

106. What will your main problem be when studying abroad? ( 5 – 8 )

106. What problems do you think you will have to face abroad? ( 5 – 8 )

That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the differences in the cultures will be a shock to me. I have heard that it is called the ‘culture shock’. For example, the people, language, food, and even the weather will be completely different from what I am used to.

107. How will you overcome problems abroad? ( 5 – 8 )

That’s a good question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I hope I will get some help from my fellow students. For example, the person who I am sharing my room with is studying the same major as me. I am sure we will be able to tackle some problems together.

108. What kind of differences in culture do you expect abroad? ( 5 – 8 )

That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the food will be different. For example, I don’t think I will be able to find dumplings on the menu. Secondly, many of the customs will be strange to me. To be more specific, in the west there are other festivals that are important to the local people. I would have to study the history behind these festivals in order to understand why they are important there.

109. What places would you like to see in the country you are going to? ( 5 – 8 )

That’s an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all I would not be visiting to much in the beginning. I will be concentrating on my studies. Later, However, I would like to visit as many of the cities as possible. For example, those cities, which have many historical places.

110. Do you want to immigrate? Why? ( 5 – 8 )

Yes, I want to immigrate. As to the reasons why I would want to immigrate, I feel I have a better future in a foreign country. For example, there are many countries in the world that are not as heavily overpopulated as China.

111. What will you do should you become ill abroad? ( 5 – 8 )

That’s an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: The most obvious answer I suppose is that I will go and see a doctor to find out exactly what is wrong with me.

112. What do you know about the country you are going to? ( 5 – 8 )

I’m afraid at the present moment I don’t know much about the country. I will have to do some reading about it before I leave. Firstly, I would like to know more about the culture of the people. For example, what do they eat, what they do in their free time, and so on.


There are several advertisements that we see in TV daily and some of them are very boring and others are average while some are very interesting and creative. One such advertisement that I really liked was regarding the unmatched contributions of mothers for their kids which I saw few months back. The advertisement was broadcasted for the ‘Mother’s Day’ and it was not for any product. The ministry of child & mother care of health department was the sponsor of this ad and I saw it 3-4 days before the last ‘Mother’s Day’.

This ad was a very creative one and it was not like the most other ads that publicize the advertize their products. Rather it was an advertisement dedicated to the mothers and it reminded us that the toughest job of the world is the job done by mothers. They take care of their kids with the utmost care and dedication. They sacrifice their own wished and will to properly bring up the kids.

I saw this ad in the (…say a channel name..) UR TV channel. This was a creative ad that effectively delivered the message it intended to. It has shown some successful person in the history at the end and before that it showed how mothers are taking care and inspiring their kids to do good things and in the end it shows the tribute to the mothers of the world for their valuable and second to none contribution.


117. What public transport is available in your hometown? ( 5 – 8 )

There is a wide variety of transportation available in my hometown. For instance, busses follow routes all over the city. Secondly, taxis are usually available whenever you are in need of one. Of course they are more expensive than the busses, but then they are much faster and more comfortable. Lastly, there are the minibus taxis, but they are not to be recommended as they are known to drive recklessly.

118. What type of public transport do you prefer? ( 5 – 8 )

That’s an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I would say that I prefer to travel by bus. It is convenient, comfortable, and safe. For example, there is a bus stop right in front of my hostel, from where I can travel to any destination in the city. Some people might not think that it is all that comfortable, but I don’t mind standing all the way. I don’t think anybody will disagree that it is a very safe way of traveling. I still have to see a bus involved in a serious accident in Shenyang.

119. What can be done by the authorities to encourage people to use public transport more? ( 5 – 8 )

Firstly, I believe the tariffs can be lowered. For example, if people got a discount if they bought a monthly ticket, they would use the busses more. Secondly, an advertisement campaign could be launched. To be more specific, the newspapers and TV could be used to show the public the advantages of using public transport. Lastly, I believe that the service provided to the public can be improved. For example, in the rush hours all busses should have conductors. It is a well-known fact that woman, children, and the elderly are at risk of injuries if a bus does not have a conductor in the rush hours.

120. What are the main causes of road accidents in China? ( 5 – 8 )

There are several reasons. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following reasons. Firstly, drunken driving is a great cause of road accidents. For example, a driver cannot judge distances as well when he is drunk as when he is sober. Secondly, speeding often results in accidents. For example, a driver cannot stop his vehicle suddenly when he is speeding. Lastly, bad road conditions cause many accidents. For example, a sharp curve in the road is a hazard at night, and might cause a vehicle to leave the road and overturn.

121. Do you think the government is doing enough to prevent road accidents in China? ( 5 – 8 )

One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that the government and local authorities could spend more money to improve the condition of our roads and highways. For example, we still too often find potholes in our roads. These cause accidents as drivers try to avoid the potholes while driving. In addition, the government could place more advertisements on TV and in the newspapers, and in that way make the country’s drivers more aware of the dangers.


Well, everyday there are new buildings being constructed. No matter in what styles they are built, as long as they are using the modern techniques and modern materials, they are modern buildings. Here, I’d like to talk about the Hangzhou grand theater, a very special modern building. Made of steel and galss, golden in color, it looks like a sun resting on the earth.

Designed by internationally known Canadian architect, Hangzhou Grand Theatre covers 100,000 square meters with a total construction area of 55,000 square meters. It consists of an opera house, a concert hall, a multifunction hall, an open air stage and a culture square.

The silky titanium roof symbolizes the pearl; the slant surface made of the double curved glass curtain wall represents the moon; a pool of over 6000 square meters in front of Hangzhou Grand Theatre stands for the beautiful West Lake.

Located in the center of the building and looking like a U shape, the Opera House has altogether 1600 seats with red color as its basic tune. Designed as a classical shoe box, the concert hall has totally 600 seats with blue color as its basic tune. Breaking through the traditional mode, with 400 seats, lifts and chairs that can be turned up and down, the Multifunction Hall can achieve the flexibility of space arrangement according to specific requirements.

With the performing stage surrounded by the seats, and the whole stage surrounded by a water-pool with a total accommodation of 1000 people, the Open Air Stage imitated ancient Roman classical style of architecture.

Hangzhou grand theater is really a modern building, and a very special one.


1. Opinion – What do you think about ‘this’? Remember to say why you think that way and give examples.

2. Evaluate – What do you think about someone else’s opinion?

3. Future – What do you think will happen in the future?

4. Cause and effect – What caused ‘this’ and/or what effects ‘it’ had?

5. Hypothetical – Talk about imaginary or unreal situations.

6. Compare and contrast – Talk about the difference and/or similarities between two things.

7. Past – How were things different in the past and how have they changed?


1. 语言的灵活性: 用自然的方式来表达自己的观点。

2.词汇:考官提出很多中国学生倾向于用些大词希望能帮助提分但是忽略了更重要的一点,即某些高分词汇并不适合他使用的句子或语境。 这样一来,我们要如何展现自己词汇上的积累呢?大家不妨尝试使用不同的词汇去解释。

3. 发音:




谈话中没有明显的错误也是考官看重的一点,这个部分考生要展现自己developing answers的能力,要表现出乐于回答问题而不是拒绝交流的样子。比如通过举例子或者提供原因去拓展回答。


Some people believe that the spread of TV has made families less closer. To what degree do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

As one of the most important inventions of the past century, TV is playing a more and more important role in modern life. However, some people are starting to worry about its negative effects on traditional families. I am convinced that the existence of TV has brought about alienation among family members.

First, watching TV occupies our time to communicate with our families. TV provides a ready means of relaxation for people who spend their days doing routine and busy jobs. As soon as TV enters into our home, most of our free time is controlled by it. What is more, the one-eyed monster requires absolute silence and attention. If any member dares to open his mouth, the others order him to shut up immediately. Therefore we communicate less with our family members.

Furthermore, families often quarrel over what programs they should watch. Thanks to hardworking TV workers, we enjoy more TV channels and more colorful TV programs. But a question has arisen: it is difficult for families to choose a common channel because they have different interests. It is inevitable to given rise to quarrel among them.

In addition, poor-quality TV programs can have severe effects on people’s mood and behavior. For instance, a person who watches too many idealized programs may become unrealistic. In addition, unhealthy programs which contain obscene and violent contents may cause people’s curiosity.

In conclusion, I think that TV indeed has led to alienation among family members. We should be aware about the problem. Something should be done as soon as possible to protect the families from the negative effects of television. For example, we should reduce the time spent in front of the little screen and spend more time with our families together.


Give me some opinion on the transportation in your city?

In my opinion, one of the biggest problems of transportation is traffic jams in Anyang city. It has become common to see passengers and drivers having to wait in long lines of buses and cars moving at a snail’s pace on the streets during the rush hours. There are several reasons for this problem. First, the number of vehicles is increasing much more rapidly than the building of roads. Second, there seem to be too many private cars and not enough public buses. Third, many people, including drivers, pedestrians and cyclists do not obey traffic rules properly, especially at busy intersections.

In my opinion, one of the biggest problems of transportation is traffic jams in Anyang city. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. On the one hand, the government should invest more money in the building of new roads and the repairing and maintenance of old ones, particularly those in busy areas of the cities. On the other hand, the number of private cars in urban areas should be limited while the number of public buses should be increased. At the same time, it is essential that stricter traffic rules and regulations be issued to strengthen traffic control.

1) Compare the different transportation, such as between plane, train and car.

Drive car to travel is convenient because we can set out at any time. But it is too slow and it may spend us much more time. Plane ticket is more expensive. So, I think train is the best transportation for me.

2) Can you just image the transportation in the future and describe it for me?

In the future, the speed of car, train and plane will be faster. And, the transportation will be easier and convenient.

3) Just compare the transportation in the past and now? What transportation do you like and why?

Nowadays, we have more choice on the transportation than the past. Such as tube, plane etc, even though in the small city. I like tube, because tube is safety and tube ticket is cheap.


Reading and children

What kinds of book are most popular with children in your country? Why do you think that is?

I think the most popular kind of books with children in China is comics. Statistics and my person experience with children bring me to this conclusion. First of all, if you bother to check the top sellers in terms of books, you will find comics for children permanent residents in those lists. As a comparison, those books telling fairytales and legends seem a little weak in terms of effect on children. Also, whenever I find some children gazing at their smart phone or tablets or reading a paper back book, they are mostly reading comics. It has become a great challenge to find kids focusing on words instead of pictures. Based on these two evidences, I believe comics are most children’s favorite in China.

Why do you think some children do not read books very often?

Well, for this issue, I think the shift of lifestyle is first and foremost to blame. In the online era, we, no matter adults or children have tens of alternatives to do in our spare time and reading a book is one of the most attention-intense among them. Why not go surf the Internet using your smart phone or tablet for some easy-to-understand stuff with beautiful pictures explaining everything to you, or some other rich media requiring no literacy. We grownups still struggle to escape from such grasp, needless to say the children.

How do you think children can be encouraged to read more?

Before we dive into the question, I think I need to make it clear that the children today have been reading far more than we expect. Read Weibo posts, WeChat messages, endless news feeds and many other kinds of media. They are avid readers that older people cannot match with. What grownups are trying to do in this scenario is to shift their focus of reading from those “light” material back to some old-school, serious and provoking thoughts created by real thinkers. Upon this problem I hold a pessimistic opinion. What we can hope for is nothing but luck which can bring a few on them to what grownups want them to read.

Reading for different purposes

Are there any occasions when reading at speed is a useful skill to have? What are they?

Yes indeed. Based on my own experience as a university student, reading at speed can save me from piles of papers to finish before a near deadline. Suppose a student needs to finish reading three or even more papers of more than one hundred pages and write a report about the issue discussed in them, and even worse, the deadline is two days from now. In this case, reading at speed is quite comforting. Another occasion where reading at speed is extremely helpful is to do a presentation about an unfamiliar topic in a short time. If the presenter can read fast enough and memorize what he or she has read about, the presentation can be fully equipped with knowledge though it may be not logically organized in some ways, but at least the audience can have something to digest. This looks very much like a cheat but turns out to be useful.

Are there any jobs where people need to read a lot? What are they?

Yes, definitely. For instance, journalist, novelist or any other kinds of jobs involving writing requires a great amount of reading. These jobs are basically about output, which means to take in information and process it into different forms for more people’s better understanding of the issue. In this situation, reading as a crucial source of gathering information is indispensable. Without adequate input, the output will be dry in all ways so that the jobs calling for detailed information will be total failures.

Do you think that reading novels is more interesting than reading factual books? Why is that?

Yes I do. As an avid reader of novels, I always have a preference for books with an intense plot to those with merely knowledge or information. Generally speaking, I believe all kinds of books are written to communicate certain knowledge to their readers but the knowledge are packed in different covers. Some are embedded in a story, which is what novels do with the knowledge, and some are delivered within a series of experiments and assumptions, which is how factual books are organized. The preference for novels is parallel to the fondness of junk food instead of the tasteless fibers and protein capsulated inside colorful pills. What matters to a person’s taste for books is heavily influenced by the way the information is communicated. That is how I look at the preference for novels to factual books.


I want to talk about one of my playmates in my childhood. Her name is Su. She’s very beautiful. She had long black hair and big eyes. She looked like a Barbie doll.

However her personality was very different from her appearance. I like her because of her strong personality and her kindness to others. She never cried even when she hurt her knees badly and would always help and comfort others just like a big sister.

I always knew she’s a strong girl, but later I realized that she’s stronger than I thought. When we were in primary school, one day, my teacher asked her out and told her that her father died in a car accident. She came back to our classroom to get her school bag without crying. When I went to her home to ensure she was ok, I saw her comforting her mother. She was like an adult, still without crying.

Later she went to Canada and we haven’t seen each other for about five years. I can still her beautiful appearance and her strong personality. When I feel discouraged, I will always remember her and I can become strong because of her influence.


I’d like to talk about the experience I had on a plane when I was travelling to Hainan, which is the southernmost part of China. It was a long flight that lasted for almost 5 hours. I felt really bored when I was on the plane, but we all know that we are not allowed to use the phone when we are up there, not even if the phone is on flight mode. Luckily I got a window seat, so I could look out of the window and admire the views from time to time. However, the view could become less appealing when you spent hours looking at it. The only thing I could do is to read the magazines they offered on the plane, but I’m a fast reader, it only took me half an hour to finish the whole magazine, and I have to say, it was not entertaining at all. And it made me kind of sleepy, so I just fell asleep. When I woke up, I found out it would still take an hour before we could land. So… well, I’m not proud of what I did next, but I was bored to death. So despite the rule, I took out my phone, and started to play video games. Unfortunately, one of the flight attendants noticed what I was doing, and she stopped me immediately. She asked me politely to turn off my phone. So I went back to my nap, ‘cause there was nothing else left for me to do.

Although it was a 5-hour journey, I felt as if it took me a whole day. I just can’t imagine how I survived the long flight without my phone.


Well, in general, playing sports gives us physical fitness and psychological enjoyment. Sports help people to become stronger and healthier. Activities increase the heart rate, which will lead to several hours ofalertness. Thus, people become energetic and can improve their working efficiency. Moreover, a regular exercise routine can make fatigue problems disappear.


Describe an old person you know who you admire.

You should say:

who this person is

how you know this person

what kind of person he or she is

and explain why you admire this person.

One elderly person whom I admire very much is my grandmother. My grandmother is getting on a bit now. She’s nearly 80 years old but still has the energy of a woman half her age. Her husband passed away a few years ago, so it’s good to know that she keeps active and sociable with her walking club friends. I know she looks forward to those occasions when we can be together and enjoy being a family.

I admire my grandmother mainly because of her inner-strength. It must be tough to carry on after having lost the husband for over forty years. She radiates cheerfulness and optimism whenever I’m with her, and I find this attitude so inspiring. She doesn’t let anything get her down and I hope that I can live my life with the same gusto.

I’ve learnt many things from my grandmother, she is my source of inspiration.