of credit payment。

卖家询盘英文范文 第13篇



我们是最大的家具进口商之一,现对转椅(Swivel Chairs)感兴趣。






John Smith


Orient Trading Co. Vancouver, Canada

May 10,2010

Beijing Great Wall Imp.& Exp. Corp.

Dear Sirs,

Re: Swivel Chairs

We are one of the largest importers of furniture. At present we are interested in Swivel Chairs and would appreciate your giving us the lowest price CIF Vancouver, the earliest time of delivery and quantities available. Please also send us two catalogues if available. If your price is reasonable, we will place a large order.

卖家询盘英文范文 第14篇

Subject: Enquiry

Dear Sir,

We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.

We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us.

We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.

卖家询盘英文范文 第15篇

机械类 询盘 范文Enquiry for Dyeing Machines


We learn from your letter of July 2 that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of textile machines. As there is a demand here for

high-quality dyeing machines, we will appreciate your sending us a copy of your illustrated catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. Kindest regards.

Yours truly,



We warmly welcome your enquiry of July 15 and thank you for your interest in our dyeing machines.

We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and pricelist giving the details you ask for. As for the payment terms we usually require confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight.

卖家询盘英文范文 第16篇

Dear Sir,

We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.

We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us.

We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.

We look forward to hearing from you by return E-mail.

